Bootcamp is the best workout I've ever done


Hi Everyone,

I got my new Intensity Series DVDs last week and decided to try all of them once before I tried to set up a rotation. I have to tell you, Bootcamp is probably the best workout I've ever done. The first time I did it, I only got to do five of the circuits (had to take the little one to basketball practice @ the Y), but it was so great that I did the whole thing again the next day...I just wanted to let Cathe know how much I enjoy it. Don't get me wrong, I like all of the workouts (even though I secretly think that Cathe is trying to kill people with IMAX2 ;). But Bootcamp is the best out of all six of the workouts in the Intensity series.

Thanks Cathe,

I got my Bootcamp tape yesterday. I previewed it and I cant wait until Sunday to do it. I always work out at home on Sunday.

Me too! All I've been doing since the series came out is Boot Camp, IMAX2 and PUB. Boot Camp I got in VHS form before the DVDs were delivered because I couldn't stand to wait, so I've been doing that for about 2 months now and BOY is it effective!

I kind of agree with your secret thought about Cathe trying to kill us with IMAX2 I LOVE it but there are many times where I say out loud "Holy $&*# Cathe!" :eek:
"Holy #$%@ !!!" pretty much sums it up for IMAX2. :p
I haven't done BC yet, just the core portion. The love the Pyramids!!!
I'm in complete agreement with you! I posted a few weeks ago how much I love BC and that it's my favorite workout in the Intensity Series. I think it's refreshing and a great change of pace and I am very challenged by it. I just LOVE it!
I'm glad I'm not the only one. It's hard but I really like doing it. I'm going to try to make myself do IMAX2 more often. This is a big change for me after the firm...they don't move as much or as hard.


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