I feel like I also contributed to how Jillybean felt about overdoing things. When I posted a few weeks ago she asked me what my rotation was - I told her and she suggested I should take a rest day - because I too work out 7 days a week unless of course I am sick or my kids are sick. I responded and told her I knew I shoud but I choose to do some sort of cardio on my "REST" day.
The thing is I have 10 children - 8 at home- I home school grades (10, 8, 6 , 2, and KDG) plus I have a 4 and 2 year old who aren't in school. My 25 year old was hit by a car last April the day after Cathe had her baby. He has a traumatic brain injury. He needs lots of care too. Plus I make up my kids curriculums. So, as you can see I am very busy.
But guess what? Working out is the only time I have for myself and it helps give me the stamina to keep up with everything here. Not that I need to make an excuse. Exercise is what helps me alleviate all my stress.
I have been working out like this for years and I have never experienced the overtraining symptoms. So, I don't feel like this is too much for me. I have never been anorexic, so I don't know how Jillybean felt.
But we are always going to offend someone one way or another. There has been things posted on this forum, I just don't agree with so I leave it.
When I went to Al Anon when my husband started his recovery 14 years ago there was a saying there " Take what you like and leave the rest" There was many a thing there said that could have got me in a tizzy but I had to learn to let it go.
I felt really bad about Jillybeans post because I too enjoyed her posts. I started obsessing about it- I couldn't even come on this forum for 2 days because of it - now that is unhealthy. I had to let it go. If I have offended her I am very sorry. But I have to do what I feel is best for me.
And I know with this new series that also has made it difficult - to figure out what rotaions would work because there is so much weight training - and as LuvCardio said the new tapes made us want to do more, I do have that under control now.
Sorry this was so long.