Men are hilarious!.....


I just had to share this with people who would actually understand! :)

I've been trying to get my hubby to workout, even modestly, like just on his days off, for the past year, but NO GO! In his words, "If I can't build my biceps tilting the beer can to my lips, then God didn't mean for me to have em!" (Clearly I just roll my eyes when he says this!) But last night everything changed and I didn't SAY a word!
We were sitting in bed watching the "Law & Order" marathon at 2am and he decided to get a snack. Well, he grabbed a jar of pickled pigs feet (insert full body shudder here!) but couldn't get the lid to budge, and I mean he was straining to twist the lid off! So I very absent mindedly just reached over, took the jar from his hand, and without missing a moment of our tv program, twisted the lid right off! :)
The look on his face was priceless! And I have to admit, I was silently going, "yeah baby!" on the inside!
So this morning, I woke up to do my workout as usual, but guess who reaches in to my video collection and pulls out the video I bought him 6 months ago (Gilad-Interval Training for Men) and goes downstairs to our living room to workout!
I just smiled, but said nothing!

So ladies, want your partner to work out? I guess the key is to emasculate him when he's not expecting it! :)
I don't know how long he'll keep it up, but maybe today was the start of his fitness journey. Keep your fingers crossed for me! :)

Oh my, that's priceless! I smiled and chuckled the whole time I was reading this!


Keta. :D

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That was quite funny Donna. For me it's sad though that it is so deeply humiliating for many men to be upstaged in any way by "a girl". Some deep social programming there.
Toooooooooooo funny-
I can outlast my DH in lunges and he hates it! He also can't do the tall box for step ups. He's determined to get there though.LOL.
Well, at least I'm not alone...But instead of beer biceps, my DH has Coca Cola biceps (and entenmann's triceps, lol)...
YEAH for you!!!!!
I can only ***dream*** for a similar reaction from my beau..
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-05-02 AT 05:55PM (Est)[/font][p]Wow, bet that wounded the ol' male ego, but hey - whatever get's him moving. I can't get my husband to workout. At 40 years of age, he's still as thin as he was in high school, eats sugary junk and fast food all day and thinks he doesn't need to exercise.

Here's another funny one for you. Most of the men I've met think they're God's gift regardless of their physical shape. My boss and I met with a client who runs a small fitness center. My boss is also 40 years old, but is one of those ex-jocks. He was an avid tennis player at one time, but now rarely plays and has a pudge, never works out, eats as much junk as hubby.

While we were waiting on the client, I happened to pick up a men's fitness magazine with a great looking, shirtless guy on the front, smiling and showing great upper body muscle tone. Without thinking, I showed it to boss and said, "Wow! Doesn't that make you feel inadequate?" (Because this is how I feel when I compare myself to a female fitness model) and he smirks and says simply, "No." And he was entirely serious. I think he thinks he still has a shot at a pro tennis career.

Kathy- Entenmann's triceps!! LOL!!!
Donna- great story, especially with the pickled pigs feet. Makes me think of Onslo on "Keeping Up Appearances" if you've ever seen it.
That is so hubby has gained 30 pounds since we married in 1995....he is clearly depressed over it but makes fun of me and my videos...He tells me when i am doing something wrong or different from the video...he refuses to try TaeBo and laughs at me, like he can do it no problem...He was supposed to sign up a friend at Bally's gym, still waiting...mind you, hubby has a lifetime pass which he used uhmmmmm....twice in the last 4 years.....I would zip my mouth and smile if my hubby EVER did a video of mine...and i have
Isn't that JUST like a man? Armchair critics. I'm sure the ones who laugh the loudest would be the first to pass out doing Cathe.
Oh my goodness, you're so right! Wonder what Hyacinth would think of this story, maybe she would just claim it was a case of gout, brought on by too much good living!! :7

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