Slow & Heavy question


What kind of results, if any, will I get if I do S&H with lighter weights. The maximum I can lift right now is 7 lbs (two dumbells). (Yes, I'm embarrased.) I was four months without working out and I am starting again. How much time do you think it will take to be able to double my weights?
Mariela, you'll get results when you chose a weight that challenges you. It doesn't matter if it's lighter than Cathe & her crew use. I don't think there's a formula for determining how long it will take to double the amount of wt you use. You will maximize results by eating healthfully, w/ sufficient calories & getting adequate rest.

Enjoy Slow & Heavy.
I just got super results from 3 weeks on S&H and the heaviest dumbell I used was a 10lb. Mostly I used 5 and 8 lbs Just challenge yourself and you'll see results!
Gee I thought I was such a jock but I was using lighter weights than 7 pounds with S&H. My 3rd time around it I am able to go higher, but not much higher than 7 pounds yet. One set of bicep curls at 12!!!!

Use the weights that feel challenging! I use what I think is my heaviest on the first set, when I'm fresh. Then I take it down if I need to on subsequent sets.
And how 'bout those lunges at a slow and heavy pace? The first time I tried it, I couldn't use any weight and I still didn't make it through all of them! Yikes!
Don't worry about how much weight you use; just make sure it is challenging. I only use 3 lb dumbbells in some of the shoulder work and when I started S/H was only going up to 8s. Now I'm using up to 15s and 20s. I did a 4 week S/H series and am now doing a BFL style routine. Both routines really gave me great strength benefits.


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