To all you strong women - Congrats!!!


I just felt the need to post this as I think sometimes we start comparing ourselves to each other and lose site of the fact that we REALLY ARE pretty darn strong and healthy compared to the general population and "whatever" mix of Cathe's your doing is FAR more than 98% of the rest of the world.

This was made very apparent the other night as I attended my normal Tae Kwon Do class. It's not a huge class, a few men (some dads) and a mix of guys from the ages of 13-20, several of which appear to be in pretty good shape (a couple have that coveted bicep vein and some pretty nice muscle definition....oh the effects of testosterone). I happen to be the only female at the time (with the exception of an 11 year old girl who attends once in a while). Our instructor was in one of his "I'm gonna kick your #### tonight so get set for an intense workout" moods. He proceeded with his usual 100 jumping jacks and throughout the next 1 1/2 hours he threw in pushups every 10-15 minutes which amounted to 240, many on our knuckles and many we held at the bottom before pushing up. He also threw in loads of sit ups and leg lefts where you raise your head and legs up to a V position and go back down. And yes we learned a bit of Tae Kwon Do along with this beating. I want to tell you girls, those guys were wiped out, even Mr. Bicep vein was beat from the V leg lifts things and collapsing before our instructor released the position. The 13-20 year old boys couldn't complete the leg lifts and were laying on the ground through many of the pushups. I believe even our instructor was a "bit tired" and when all was said and done.....I believe it wasn't half as tough as IMAX.

NOW.....this post isn't about's all about you realizing that you women are doing an incredibly awesome job of working out and you ought to be proud of yourselves for being in much better physical health than 98% of the population, just by working out no matter WHAT ROTATION YOUR USING.



One last thing. My 12 year old son who was with me woke up in terrible pain the next morning and said "Mom aren't you dying today?"....I said "actually I don't feel anything". quads were sore after my IMAX workout!!!!! I don't think I'll tell my instructor about those scissor things!!!
Hi Briee,

Thank you for the kind and supportive post. I think boosts of confidence and reassurance are exactly what everybody needs now and again. I, too, become very self-conscious and start comparing myself to other women and men. Unfortunately, when those times come, I begin to sabatoge my own efforts.... trying too hard for awhile and inuring myself, or simply burning myself out. Some competition is great, but that shouldn't be your only, or even main, motivation. Everybody needs to be happy with what they are doing already! Think about the time in your life when exercise was something only Olympians did... and you'll realize how far you've come. Thanks again, Briee :) You brought a smile to my face this morning.

You're so right, Briee. I feel soooo bad that I haven't been able to complete all of each of the intervals in IMAX. I forget that only three years ago, I could barely make it the six blocks to the store and back. Thanks for the perspective.
Brie - thanks so much for this great post! I have also been trying to stay focused on all the things I do RIGHT versus the little areas we don't. We need to give ourselves more credit. I sware, 75% of my friends couldn't make it through 90% of Cathe's videos!

Thanks for the smile you put on my face! Also, feels like you gave us all a nice cyber pat on the back!

Have a happpy, strong week girlies!
Hi Briee!

Love your post because I too take TKD and the age/gender range is exactly like yours and I am often in the best shape there (next to the instructor)and all thanks to Cathe! We had to do 400 jumping jacks one day last week, all the kids were panting well into the stretch and I was fine after just a few seconds. I am also often on of the few who can do those v situp things correctly, and these other horrible things where you lie on your back and hang on to the ankles of your partner who is standing over you, you kick your legs up in a 90 degree angle, and your partner pushes them down hard and you have to keep them from touching the ground and swing them back up again - GREAT for your lower abs, but oh man. Thank goodness my classes are only 45 minutes long though!

You are right, I get bogged down about having to modify intervals in IMAX for intstance and then I think... there are people out there who get winded walking to the mailbox, I should be proud of myself, and I am!

Hey Jill, we do those stupid "leg up to 90 degrees and your partner whoops them back down too". Who thought of those things, must be some irritating, brainless, blackbelt somewhere, cause I know Cathe would never do that to us. She is far too thoughtful (besides you need a partner), she gives us sweet things like pikes instead.}( }( }(

Briee and jumpiman who is a green belt if you hadn't noticed - he he

MY Jumpy is a RED belt Briee! Tee-Hee, couldn't resist! You are sooo right. I know there seems to be people here on occasion that get down when they start comparing themselves to others here, but in all reality, if you even attempt Cathe vids, you need to be sooo proud no matter your fitness level. Thanks for an "up" post. It DOES feel good!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I sometimes think my instructors are not made out of flesh and bone, but out of steel and rubber, because how can they be so strong? And why do they like pain so much? Strange breed of men I think (well mine are all men anyway). And the only reason I can SORT OF do the squat thrust climers in Boot Camp is because of all the burpees in TKD, those are absolute torture!

Good for jumpiman for being a green belt :D


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