I lost 100 pounds!

A troll is someone who intentionally posts offensive, annoying, or attention-getting things to get other forum members riled up... basically, a troublemaker. I couldn't say one way or another if Cookiebaby is a troll, but I sure would be interested in hearing her story of how she lost all that weight. :)
Hi everyone! I haven't come around much because I moved, then moved again, went on vacation, got a very busy job, dealt with numerous family crises, lost another pet, etc. etc. I am not a troll, at least, I don't think so. I cleaned up my diet tremendously (no refined sugars, no hydrogenated oils, no dairy, no chemicals, no caffeine and no white flour) but of course, allowed myself some indulgences here and there. :) I did 90 minutes on my Gazelle daily and Cathe's Slow and Heavy series three times a week. I really love Susan Powter and used her books to guide me. I decided to eat three meals a day and exercise. That was all. I also read Edna Propes' story, the woman in Woman's World, who lost 300 pounds in a year! How amazing!! I put inspirational quotes and pictures on my fridge. I feel great!
Cookie, some of us have such big moths and busy fingers we can't imagine being an occasioanal poster. I am not an expert on trolls but I always thought they tried to breed ugliness and trouble andyou aren't doing that in spite of this confusing negativity tossed your way. Way to have a great attitude!
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
Congratulations to you. Cookiebaby, that is no small feat. Obviously this woman made a big impact on you & I hope you run with it.


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