Jillybean's Post....


I know many of us were saddened by Jillybean's post as she has been such a strong asset on this board ;(

Her post really made me think a lot this week. Wondering if it made any of you also re-evaluate your exercise thinking? It reminded me we do need to get a grip of exercise sanity once in awhile. It's funny because even before her post, I was thinking I need to re-evaluate my rotations and focus on the "right" rotation versus hours and hours.

I got so addicted to the new Intensity series that I know I have been over-training. I have been working out like nuts up until a week ago. I had great results the first 4 weeks. Then, I lost all control of my appetite and have gained wt the past couple weeks even though I have been working out like crazy. It just reminded me that sometimes we get caught up in the hours and hours of workout, or the 2 lb gain on the scale. In all reality... what does it matter?? Our rotations should be "smart" in nature, give our body rest when in needs it and focused on a healthy, happy body.

I am thinking of starting the next Body For Life challenge on Monday and am hoping it will give me some structure and sanity. I am still going to do the intensity series but not as crazily as I was when I first got it! (I just loved it sooooooo much... and still do!)

Anyway, Jillybean I just wanted to say thank you for your post. It is funny how sometimes things happen for a reason. I will miss you and miss your great advice. However, I understand where you are coming from. I thank you for your motivation you have given me! I will miss you and hope you come back to visit.
Yes, i realised that as a full time Mum of 3 who walks a lot of the week with the children anyway on top of extra exercise, that 6 days a week was ridiculous, I am cutting my fitness week down to 4 days of low impact cardio/Cathe step/kickboxing, with a body part per day, and leaner legs on the fifth day, with 2 days off. Knowing me it will be 3 days rest but what the hell, WW's is going so well, I don't want to do too much exercise and go into starvation mode...again.
It is all to do with balance I suppose (sigh) and realistic expectations.

So thankyou, Jillybean.......

I can totally see where Jullybean is coming from.
At least for me, it is intimidating to read how some people are working out 90-120 min a day 6 days a week, then doing yoga or something on the "rest" day.
I struggle to get 4-5 workouts in a week, and they almost never last more than an hour, or just a little more than. It makes me wonder if I should push it harder, longer, more MORE MORE!!!
I sure hope Jilly comes back after a nice break. I lurk here more than anything, and she's a great presance here, and will be missed.
I agree!

About 2 weeks ago I started realizing that it's too difficult to dedicate myself completely to working out 6 days a week with one rest day. I have simply decided to go on a 4 days on 1 day off schedule - that way I can rest every four days. I also decided that on any given day if I am achy or not feeling up to it, I'll rest that day. This is not to say I won't push myself on tired days - if I didn't push myself I would only work out once a week!

A good, much needed post - thanks.
Hello all. I felt like I didn't have the right to reply to this since I lurk and don't really contribute, but I felt the need to add my .02. I have been struggling with the time and energy to workout period, and when I would read about all the time spent on working out, etc. it did make me think I can't find that sort of time and what's the use? sort of attitude (I know this is my attitude that needed adjusting). Because I felt like a failure after reading that, I did quit even lurking for awhile, with an occasional peek here and there. I have to say I can understand how people feel bad when they read all the time put into workouts.

Nice to read all these "healthy" posts! Really nice to read a breath of fresh air.

Sounds like all you folks have your priorities straight! Good to hear it.
Me too- I usually work out 1 hour 3 to 5 days a week. I was pushing myself toward 6 days. But when I do only 3 or 4 days my physical condition does not suffer. Maybe because I am active enough with my everyday activities. Also I get a lot out of downtime with my family.

This focus (thanks to Jillybean) has been good for me because I got used to dramatic transformation, but now that's over. I have to adjust my expectations!

But I am so very grateful for Cathe's example (I noted her class schedule, it's very reasonable) and I am glad to have so many options. Since incorporating Cathe's videos into my life I have had lots more energy for, and patience with, my son and husband. I have been able to do chores around the house that would have injured me before. And I am better at my job because I use Cathe's teaching style a little bit (can't help it!) with my patients (I'm a dental hygienist, remember). Also I am practicing without pain. How many hygienists can say that? Not too many.

Anyway just chiming in to say Me Too and to remember the voices of reason, Honeybunch being one of them, and Cathe, and y'all on this thread and on Jillybean's thread!

Hooray to Jillybean for taking a stand! I, too, lurk far more than I post and I just had to put in my .02 worth. After 10 years of a sedentary lifestyle, I know what my limitations are and I am not going to kill myself to get into bathing suit shape by summer. Good grief, it took me 10 years to lose my slim body, and at 45, I surely don't expect to get in back in a short amount of time. I have lost 12 pounds since Oct. 2002 and I'm happy with that. I have given my body permission to be what it is going to be. I was always slim and it wasn't until I reached 40 that my body really started changing. Balance is everything! I'm not going to go overboard with exercise; I'm not going to go overboard with protein and I'm not going to go overboard with carbs. Balance! For me 3 strength days is plenty, I'm seeing results. For me 2-30 minute cardio sessions is plenty. I wish the fitness magazine industry would use all age groups in their pulications. I live in Los Angeles and there is so much emphasis on looks. Plastic surgery is off the map; here's another pill to give you that youthful body in 30 days, guaranteed, etc. (yikes!). Beauty comes from within. For me, balance and patience is everything! I love Cathe's workouts, they fit my personality very well and she is so motivating and encouraging. I love the fact that I can get in a good cardio workout in 30 min. with CTX. I'm attacking my health and fitness slowly and cautiously. I've read posts along with the rest of you that go beyond practical. At times I felt like such a slacker but I always kept in mind what is attainable and practical for myself.

