BODY MAX/music & cathe's new tapes

I just got my bodymax tape in yesterday (it came in really quick, I ordered it last Thursday). And I put it in last night, and this looks like a killer tape, I had just gotten home from aerobics at my gym, so there was no way I could have even attempted it. So tonight Im going to see if I can make it all the way through. It looks like a lot of fun.

Previewing this tape the music wasn't half bad. I was wondering though do any of her tapes use actual aerobic mixes of songs. I think music is so important, and a lot of times a certain song is what will get me through. Sometimes I blare my tapes I make for the gym when Im doing a tape. Anyone's thoughts on music?

So who here is soooo looking forward to cathe's "Military" style tape??? Im sure am!!!!

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