Got caught "showing off"


I just got back from a neighborhood aerobics class I'm taking along with my 19 yo daughter. What fun to see how well my videos have prepared me for anything the instructor throws at us. But my daughter and and I have a special challenge in this class--the class is in German and we don't speak much German (we live here courtesy of the military and I tried studying the language but the grammar just slayed me). We just figured we would just watch and copy everyone else and for the most part it's working. Occasionally we run into trouble, like the first week when we were jogging in circles around the room and the teacher yells out "ruckwarts" (which I soon learned means backwards) and all of the sudden all these backs are running straight at me. Today she had us in a prone plank position with one leg lifted and we went from there into push-ups. So I'm going up and down, up and down and shortly I hear my daughter whispering "show off" at me--turns out I was the only one still doing the push-ups, all the rest of the class was just sitting there watching me. I have no idea if we were told to stop and I missed it, or if the rest of the class just gave up but I was definitely, inadvertently, the center of attention. The instructor gave me a big smile and said "Super!" (the word works in both languages with minor pronunciation differences). Well, I may not have meant to show off, but I sure did enjoy it ;-) . Hurray for the 45 yo former couch potato! --Karen
Hey, we all work hard enough, we deserve the right to show off! It's great to be in shape, ain't it?
Willie Mays said it best:

"If you can do it it ain't braggin'!"

Rock on, Uber-Chick!

Annette Q. Aquajock
I have to laugh, because I lived in Holland for a few years and in the very beginning took a few aerobics classes in Dutch (which is very similar to German actually) and had the same challenge of having to be one step behind everyone because I didn't speak the language. I remember I learned a few phrases courtesy of that aerobics class. Also that the muscle groups are the same, just a different accent. Biceps sounded like Beeceps, Triceps, Treeceps. I learned how to say 'one more time' in Dutch in that class, and to count to 10. Anyway the whole thing was very amusing!

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