Take care all,
Vickie :D

I was so glad to see your post! I start every week with every intention to do 6 full workouts and most of the time end up doing 4 or 5, if I'm lucky. But whenever I felt muscle soreness or even slightly under the weather I would rest. I was feeling like such a loser for not getting up and doing something. But as you can see I got over it! :)

I rest when I need to and put for a little extra effort my next workout. But sometimes on my rest days I may do yoga but not a full length tape, usually the first 14 minutes of Cardio Yoga so that I can get a good stretch. So I am guilty of putting rest/yoga on my weekly schedule at times. But I love the stretch I get from the sun salutation series.

I too hope jillybean returns after a pleasant break! I'll miss her too!

I also am so glad that Jillybean posted her message. I was striving for 6 days a week, but felt bad if I only worked out 5.

Now my game plan is to begin BFL on Sunday (my beginning of the week) and shoot for 5 workouts a week (3 weight training every other day and 2 cardio, possibly 3 cardio but only if I have the energy). I began to get burned out with the 6 workouts per week and was overtraining. Jillybean really brought everything into perspective. I will miss her and I hope she comes back after her break.
I've usually kept my workouts to 4-6 days a week, varying from week to week, and varying intensity from day to day. Since the Intensity Series came out, it seems like there have been more posts about working out every day, or working out twice a day. They can make one feel like a bit of an underachiever...until common sense kicks in and you say to yourself.."hey, Self ;-), if I worked out intensely 6-7 days a week, I'd certainly injure myself and be unable to workout for weeks later. I'm in it for the long haul, so let's take it at a sensible pace."
Hi all!
I have been lurking for a very long time. Jilly bean's post has brought me out of hiding. I just wanted to add my .02 about the importance of balance. I finally learned it at the ripe old age of 51. Until 2 years ago, I would work out no less than 6 days a week from the middle of March -the end of October running (5-6 miles) and weight lifting (1+ hours).During the colder months I still ran but it depended on the condition of the roads. Then I hurt my leg and could do nothing. After several months of P.T. and WW I returned to my all or nothing routines. My leg began to hurt again. I decided in December to stop and just weight train 3 days a week and nothing else. I used PS, MIS, PH CTXUB and LL. My results have been great. One reason has to be because i am gettng some rest. I am now a big advocate of balanced but intense work outs. We can look good without being worn out.
Jillybean has brought perspective and introspection back into the forum. And I for one am guilty I believe in contributing to the problem at hand. My problem is I feel good when I work out everyday and my days just don't go well when I miss a workout, not so much to keep up with the jones so to speak, but it's the endorphin rush that I'm addicted to. Problem is, it's human nature to look at what others are doing and compare ourselves. This got me thinking about Cathe's tapes, I've been guilty of thinking the "I'm doing the same as Cathe, now I'm doing 5 pounds more than her...on and on." Just who am I working out for. I have to say I appreciate the BFL program because you compare yourself to no one.....you do what you can do and move up accordingly. Now, I'm not knocking Cathe as she keeps me motivated and challenged, but I believe this is an appropriate time to get back in touch with why I'm doing this and what I'm trying to achieve and it's easy to lose sight of what my real goal is, which is to be in the best physical condition I can be in so I can function well and live a long, healthy, happy life (which is actually a gift from God). (And so my children won't be able to beat me up....sorry, this is the sarcastic side coming out).

Now here is the catch, I'm the kind of person who is motivated by reading what others are doing. I'm motivated when I read about bicep veins, tough workouts, etc....but the flip side is that there are many who this would intimidate or worse selfdefeat and as Jillybean or AJ has stated, may become obsessed with the aesthetic side of all this. I don't think I've been too sensitive to this and I'm really sorry.

I'm not sure where I'm going with this, but I'm hoping that posters/lurkers won't be lost or intimidated by the recent shift that this forum has taken (and man I feel so stupid not to have noticed or maybe I haven't been here long enough). I just think you guys have been such an encouragement and would give anything not to lose your very valuable perspectives. If the forum is taking a shift that is not healthy, let's get our goals back in order and a big thanks to Jilly for bringing this all up....I just wish it was before she decided to jump ship. I'm gonna miss you Jillybean and if by chance you read this....I sent you an email!!!

