New 10 pack hardcore series!!!!


:D What do you all think of Cathe releasing not 3, not 6 but 10 workouts this time around? Isn't that incredible? I guess Cathe really is trying to discourage the middle age weight gain with this hardcore series! Just what I need Cathe! I'm finding it more difficult as I approach 40 (7 months from now)to keep the weight off. The cellulite really likes to stick to my thighs, hips, abdomen, you name it! You go girl!!
I do believe I screamed "ALLRIGHT!!" when I read the thread about the 10 Hardcore will truly be a great fall this year...:)...:+ ...Carole
I am glad she is making new dvd's:D I hope they are kick your butt style .I've got kinda scared to preorder since I ended up selling everyone of my bodyblast dvd's after waiting so long.I know she will offer a great presale price that I might not be able to resist.But right now I would not preorder due to pure sataisfaction with the p90x dvd's I just don't seem to want to buy like I use to.I guess for now I'm content so I hope no presale for a while:p
Cathe is the best and she has great music on her DVD's. I'm excited but it's like you said, I've kind of spent enough for a while so, I'll be content with the wait. It's going to be exciting.
I am REALLY excited! I was bummed by the beginner and intermediate workouts, so I ordered P90X and am fully challenged again. I can't wait to see what Cathe will BRING ON!!!

I'm sure I'll preorder these, because what I wanted was something tough. I skipped the last series, and now that I've seen the clips and read the reviews, I don't regret it. I'm using the BodyBlast, although I don't like SS/PP, but I'm thrilled to be able to look forward to some really tough stuff. I'll be 47 this summer, so who knows how much longer I'll be able to keep up this insanity!
I am stoked--just totally stoked. I am glad I did not buy p90x, because I would not have been able to afford these too and I am still just simply addicted to Cathe workouts:7 :7 :7

I am excited but also would like a great pre-sale price. It would take me awhile to get around to all 10 workouts. All of 10 days I expect.

}( :p

RE: Even better, 11 workouts!!!!

A 10 pack series with 11 workouts and with Cathe's chaptering, there will be lots of options. :9 Can't wait for the details later this week. Hardcore....I'm ready for that. }( :p
Just a humorous note to let you know you are still very young. I'll be 54 this summer as well, and I'm still keeping up with some really tough stuff... I'm crazy, but not insane yet. LOL ;-) :p Like you, I'm looking forward to more of the tough stuff.
RE: Even better, 11 workouts!!!!

I am so delighted and the ten Cathe's putting together look amazing! I can't way to take a stab at each and everyone although I stink at compound circuit work so I secretly hope that one isn't compound work and if it it, who cares? Nine more!

A low impact, outright strength work, splits, cardio interval. I'm drooling, I tell ya! Imagine the pre-mix and workout blender options!

Mogambo, aging and injury have certainly taught me the value of pacing myself and modfying but it's also shown me that you can and do get leaner, stronger and more muscular even in the forties. Not to mention being inspired by slightly older Catheites still clamouring for hardcore. Anything less is, well, it's less and who needs that? LOL!

The fact that watching a new Series come into being is one of my favorite things is just icing on the cake and it's gonna be a good one! Hardcore, yeah! I think I am going to think of it as the "Diabolical Series" }( }( }( }( }( }( in my own feverish mind and it sounds as if it's going to deliver a devilishly perhaps even torturously difficult way to enhance our fitness levels! In my little world, I encouter plenty of youngus and not one of them is quite the fitnut this old broad is! }( Now, I have to get out and run or I'll be the broiled fitnut!
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

- Mary Oliver
Hi Lisa! I'm really not surprised. Since all of the talk & buzz & raves about P90X which is in fact 12 DVDs with different rotations already mapped out for you plus a nutrition packet, I just knew Cathe was going to think about doing something similar. Not to mention how many of us posted in the Suggestions Forum about doing something similar to P90X. It would be a dream come true to do both Tony Horton & Cathe into our rotations. And it is a dream come true! She listened to what all of us want. I personally can't wait till Cathe BRINGS IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah! Kathy:7

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