Intensity Series Music


I wrote to Big Beat Muzic earlier this week about where I could find music by King Junior (the Elvis remakes) and BK Howe (I love the cool down music - especially Inner Peace) and they told me they will be releasing a CD of the Intensity Series music in April.... here's their reply to my question...

Yes, we are currently in the process of releases the first of what we feel will be a fantastic music series featuring the music from Cathe's latest video set.

The first issue is due to be released in April. This music program will be available through Dynamix Music Services.

Once complete & ready to ship, you will be notifed by email, catalog or website update. Thank you for your interest!!

This is indeed fantastic. I'm in desperate need of new music for my classes and I love the intensities soundtracks. I usually order from Dynamix too. Thanks for the info, Gibbee.
Gasp! Really??? I am currently OBSESSED with the Intensity Series and a huge part of that is because of the music!

Thanks for posting!!

I just wonder how many other video instructors are going to start using it? I like most of it, but there are some songs (Buttercup comes to mind) that I don't like, and others ("you want this party started..right?" and "A little less conversation")that are repeated several times throughout the Intensity series. I'm o.k. with that, but I don't want to start hearing them on other videos.
I also love the music! I'm glad to hear this news. I hope someone will post about this here at the forum since I don't ever go to that website and I'm not on any mailing list of theirs.
Hi Jul!

Here is an E-mail I received from them. We will be notified here at Cathe's place when they are available!!!!!


We will be releasing the first audio CD of cathe's music featured in her latest video series in April. This music will be available through Dynamix music.

All of Cathe's clients will be notified once this first audio CD is ready to ship. Thank you for your interest!
End of E-mail! Sooo, we should hear sometime in April!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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