Here is another "me too" - I even had a conversation like that with a friend about a week before Jillybean's post. I find myself freaking out if I only work out 4 days a week, which is RIDICULOUS. I'd start to obsess about not getting to fit in enough Cathe workouts around my tae kwon do classes. I started to feel inferior when I read a post where someone said they didn't feel they were getting cardio in the intensity series. Now no offense to that person, I wish I could be that fit! But I stopped myself from feeling bad and said, I should be proud of myself for even being able to get through the Intensity Series, just being able to do that means you are in good shape. My friend and I keep reminding ourselves that a lot of the posters who contribute to this negative feeling (unintentionally of course) are either super human atheletes, or are experiencing an unhealthy relationship with exercise and we try not to compare ourselves to them, to keep ourselves sane. So I wasn't surprised to read Jillybean's post.

Anyway, lets just keep focusing on health, and happiness, and be grateful that we have Cathe to keep us challenged and inspired!

I was thinking that she was not referring so much to those people who work out 6 days a week(say 1 hour a day and rest when they feel tired), but those who do multiple workouts a day and don't rest etc. I think that 6 days a week is ok if you pace yourself and really don't do more than 1 workout every day.
Today I was at a neighborhood get together I felt uncomfortable like I didn't belong. It's funny I was thinking how different I feel when I'm on the Cathe forums with my cyberfriends. I enjoy hearing about everyone's accomplishments, everyone is so nice, knowledgeable and helpful. In fact Jillybean was one of the ones who came to mind. I was so sad when I came home and read her post. I hope you do come back to the forums when the time is right.
I guess I am in the same boat as Briee...people's stories motivate me, ANY story, how they achieved this video or that video, or how they moved up to x amount of days, it is all good to me, and motivation for me to keep going!

Exercise obsession is VERY bad of course, but I don't think someone should have to feel bad if they are a healthy individual doing ANY amount of exercise, either 7x's a week or 3 days a week, what is working for them may not work for someone else...

I think devoting obsessive amounts of time to exercise is an obsession, but where the line is drawn that is another story! I think if you are happy and healthy with your routine that is all that matters!

I can definitely see how people get defeated hearing other people's strenuous routines, but what would be their solution (the exercisers that do alot of exercise) as far as posting their information? Should they be made to scale back their efforts when they write about themselves as so not to hurt anyone's feelings?
I'm really neutral but I was just wondering what could change to accomodate the people who feel defeated! That is not a good feeling ! :)
I do agree with Kristie. I think Jilly was talking about the ones that work out twice a day. Or those that talk about what is wrong with their bodies and then go on to say they did IMAX twice. Gee, I wonder...

I did go through a period of time in my life when I was borderline eating disorder but did have very disordered eating. I would eat nothing but white rice and white pasta with nothing on it!!LOL!! and TONS of it. I had 12% bodyfat but was starved for protein! Anyway, I know how the whole "never enough" mindset can creep in all too well.

Since I have become educated on nutrition however my diet is very reasonable. I now think in terms of "what this food can give me" rather than "how fat will this food make me". Now, instead of focusing on scale numbers, I focus on athletic performance. Seriously, important to me is how long I can get my ski hops ( the length of the step), how high I can do the airborne jacks, if I can ever do interval 10 on IMAX 2, and how much weight I can lift. When I run/hike 10 miles on Sat it whips my butt and I come home and EAT!! I would never even dream of not eating within an hour of something like that!! If you asked me whether for the rest of my life I would rather be slim or strong, I would say without a doubt, strong. Even if that meant I was 200 pounds.
If I were Nancy, I would never give up weight training. Even if I did gain weight. If I was stronger because of it, it is good. Her gain is weight is not a direct result of lifting and if it totally is she should be absolutely THRILLED. I would say the diet is to blame with just a bit too little cardio. You may never look the way you want if you don't eat right, but hey, you still can feel physically strong!! Even though I don't necessarily agree with Nancy's decision to cut out weights, I know everyone is different and she needs to do what makes her happy. However, Nancy, I would say make sure you keep your eating somewhat in check. I would hate for things to get worse for you if you do happen to lose muscle mass and gain extra weight because of that. I think your decision to up the cardio is a wise one. If anything, you atleast will experience greater endurance when you come back to weights.

Even though I am not always reasonable with exercise either, sometimes reading the posts here take me back to where I was 10 years ago. Sometimes I think it is simply a lack of education when it comes to nutrition, exercise physiology and fitness that drives people to behave excessivly with exercise or eat minimally. I know once I got educated on these things there was no going back to my old behaviors. I would now never dream of it.....

Sorry so long guys, but this is something I feel strongly about...

And Nancy, I am proud of you for making a smart decision and not throwing in the towel. However, I must ask you to reconsider weights (I HAVE to make that plea :):)

Take Care,


I just looked at your picture trail and you are absolutely gorgeous!! (your new hubby too!!). I really admire a "strong" body, and yours looks terrific!! You can tell alot of hard work has gone into it!! My hats off to you!


I agree. I don't think working out an hour 6X/week is too much for most people. Of course, we NEED to listen to our own bodies and NOT what is "good" for others! Cathe has posted MANY rotations that involve 6X/week workouts with a day of REST which I have adopted. I used to feel I HAD to workout 7X/week, but no longer. That day of rest rejuvenates me and makes me stronger come Monday! Just MY thoughts!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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