Px90 still waiting- what takes so long?

Gemini girl

I ordered Px90 on June 22, they said it shipped June 23. I'm still waiting! What's up, are they walking it to my house? I'm frustrated since I'm so excited to start! How long did you guys wait for it before you got to BRING IT.
I'm right there with you. I ordered on June 23 and received my shipment confirmation, but it must be coming by Pony Express. I'm used to getting my Cathe DVDs in a day since I live in South Jersey...I guess Cathe's spoiled me!
I'm told they have their own in house mail system. When they say it has been shipped, they mean it has been shipped from their system to another mail system. It took about 2 weeks for me to get my order. They say in about 2-3 days after it has been "shipped" you can contact Beachbody customer service and ask for a tracking number. The reason for this wait is because it takes that long for your package to get into the regular mail system. I personally found it best to email them for this number as you never know who you will be talking to as this person may be in Oklahoma or somewhere just answering the phone and taking orders for Beachbody. Also you can contact Amber Otto at Beachbody. She is a jewel at helping out.
I've never heard of anyone getting a package from Beachbody in a day. LOL. Yet, I've always got my packages.
Oh no, they aren't walking it over. In fact, they have hired two slugs to special delivery it to you.

Remember, we all have decided that BB customer service consists of someone's basement and about 4 people. Good Luck. Try not to chew your arm off in frustration. It will be hard, but worth it.:)
I live in Northern California and it took a little over 2 weeks for me to get my package. I went online to BB Customer service about a week after placing my order and they confirmed that they had received my order (since I ordered online) and sent me a shipment tracking number. You may want to go online or call them to find out the status of your order.

Goodluck. This is a great program!!
My order also seemed like it took forever. I was very impaitent to get it. It took about 12 days from the day I ordered it. I start mine on Monday, July 16th. I hope to see results as quickly as the others have said that they saw results.
Mine took almost a month, to Michigan.

BUT you'll quickly forget about the long wait once you finally get them.

I did PlyoX last night, and it was a great workout. I can see why you can really get good results from these!! I don't plan to do the rotation, just alternate with Cathe's & choosing what I want to do each day. But I already want to do PlyoX again, I was out of breath during some exercises, it challenged me and know I can do better. }(
Beachbody has notoriously long wait times to get the product, but they seem to be reliably delivered and they are worth the wait.

I just had to comment. You did PlyoX and was out of breath during *some* exercises? You must be in great shape. PlyoX kicks my butt. I fear it :)
I was just going to post this as I ordered on June 25th and received an e-mail that they sent it a week later. It burns me up that I paid $21 for shipping and lord knows when I'm going to get it. I live in Connecticut too, so chances are I won't see it for a month. I usually get Cathe's stuff the NEXT DAY!!!
I feel the same day - $21 for shipping is a total racket. And I paid the full amount up front so "my order will be shipped sooner" - I'm just bitter with the entire process right now. Because of all the hype about the series - I'm just excited to start something new. I'm sure I'll let my anxst go once I have the tapes.
I know this thread has been around for a while but I thought I'd add this. I got my p90X a few days ago and watched the first DVD. Chest and back and this guy is scaring me, I know I'm going to be really sore after I finish with that tape. I looked at some of the other weight bearing ones and this will not be a cake walk, but I'm excited about the challenge!! Ooh my body is going to hurt so good.
>I know this thread has been around for a while but I thought
>I'd add this. I got my p90X a few days ago and watched the
>first DVD. Chest and back and this guy is scaring me, I know
>I'm going to be really sore after I finish with that tape. I
>looked at some of the other weight bearing ones and this will
>not be a cake walk, but I'm excited about the challenge!! Ooh
>my body is going to hurt so good.

It's almost sadistic for them to begin the rotation with "Chest and Back," one of the scariest-looking workouts, IMO! I know that it scared me when I previewed it. So much so that the P90X DVD's were sitting on my shelf for several weeks before I dove in. And then it was with "Shoulders and Arms," which looked more doable.

On Chest and Back, I had to resign myself to the fact that I didn't have a pull-up bar (at that time) and I could do very few of the push-ups on my toes (again--at that time). It is a challenge, but if you're up to it (and you have the right attitude), it's very rewarding. Now, starting week 12, I can do most of the push-ups on my toes (though still not all), and I'm working on doing pull-ups (I use one foot on a chair back for assistance, but I'm putting less weight on it all the time!). Though I usually do about 1/2 the back work on my pull-up tower, and 1/2 with my black bands (because I can do more reps and feel like less of a wimp than I do after 10 assisted reps!).
Thanks Kathyrn, you must look great after being on that program for 12 weeks. Are you going to go through another rotation or are you going to try something else? Where do you think you've noticed the most improvement and what compliments have people been giving you?

