Have you ever worked out in the nude?

Jeez, men and their "fantasies!" Julie, why don't you tell your hubby that you think it would be really fabby if he mowed the lawn in the nude ;)
I could see my husband saying something kind of goofy like that. There is no way I would ever think of doing that, I think I would offend myself. The responses from the other women have hit the nail on the head. That is just not a comfortable situation. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. This was a funny question.
>>Why doesn't your DH work out nude? Or does he?

Um he runs (in public!) and works out at the local gymn so that ain't an option!
I must be very intrigued by the subject, because I'm also now thinking of the discomfort and injury risk of working out in the nude using resistance bands. Snap! Ouch! Yeow!

A thought: we should all do Cathe's new "Hardcore" (heh heh) series in the nude!!
Men....they want you to do what they would never do!! HA!!

Mow the lawn naked? Yeah, right, I can't even get my hubby to skinny dip!!

Recently, I asked him if he liked this new lacy bra I purchased. He grinned, said yes, but that next time he would like to see either rubber, barbed wire, or metal.

I said, "Ok, yah. I'll see what I can do"


Men and their weird hangups...
Alright...lets think this through. Chest and Back P90X might not be so bad in the buff. Less weight on your body would make for easier pullups, although this would only be a matter of ounces, but without the shoes it may just be a full pound, definitely easier. And pushups, well, no big deal there, again less weight...a tad easier.

I can't think of any others that might qualify. (Very insightful thread :p :p :p )

No, but I did see an ad for nude yoga, Pilates and aerobics in the back of a magazine. I don't think even the most gorgeous person would look all that great in a naked down dog or doing squat thrust climbers au natural! With me doing it, it would become less a sexy idea and more of a comedic thing! LOL! A nude workout is possibly the only Cathe workout I would NOT pre-rder should she ever go that route! :D I am definitely someone who looks better clothed, with all those figure flaws tucked neatly away!
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

- Mary Oliver

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