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  1. S

    Px90 still waiting- what takes so long?

    Yes, I did shoulders yesterday. I loved that too. It was easier to follow yet still difficult and I liked his variations on the arm movements.
  2. S

    P90X...results, anyone?

    I'm so sore from P90X but it's a good sore. One other thing I've noticed is that I'm very tired, feeling like I need a nap. It really demands a lot from you so hopefully that will mean great results. Well see.
  3. S

    Px90 still waiting- what takes so long?

    I agree that the series is great! At first he throughs you off a little because his style is different from Cathes and the format is set up differently. However you really are forced to push yourself and you really feel it starting from the very first day. I may not look any differently...
  4. S

    Px90 still waiting- what takes so long?

    Thanks Kathyrn, you must look great after being on that program for 12 weeks. Are you going to go through another rotation or are you going to try something else? Where do you think you've noticed the most improvement and what compliments have people been giving you?
  5. S

    Px90 still waiting- what takes so long?

    I know this thread has been around for a while but I thought I'd add this. I got my p90X a few days ago and watched the first DVD. Chest and back and this guy is scaring me, I know I'm going to be really sore after I finish with that tape. I looked at some of the other weight bearing ones and...
  6. S

    Jay in the new DVD's

    You know I agree. It's like because they are all different body types you can find one you might identify more with, and their all healthy,solid bodies not stick thin. It's nice to see the proper body images for women. We get bombarded with so many negative stereotypes. These guys are...
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    Jay in the new DVD's

    I'm wondering if Jay is going to be in the new DVDS. I think her physique is in awesome shape. I like to look to her for the correct form too!!
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    Px90 still waiting- what takes so long?

    My order also seemed like it took forever. I was very impaitent to get it. It took about 12 days from the day I ordered it. I start mine on Monday, July 16th. I hope to see results as quickly as the others have said that they saw results.
  9. S

    P90X Question regard:Weights

    Thanks Kathyrn I always appreciate a response from you. Thanks again.
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    P90X Question regard:Weights

    Thanks to all of you for the information, I'm so anxious I can't wait. I recieved the packaged on Tuesday of this week so I'm going to start next week fresh. Thank you guys, I'll pay atttention to go lighter with the shoulders. I hope people notice the difference, that's always a great...
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    P90X Question regard:Weights

    Did you start out with the heaviest you could lift with good form? It says in the manual that you really don't have to try that until the 3rd or 4th week? What did you guys do?
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    P90X or the New Cathe Series

    I'm not an old Catheite, but I have been working out for a long time and I love that just when I think I know all I could know, I find something new that works for me. I think it could be that way with P90X. I think people found something different that works for them and it's great when you...
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    Kick punch and crunch. I LOVE THE MUSIC (finally did it)

  14. S

    Important questions on Hardcore

    I would love the hardcore gym series to be on one disc too. However, I realize that you have to do what you have to do.
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    Have you ever worked out in the nude?

    I could see my husband saying something kind of goofy like that. There is no way I would ever think of doing that, I think I would offend myself. The responses from the other women have hit the nail on the head. That is just not a comfortable situation. I haven't laughed so hard in a long...
  16. S

    New 10 pack hardcore series!!!!

    Cathe is the best and she has great music on her DVD's. I'm excited but it's like you said, I've kind of spent enough for a while so, I'll be content with the wait. It's going to be exciting.
  17. S

    We're Filming Again!

    I'll be turning forty soon and I can't believe how much better shape I'm in than when I was 25. Thanks Cathe for bringing out the new series. I did order p90X but it's always great to mix it up! Your the best at what you do!! You Rock Cathe!!!
  18. S

    Workout Tower or Chin up bar?

    Where can you purchase the door gym? Thanks
  19. S

    Imax III and heavy weight training 6 day split

    This would be a great way to work out!!!! I quadriple this or however many people have already said great idea!
  20. S

    P90X, again...what are the bare essentials!?!

    Thanks for the information, you said your behind became smaller and lower. That does not sound like a good thing. I'll have to watch for that. I prefer to have a little bit of something going on in the back. It just looks better in jeans. Thanks for the information.