Just wanted to let everyone know that my P90X came today. I just got done previewing Chest & Shoulders and I sat here dumbstruck!!! This is going to be a real challenge, but I'm excited to get started! I ordered June 23, so it ONLY took 19 days to get here.

I got mine yesterday too! I did the Chest and Shoulders and yes - it was AWESOME! and very tough. I'm such a wimp - the girl in the video is doing like 30 big girl push-ups, I'm still doing them on my knees. whatever! But isn't the entire package presentation cool? I forgave Beachbody for taking the 19 days to arrive, because i'm so happy to finally have it. tonight is Kenpo, I think. I don't preview them because then I'll know what i'm up against!
>Thanks Kathyrn, you must look great after being on that
>program for 12 weeks. Are you going to go through another
>rotation or are you going to try something else? Where do you
>think you've noticed the most improvement and what compliments
>have people been giving you?

Not as great as I'd like, but better than before! (And definitely better than most women my age I see around here!) I definitely see a difference in my abs (not yet a 6- or even 4-pack, but closer than before! like a "4-pack in training!"), my upper body (my arms are more defined and leaner as well), and even my lower body (leaner, firmer). Performance-wise, I have noticed a big increase in strength, and I can do many more push-ups on my toes! I'm also much more flexible. And even though P90X seems kind of light on cardio, I have noticed that my cardio has improved when I am in a situation like walking up a steep hill in my friend's woods.

I only have about 2 weeks to go until I'm done! Boo hoo! Then I plan to do a 2-week cardio-intensive rotation including some Slim Series workouts or Fitprime (something with lighter weights and more reps, or a combo of weights and cardio).

After the 2 weeks, I will probably do a "P90X-inspired" rotation, using the basic template of the P90X classic rotation (or maybe the lean?) and substituting other workouts. I thought that Slow and Heavy and PS could sub nicely for the P90X weight workouts, with some modifications (maybe I'll do fewer reps at my own speed? I will probably sub Slow and Heavy legs for PLB, since my knees don't appreciate SH legs much and I think PLB has a great compliment of exercises, though I do take my own time to change weight plates and set up for the next set!). I might even keep some of the P90X workouts (weight workouts, core synergistics).

Another idea is to redo the P90X weight workouts ('cuz I love the way they're set up in either supersets or circuit fashion, and I can substitute exercises when I get bored), but to periodize: doing more reps the first week, fewer reps (and heavier weights) the second week, and still fewer reps (and heavier weights) the third week, then going back to more reps during week 5 (after the recovery week). I pretty much stuck with 16 reps (but heavy weights, IMO) on most of the exercises (I know, Tony says 8-10 or 12-15, but I'm a rebel! I also might do 11 reps sometime!!)

I still haven't decided yet.

I may also "redo" this week of P90X, as I am not "bringing it" very well. Sunday, Chest/Shoulders/Triceps day, was first day of TTOM and I was a wimp on a lot of exercises (though I was feeling tricep DOMS the day after). Yesterday, I was really tired (2nd day TTOM), so I took the day off. Definitely not bringing it! Today, I may do Plyo X on the rebounder! (To Bring or not to Bring, that is the question!)
Get this! I was sooooooo reluctant to purchase this series, but finally caved one night and just ordered it. I quickly went on their site entered all the pertinent info. (I have my cc number memorized) hit submit. That was JUNE 10! As of today it's 35 days!

Well, since I ordered so quickly, I didn’t even notice the drop down box to select VHS or DVD. There is NO way I'm going to use VHS anymore..... so, I have not received them yet, but then I have to Return them and wait AGAIN!! AHHHH!

I'll get Cathe's Hardcore series before I get PX90.
Susan C.M.:D
Hi Susan-I'd be very upset too! BUT- the good news is, when you finally do receive the series, you will LOVE them and will forgive Beachbody for the slow service. I'm in week one and can't wait to work out tonight - this is the BEST workout program.

hang in there!
I agree that the series is great! At first he throughs you off a little because his style is different from Cathes and the format is set up differently. However you really are forced to push yourself and you really feel it starting from the very first day. I may not look any differently because this is only the first week but I sure do feel differently. Tomorrow I have Legs and Back. I'm a little scared, but very excited. I know Kathryn said she added some squats with her legs and back to keep the butt lifted. See Ya P90Xers.

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