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  1. J

    Pure Strength

    YES! That is how I was finally able to do pushups. We have to do them in my martial arts class, and about a year and a half ago the isntructors said once you get your red belt (which I have now) you can no longer use your knees for pushups. I figured I had a year and a half to work on it so I...
  2. J

    Cathe - You're great!

    RE: I second that! ME TOO! I always used to exercise for aesthetics. Then I started taking martial arts classes for self defense, found Cathe in my search to become stronger for it (lets just say when I started tae kwon do, if I kicked a punching bag the bag would stay steady, and I would fall...
  3. J

    My toddler loves Cathe, too

    Muscles, ha ha! That is so cute!
  4. J

    Abs and Nausea

    Also if I might add from personal experience, try mixing some 100% fruit juice into the water to spike your blood sugar a bit as well as hydrating you. That helps me get over the nausea and finish my workout. Sometimes sitting down and drinking the water/juice helps me. Ok so my heart rate goes...
  5. J

    Men are hilarious!.....

    Isn't that JUST like a man? Armchair critics. I'm sure the ones who laugh the loudest would be the first to pass out doing Cathe.
  6. J

    Circuit Max kicked my butt!

    I could never get through the whole thing until after I finished my S&H rotation - I don't know why, but it was after that. Now I can do the whole thing, although I'm VERY pooped at the end of it AND because of hip problems and a chronically pulled inner thigh muscle, I don't do the squats, just...
  7. J

    Got caught "showing off"

    I have to laugh, because I lived in Holland for a few years and in the very beginning took a few aerobics classes in Dutch (which is very similar to German actually) and had the same challenge of having to be one step behind everyone because I didn't speak the language. I remember I learned a...
  8. J

    cathe shirt - slogan idea

    How about 'You're gonna make it!!' Every time she says that, I've usually just about given up and I always pull myself together and do the rest! Jill
  9. J

    Lowering step height

    Hi, I use a 4 inch step too, every once in a while I'll do 6 but I always find that I'm having to really watch that I don't trip. So in the interest of not breaking any bones, I just stay at 4, and I've seen great results. I figure its like what Cathe always says 'Whatever works for YOU!' Jill
  10. J

    I lost inches by focusing on weights, not cardio!

    Hi, I have had the same results, only I did it on purpose. After reading many posts about more weights/less cardio for certain body types I started S&H and less cardio and within about 2 or 3 weeks I noticed a MAJOR difference. Its changed the way I exercise now. Now I do shorter cardio 3...
  11. J

    Advice for curvy girls...

    WOW!!! I'm not a curvy girl, just a slow day at work, but wow did you transform yourself! Good for you! Jill
  12. J

    Hey Cathe Fans...

    I second that, those workouts have the best music!!
  13. J

    Favorite Sayings or Quotes?

    This one is related to martial arts training, but it applies to life as well. I don't know who said it: "Cry in the dojo, laugh on the battlefield"
  14. J

    Favorite Sayings or Quotes?

    LAST EDITED ON Aug-27-02 AT 12:14PM (Est)[p]never mind - I thought i knew where that last quote was from but I was wrong.
  15. J

    BODY MAX/music & cathe's new tapes

    'Cathe' and 'Boot Camp' in the same sentance scares me, but I can't wait to try it either!
  16. J

    cathe shirts?

    oh my gosh I'd totally buy a shirt! I love 'I survived IMAX'!
  17. J

    Rhythmic step

    I love RS too, it was my first step tape. I'm still learning things on it. I get excited about doing it! Whoo hooo Rhythmic Step! By the way Gettingfit, I love that quote on the bottom of your posts, I printed it out and taped it on my computer monitor at work for inspiration a few months ago...
  18. J

    ? for nutritionist/ PT's/ or just knowledgeable...

    Hi Donna, Also none of the above, but I had to respond because I had the same thought today. Two of my coworkers are very thin girls, and they RARELY workout. one is a total chocolate monster, and she always looks good. Not fair! She said things are different without her clothes, but still, the...
  19. J


    Hi Janice, I'm bumping this back up because I finally started to see a chiropractor and it turns out I have scoliosis in my lower back and that my TIGHT hips are a secondary problem because of the scoliosis and a misalignment of my hips. Anyway, its only been 3 weeks but A LOT of my pinching...
  20. J

    Slow & Heavy question

    I just got super results from 3 weeks on S&H and the heaviest dumbell I used was a 10lb. Mostly I used 5 and 8 lbs Just challenge yourself and you'll see results!