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  1. J

    all time top three favorites

    Hi! IMAX2 Rhythmic Step Slow & Heavy Jill
  2. J

    New Video Poll

    Hi Cathe! FABULOUS!!!! I love all your ideas. I especially like the Intro to Cathe - you can be an advanced exerciser and NOT know step moves, that was my thing when I started your tapes, I could keep up (relatively speaking) cardiovascularly but had some trouble choreographically at first. I...
  3. J

    I need a new reading list

    Ah Ramona, CLASSICS!
  4. J

    I need a new reading list

    Jayne - funny you should mention Junie B. Jones, my sister teaches a K-1 class and she has been reading these to her students, they love them and SHE loves them! There was even a reference to Oprah in one of them! Jill
  5. J

    I need a new reading list

    Hi Dawn, I also love the Janet Evanovich series, another very funny, very lighthearted series is by Marian Keyes, she is an Irish author, her books for the most part take place in either Dublin or London, they follow a family full of grown daughters. They are very VERY funny. Books are...
  6. J

    Anyone Else Have Trouble with Kicks?

    Hi! Kicking is an art! You have to use your butt and your hip, that will keep your from using your back. Kick low until you have the form down and then you can kick high! Jill
  7. J

    BootCamp.......A Humbling Experience

    Hi! I felt a marked improvement in my core region after doing Boot Camp for a month! Also it totally has helped my endurance for short but intense bursts of energy! Boot Camp is terrific for all around fitness! Jill
  8. J

    Slow and Heavy Series - info please....thank you

    Hi! S&H is my favorite Cathe weight series! It is hard but I get the best results from it. It is a very slow count,for the most part 2 up, 6 down or vice versa. She has you stand at a slight angle so you eliminated any momentum that might be assisting you with the weights. It is all done with...
  9. J

    To all you strong women - Congrats!!!

    I sometimes think my instructors are not made out of flesh and bone, but out of steel and rubber, because how can they be so strong? And why do they like pain so much? Strange breed of men I think (well mine are all men anyway). And the only reason I can SORT OF do the squat thrust climers in...
  10. J

    To all you strong women - Congrats!!!

    Hi Briee! Love your post because I too take TKD and the age/gender range is exactly like yours and I am often in the best shape there (next to the instructor)and all thanks to Cathe! We had to do 400 jumping jacks one day last week, all the kids were panting well into the stretch and I was...
  11. J

    Low sodium diet

    Hi, I think a more sweeping statement, that I have found to be true, is that to cut down on sodium you pretty much have to stop buying mass produced, big name brand products...the woman who mentioned Whole Foods is right, if you compare the sodium levles in an Uncle Ben's rice bowl, to a...
  12. J

    Dr Phil and Weight Loss

    Hi there, I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that Dr. Phil used to be extremely overweight, and that even though he doesn't look like he is in super duper shape, he is compared to what he used to be like. I used to think the same thing you did until someone told me he used to be morbidly...
  13. J

    Upper Body Segment of Body Max

    I LOVE that section, it is so challenging! It's the only chest workout she has where I absolutely can not do the pushups after the bench presses! I was on a Body Max kick before starting the Intensity Series
  14. J

    Intensity Series WORKS!

    Hi Cathe! I just had to post this - I started using Boot Camp, IMAX2 and the PUB workouts in January, I do them on the days I do not have tae kwon do classes, and lately SO MANY people have told me I look like I've lost weight, even my Dad noticed. This morning I was at the chiropractor...
  15. J

    Intensity Series Music

    Gasp! Really??? I am currently OBSESSED with the Intensity Series and a huge part of that is because of the music! Thanks for posting!! Jill
  16. J

    HOLY SMOLEY!!! I am not ready for imax 2!

    Oops sorry not before IMAX2, I did the S&H before the Intensity Series came out, it was usually RS or BM.GOD I think I'd die if I did S&H before IMAX2. However, it was never the leg workout, I always did the arm workouts before. Jill :-)
  17. J

    Bootcamp is the best workout I've ever done

    Me too! All I've been doing since the series came out is Boot Camp, IMAX2 and PUB. Boot Camp I got in VHS form before the DVDs were delivered because I couldn't stand to wait, so I've been doing that for about 2 months now and BOY is it effective! I kind of agree with your secret thought...
  18. J

    Whats your favorite Cathe Cardio!?! :)

    It used to be Rhythmic Step, but I've put that aside for my new obsession with IMAX2...that is ALL I want to do!!:7
  19. J

    HOLY SMOLEY!!! I am not ready for imax 2!

    One more thing to add..for the longest time I could only do Cathe workouts on a 4 inch step, then in my last S&H round, I decided to do a S&H tape first and then about 45 minutes of step after. Usually I do it the other way around. AFter a month of that, when I would just do a cardio only day I...
  20. J

    Jillybean's Post....

    Here is another "me too" - I even had a conversation like that with a friend about a week before Jillybean's post. I find myself freaking out if I only work out 4 days a week, which is RIDICULOUS. I'd start to obsess about not getting to fit in enough Cathe workouts around my tae kwon do...