Jillybean's Post....

Hi again! I guess I can say "me too" to just about every single one of these posts on this thread.

Brie.. I totally agree with you in that I do feel really good when I work out. It is the endorphins that release I guess. It gives me energy, releases stress...... But I know that I too have been guilty of being obsessive lately and had actually talked about it with my husband right before JillyBean's post. Her post really made me think long and hard. Up until a couple weeks ago I had been too focused on the "6 days" and have stressed when I miss a workout. That was soooo wrong!

It also makes me wonder if maybe some of it was the new series coming out and the fact that we all got soooo excited about the new series and just couldn't help ourselves. I have only been around the board since last winter so I don't know if maybe conversations on this board got similar the last time a series was launched by Cathe?? I think the other side is that the Intensity series could easily be used in an over-training situation (I know I did) due to the extreme wts involved. I think it is important we help to educate one another on the best way to use these tapes without over training. I know I still get confused as to what calls for a muscle rest day versus a non rest day with these tapes (C&W is a good example).

LizzieLiz said it perfect.... "balance" is what we need.
I too am motivated by other people's success etc. I guess we have to find the happy balance. I think it's alright to motivate one another as long as we keep it "healthy" and one must realize what works for one person may be too much for another. Just because one works out 6 days a week doesn't mean I should when my body is telling me to rest! We must listen to our bodies and be smart in all facets of health (exercise, nutrition, rest, supplements etc.) I too agree that BFL is a good program in that you only compete with yourself! I am looking forward to starting it this coming week.

Anyway, thanks to all of your for your inspiring and thoughtful posts. It is nice to see many of us are on the same page and are just trying to be healthy! I'm sad that it took JillyBean leaving to wake us all up again! I too apologize if my excitement for the intensity series and personal overtraining may have caused competitiveness on the board. I never meant to ;(

I love this board and want others to love it as much as us! I have learned so much from all of you and appreciate all of your MOTIVATION, educated answers and most importantly your cyber friendship.
I too was saddened by her post. I was wondering myself if my posted rotations and things I say
contributed to her leaving. I know I am obsesive about exercise and have gone off my healthy way
of eatting since christmas and am having a hard time getting control back, but I'm trying to make up
for it with extra workouts. But I know better, and have redone my March rotation because of it, to a healthier
limit. I feel terrible about Jillybeans post, and wish her good health in every way.
Faythe PS&BTW, I am now w/o 5 days and an optional 6th if time avails itself. That is a big leap
for me. I would feel terrible if I only w/o 5 days one wk, and get down on myself. Now I w/o
Sun-Thurs and off Fri and Sat (due to work schedule) and if theres time on Sat, I will do a shorter
I don't think it is any of my business that someone wants to exercise 2x a day or more. If they have the energy, that's great. It doesn't make me feel inadequate or that I have to compete. We all do our own thing. :)
I agree swissmom.I am sad that jillybean left.But I have to work my body nobody elses's And I don't worry about competing with what others are doing.I workout 6-7 days a week but am not obbsesive about it if I miss a workout ,so what.I eat clean but if I eat something bad during the week, so what.But I feel I am putting effort into exercise and I should do the same with what I use for fuel.I eat what I don't eat during the week on weekends.But I eat 6 meals a day during the week.IF we go out to dinner during the week I eat whatever I want including appetizers,main course and dessert with no regard to fat or calories.not every program is for everyone some people perfer to work out 2 days a week some people perfer 2 hours a day(not me -1 hour 10 min max.) good for them they are working there body not mine.And I love to hear about results because we all want them as well we should.We should push ourselves beyond our "comfort" zone.But not be obsessive about results because if your moving your doing a body good weather they are seen results or unseen.The old cliche (sp) comes to mind if they jumped off a bridge would you?Use your judgement, relize YOUR GOALS,LISTEN to your body.Don't feel guilty about the lenght of your workout in comparasing to others weather it is 1 day a week or 7.Enjoy your workout and have FUN and please keep posting results I for 1 love to give a bravo to your acheivements.
I just wish Jilly realized that her wisdom, as survivor, so to speak, is so needed here! I have always been compulsive about everything but, prone to injury, I have had to back off. Jilly has so much wisdom about eating disorders, it's a pity that she will forgo the forums because of a few who are sick and can't deal with it. She has much to impart to those who are on the verge! I hope she will reconsider and try to filter out the one's who go hog wild. I have!
Chicks's Rule! http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif Bobbi
I feel like I also contributed to how Jillybean felt about overdoing things. When I posted a few weeks ago she asked me what my rotation was - I told her and she suggested I should take a rest day - because I too work out 7 days a week unless of course I am sick or my kids are sick. I responded and told her I knew I shoud but I choose to do some sort of cardio on my "REST" day.

The thing is I have 10 children - 8 at home- I home school grades (10, 8, 6 , 2, and KDG) plus I have a 4 and 2 year old who aren't in school. My 25 year old was hit by a car last April the day after Cathe had her baby. He has a traumatic brain injury. He needs lots of care too. Plus I make up my kids curriculums. So, as you can see I am very busy.

But guess what? Working out is the only time I have for myself and it helps give me the stamina to keep up with everything here. Not that I need to make an excuse. Exercise is what helps me alleviate all my stress.

I have been working out like this for years and I have never experienced the overtraining symptoms. So, I don't feel like this is too much for me. I have never been anorexic, so I don't know how Jillybean felt.

But we are always going to offend someone one way or another. There has been things posted on this forum, I just don't agree with so I leave it.

When I went to Al Anon when my husband started his recovery 14 years ago there was a saying there " Take what you like and leave the rest" There was many a thing there said that could have got me in a tizzy but I had to learn to let it go.

I felt really bad about Jillybeans post because I too enjoyed her posts. I started obsessing about it- I couldn't even come on this forum for 2 days because of it - now that is unhealthy. I had to let it go. If I have offended her I am very sorry. But I have to do what I feel is best for me.

And I know with this new series that also has made it difficult - to figure out what rotaions would work because there is so much weight training - and as LuvCardio said the new tapes made us want to do more, I do have that under control now.

Sorry this was so long.

Yes.. she does make a VERY good point. It should be about HEALTH NOT OBSESSION which is by no means healthy. Hopefully she will be back - we miss her and yes some of these posts drives me NUTS too.
RE: competing

I also don't compete with anyone. I only compete against myself. I let myself down or am happy with my w/o's. I do check to see how others do to get encouraged and to get new rotation ideas, etc.
Cheryl, some people do very well working out 7 days a week. My sister, Mel, is an excellent example and she is the queen of moderation. If we listen to our bodies and avoid injurying ourselve, 7 days a week if fine. Some folks are very compulsive. Jilly may find that hard to deal with and if that's the case, she should leave the forums because it could affect her negatively to stay. I look at exercise nuts and think "better you than me" just as I look at pregnant woman now that I am forty and had that tubal ;-) Exercise is a wonderful stress reliever and a terrific way to get away from your kids while doing something good for you. Bless you, how do you do it! I am one of thirteen kids and I think my mom is amazing! Don't feel guilty about Jilly. Do whats good for you!
Chicks's Rule! http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif Bobbi

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