Jay in the new DVD's

I'm wondering if Jay is going to be in the new DVDS. I think her physique is in awesome shape. I like to look to her for the correct form too!!
I love Jay! She really motivates me. But I must say I love all the Ladies in Cathe's current crew. I find each of them motivating and inspiring in their own unique way. I would like to see them all in the new series. Another thing I like, is that they all seem to like each other, work well together, and they all look like they are having fun. Helen:)
I'd especially like to see Jai, and Lorraine (for kickboxing--her form rocks!), and Rhonda Ilove to watch her form in the weight workouts) in the new workouts.
You know I agree. It's like because they are all different body types you can find one you might identify more with, and their all healthy,solid bodies not stick thin. It's nice to see the proper body images for women. We get bombarded with so many negative stereotypes. These guys are positive !!!
My body type is most like Cedie's, so I'm hoping she makes a return appearance. One of my goals is to get the kind of definition in my arms that she has! She's just continued to improve over the years.
I too am hoping to see Cedie! I still miss her in CTX!


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