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  1. L

    Vitamin E oil

    Here's a mixture for those with oily/break-out prone skin: mix 16 ounces pure aloe-vera with one ounce VitE - Rub solution all over your skin every day. I clipped this out of a mag one time from a woman who was Native-American. Her grandfather passed it to her and she has never had to wear...
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    Lunacat's Compendium

    Hi Becky - could you add me to your list this weekend? Thanks so much!! Liz [email protected]
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    October Pictures

    Charlotte - your Halloween decorations are too cute!!! And YOU are such an inspiration - it's great for new Cathe folks like me to AWESOME looking people like you!! You validate all the goals that we have - it CAN be done!!! Thanks for posting the pics!! Lizzy
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    I lost 100 pounds!

    I'm with Janice - congrats!!! I can't get my duff to lose 10 lbs - what a great accomplishment!!!!
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    Hey Becky - I was never a big smoker - just a happy hour smoker. I stopped that a few years ago, the smell was just grossing me out. I don't have any words of wisdom, just wanted to encourage you. You are making the right decision - there is no quesiton about that! And you deserve to be as...
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    Lunacat's Compendium

    Lunacat - would you please send one to me too??? Thank you so much!!! Lizzy [email protected]
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    Lunacat's Compendium

    Lunacat - could I get one too puuuuuuuuuuuuurty please?? thank you!! Lizzy [email protected]
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    BFFM week of 9/26

    Robin - you crack me up!!!! That is the puuuuuuuuurfect protein shake as far as I am concerned!!! TK - what's a mish mosh??? I'm still learning these Cathe terms. I have KPC and have not done it yet - sounds like a good one to do tomorrow!! It will be good to be back in the routine...
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    BFFM week of 9/26

    Hey Burners!!! Hope everyone is having a good day. I'm in Dallas today and not able to workout, but I am watching what I am eating and doing well there. I'll have to pump up the cardio when I get home on Wednesday. TK - you're an inspiration! I need to sit down and create a workout...
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    Mambo Cha Cha's ... WHY?

    I love them!! I always wanted to be a dancer though and my mom made me play the piano instead - so doing Mambo ChaCha's is the closest thing I get to dancing like the girls on FAME!!! :-)
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    BFFM week of 9/18

    Morning burners!!! Krisztina - where did you get your little weight mover? I want one of those too!!! Today I am very excited - the scale was down 1.7 lbs and 4% body fat!!! I hear those scales are not very good, but it was at 30% and now it's at 26% and I'm going to take it!! I did get...
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    BFFM week of 9/18

    Hey guys - For some reason my last two posts are not up here!!ARGH!!! J - Ezekila bread is made without any flour at all. Tonight is date night with hubby - and it's a TDEE day - YIPEE!!! VINO!!!LOL!!! I did the first 3 intervals in LowMax yesterday. I was pretty sore already though...
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    BFFM week of 9/18

    Hey tasty burners!! Sorry I didn't post yesterday- crazy day, but my eating was OK. I kept it at a low cal day, but at the end of the day, my husband toasted a rosemary sourdough loaf of bread to go with the chicken and spinach salad I made for dinner. I had to eat some - it was toooooooooooo...
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    BFFM week of 9/18

    Have you guys ever seen the movie Notting Hill with Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant? There is a scene where she says she is 27, so she has been on a diet for about 20 years. It's something to that effect - I just laughed my a** off - it's so true!!! Today was a good day so far - I have my...
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    anybody use airborne?

    My MIL swears by it........... haven't tried it though
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    BFFM week of 9/18

    X - I knew it sounded painful - and you have confirmed it!!! LOL!!! Thanks!!!
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    BFFM Crowd

    Kim - I also agree it is sooooooooo worth the money!! There is always more DVD's to buy, more weights, etc. But if you don't get your eating down, all of that will be in vain. You MUST get your eating where it needs to be for all of the other stuff to have the effect that you want it to have...
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    Christening Pics if anyone is interested....

    Wendy - you have a beautiful family!!!Congrats!!!
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    Sarah..(Imafitnessfreak)..Good Luck on your 1st Half Ma...

    You are such an inspiration!!! Awesome job Sarah!!!
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    BFFM week of 9/18

    Hey tasty burners!!!! Sounds like everyone is doing great today. X - 1.2 lbs is awesome!!! I had to adjust my mindset on the slower loss - and to be honest with myself I told myself if the other plans actually worked, I wouldn't be here. So, here I am - and slow is OK with me. I am still...