Anyone Else Have Trouble with Kicks?


Am I the only one who has trouble with some kicks?? Especially the back kicks? I do not feel/look as though I'm doing them right at all. That sounds so stupid too. Like, who can't kick??

I just wondered.. I hope I'm not alone. I guess maybe I need to just slow way down and be very careful as to the form?

Should they be somewhat difficult to pick up? I'm feeling a little dorky even asking!

Thanks :)
Me, maybe. I seem to be able to do them only after building up some momentum. I am better at doing back kicks in a row than doing front kick, back kick combos.

And I'm better with front kick-back kick combos than, say, side kick, grape vine, knee smash, front kick.

I don't know why but I was thinking the same thing about myself this morning doing Cardio and weights- I felt a step behind during the short kickboxing segment. It just has one kick. I need at least four kicks in a row to be able to get into a kicking groove!

Yes, I have trouble, especially when I try to look where I am kicking on a back kick. I do a little better when I don't try to kick too high. I also still have trouble trying to figure out the difference between a round house kick and a side kick. -joy
It definitely is a learned skill, so keep trying!

I found that doing back kicks (which at first were rather low), it helped me to think of slamming a door shut behind me with my foot, and to keep the emphasis on the chambering then kicking out, then rechambering.

I think it sometimes helps to start out low and work on form before going for height and losing some control.
Thanks everyone!

I'll just keep working at my form & try to focus & kick with the heel. I kinda like the kick door shut idea too. And squeezing and not arching my back, which I don't know if I do or not..
Hi! Kicking is an art! You have to use your butt and your hip, that will keep your from using your back. Kick low until you have the form down and then you can kick high!


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