BootCamp.......A Humbling Experience


OK guys, I did Bootcamp on Sunday and today, OHG! I am so sore. Every muscle in my upper body is killing me. I am not talking about the soreness you get from doing pushups and chest presses. I am talking about deep internal chest muscle soreness. Talk about core work! I love this tape, no I hate it. No, really I love it. :p

I tried this today after doing a Night shift...I went really light so I can do the Pyramids this week. HOLY!!! I could barely do the core work because my arms were tired. Noticed my LEFT side was stronger with core too...odd. OK now I know what terminator squat thrusts are...HAHAHA...OMG, she is trying to kill me. I liked it though...I'm going to use i t as cardio and use very light weights. It took up little space and had no choreography...good XTraining!:p
I love this workout! I agree it is very humbling, but can also be very gratifying. I've done it a total of 8 times now and I am amazed at how I have improved. The way it's designed it's really easy to notice yourself getting better at things. For example I can actually do the first set of squat thrust climbers with Cathe now...but still after the jumps I just can't do them anymore. But, when I started I couldn't even do one. I really think the entire intensity series works together nicely because all the workouts seem to be getting better. I love it!

I made the mistake of having a little something to eat about an hour before doing Bootcamp last night and I almost hurled 1/2 way through it. I was almost ready to run to the bathroom! I had to stop for about 10 minutes or so and then I finished the rest of it!! Never again will I eat anything before doing this one again!!! It is an incredible workout!!!

Danielle :+
i did the workout for the first time and had trouble doing squat thrusts, etc since my arms and legs felt so tired, and core work. one of the moves where u do a pushup and lean back-major pain in my lower body. i do love the work out but will have to do it every day in order to be able to do the core work and military moves.
I just did Boot Camp for the first time today! Unbelievable workout! I just love Cathe's workouts...they give me so much to work toward and they are so fun! Boot Camp was REALLY hard. I am going to try the rotation Cathe posted for the Intensity series for fat loss and overall body conditioning. Today started my rotation. I am a little sore, but anticipate being quite sore tomorrow. We'll see. Tomorrow is a rest day and then on to Muscle Endurance and the rest of the rotation for the week. I hope I can do it!
Have a great week! :7
I did boot camp last night for the first time. Today, I am feeling soreness in my upper body that I have never felt before. I love it. I also loved how I felt when I was actually doing it and that Cathe was winded, too!

I just recently "earned" my Intensity Series and am working my way through the routines. I have done IMAX 2 and Boot Camp now. I hope that the rest of the workouts are as fun.

I guess Im going to have to order BootCamp. Did anybody get any good results when you added this to your workout?
Hi! I felt a marked improvement in my core region after doing Boot Camp for a month! Also it totally has helped my endurance for short but intense bursts of energy! Boot Camp is terrific for all around fitness!

There's a person demonstrating modifications for the medicine ball. She uses an 8 lb dumbell. For the stability ball modification in the Pyramid Workouts, the modifier use the 14'' mini step.

Danielle :)
Hi, You're in for a great surprise! I'm relatively new to Cathe but am becoming a huge fan really fast! I just purchased the Intensiety Series and Slow and Heavy - I've already done Cardio & Weights, Muscle Endurance and yesterday did Pyramid Upper Body - boy o boy talk about sore!!! My chest, triceps and core are really really sore, help I need a massage! But truly I feel wonderful. Can you guys recommend a good rotation with the new series.

Take care,

Hi Iris!

Here are some rotations that Cathe posted for the new series. Have fun!

ADVANCED Total Overall Body Blast Workout:

Mon: Boot Camp
Tues: off
Wed: Muscle Endurance
Thurs: Imax2
Fri: Cardio and Weights
Sat: Pyramid Lower Body with the first 5 intervals of Imax 2
Sun: Pyramid Upper Body

ADVANCED Total Body Conditioning with more focus on Heavy Weight Training

Mon: Pyramid Lower Body
Tues: Pyramid Upper Body
Wed: Imax 2
Thurs: off
Fri: Cardio and Weights
Sat: Pyramid Lower Body with the first 5 intervals of IMAX 2
Sun: Pyramid Upper Body

Advanced Total Body Conditioning with more focus on Muscular Endurance

Mon: Imax 2
Tues: Cardio and Weights
Wed: Muscle Endurance
Thurs: off
Friday: Circuit Max
Sat: A lower intensity cardio of your choice
Sun: Muscle Endurance

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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