BFFM week of 9/18


Hi Burner,,

Thought I'd start the new week with a new thread.It's great to see and hear from the rest of you. Well, as my first week of BFFM comes to an end I have a couple of thought:

My husb. and I did caliper measurments this am. I bought the Slim Guide for $19. It was very easy, came with a little instructional/informational booklet.

Only 2% difference between calipers and Tanita scale, in my favor and against my husband's favor in his case. (He is doing a cafeteria style BFFM with me...he's in good shape...just about 12-15lbs overweight but you would never know).

I did my one week weigh in today, and, well, not all that impressive but I am staying focused and I realize, for me, my 90 day goal at Christmas is to be down 12 lbs and 6% BF, will be slow and steady..

Lost 1.2 lbs, can't really speak for BF% until next week.

My first week was not perfect, I still have a lot to learn with tweaking my diet. I'm not so sure my body tolerates so much oatmeal. Just seems very starchy to me. (I use Siver Palate 100% oats, no sugar added). I never was an oatmeal eater favoring eggs/eggwhites.

Yesterday was a 5 mile run and then husb. and I did GS Back, shoulders, bi's.

This am, I wanted a break from running so started KM and couldn't finish as my shoulders and arms were DOMSing....I switched to Imax 3 to keep the focus on fat burning.

I've got a long way to go...hope you stick it out with me.

X, from Boston
Hey X, I'm still here! 1.2 pounds sounds perfect a la Tom Venuto! The first time I did this program, the biggest adjustment I had to make was in my mentality, i.e. no big weight loss promises here (I know the rationale is good, but losing 5 pounds in one week is so motivating!!!).

You are kicking butt in terms of workouts. I did well this week too - 4 cardios (I still have one more tonight to make 5), 3 weight days. Eating was pretty good, except I really stepped out of line on my cheat day and didn't pull it back in until today. I think I would have done better if I didn't have half a dessert sitting in the fridge. I won't do that again, I'll leave it at the party.

I plan to weigh myself Wednesday for the first time since starting, and to get my fiancee to measure my body fat. Time to face the music!!
Hi everyone!!!

I did pretty well over the weekend. Stayed between 1600 & 1800 calories. Attended a cookout and did pretty good. I didn't overeat. Since I usually measure and weigh once a month, I'll wait until I read some more of the book before I do any measurements. I like what I'm reading so far. I'm almost through Ch. 4. I didn't get to read too much over the weekend.

Good luck this week everyone!!!
I jsut started BFFM two weeks ago, Tuesdays are my days to weight in and do my BF measurements. Last week I was the same weight and BF% so I am hoping to see a change this week. I am felling pretty good so I'll jsut have to wait and see. Does anyone have any good receipes? Have a great week:)
Hello Burners

Yes, x we are here and I’m happy to see your result. Congrat on the 1.2 lbs weight loss. There is no doubt that you will reach your goal by X-mas.
I did very well the last week with my meals. This is the first program that I was able to follow for a week without “cheating”. I might measure my weight tomorrow but as I already said, that always takes me to a wrong direction/overeating because of the excitement or frustration/. I’m also not sure that I can decrease my BF% with this small amount of w/o but I have to follow the doctors’ advice for two more months.
I’m planning to follow this plan for 12 weeks and than I will decide how to continue it. So far I love all the food I eat, and I’m not really hungry.

I need to eat more vegetables from tomorrow. I will try to have 1-2 cup with dinner.
Today and yesterday was low cal, so tomorrow will be my high cal. day.

Have a nice week to everybody

Hi fat burners!

Sounds like everyone had a good weekend. I finally finished printing out the book. It is so much easier for me to read it in paper form. I used the "draft" choice for printing and it didn't seem to use up *too* much ink. Has everyone set goals and are you following the suggestions in Chap.1? I really have not... I'm not sure what weight or bf% I want to be at. I know I would like to be smaller! Ha ha. Actually I would like to be a size 6 or 8. I am short so I know a 4 is not impossible (been there before kids). I will have to re read that Chapt. and come up with something more concrete.

I, too, need to go shopping and get some more veggies. Have a great Mon.!:)
Hey tasty burners!!!!
Sounds like everyone is doing great today.

X - 1.2 lbs is awesome!!! I had to adjust my mindset on the slower loss - and to be honest with myself I told myself if the other plans actually worked, I wouldn't be here. So, here I am - and slow is OK with me. I am still not through with the book yet, but I am loving what I am reading so far.
I have a silly question for you - what is DOMS?

I ate pretty well this weekend and did lots of walking, chores around the house, and Billy Blanks Bootcamp. Today it's back to my Cathe workouts. I also got my calliper in last week. Tonight I will have hubby pinch me and see where we are at. I had so much energy this weekend. I'm not sure if it's eating cleaner, the vitamins, or a combo - but I usually just ZONK OUT the first few days of my period. To the point of not being able to focus and lay on the couch and sleep for a full 24 hours. Not this month - I have been up and going!! I am sooooooo happy!!! I hope this happens next month too.

I had a friend of mine over this weekend who is a fabulous cook - and she made me a huge pot of veggie soup from the stuff in my fridge. Here's the recipe for you guys:

Cut up 1.5 to 2 tomtatos
Dice up the white parts of 4-5 onions
3-5 cloves of garlic - chopped - depending on how much garlic you like (me likey a lot!!!)

Spray PAM in the bottom of a soup pot and cook the tomatoes, onions, garlic until it is very mushy and runny. Add water to that mixture with paprika and salt. About 1/2 a pot (depending on how much veggies you put in)

Once that is boiling - add carrots (if you are putting carrots in - they need to cook 10 mins before other veggies)

Then add anything you have!!: celery, cabbage, bell peppers, zucchini, etc. Empty out all the veggies in your fridge that are on the verge of going bad!!
Let them boil for 2O mins and you are done!!

Now - I am going to add some zero fat chicken stock to it for a little more flavor - and a put some cayenne pepper in it too. It was tasty!!!!!

Here's what I came up with in Fitday for a cup:

147cals/1g fat/34g carb/5g protein
Now, if you add 3 ounces of skinless chicken breast into it ( I would shred it in to make it last longer with the soup)
287 cals/4g fat/34 carbs/32 protein

Unfortuneately, it does not freeze well. It's super easy to make though, so you don't have to make a huge pot at a time.

FFD/Jamarba/Jedi/Krisztina - great job last week it sounds like!!

Have a great Monday all!!!
Hi Buddy Burners!

FFD- greta workout plan, I will do something similar to that...w/ focus on more cardio but never neglecting weights.

Jam-I think once a month check in is a great idea too, as I tend to get a little preoccupied with the scale. Need a 12 step program for that!

Jedi-Keep up the good work. Here is a great breakfast #2 recipe if you start to taper carbs after this:

Toasted whole grain english muffin, 1 egg fried in Pam (I add a little onion), place a piece of fat free cheese on the hot toasted english muffin, then the egg, hot peppers or seasoning of your choice. Wrap up and bring to work or save for later in the am. Hubby loves this...very satisfying.

Cal 330/Fat 5g/carbs23/Fiber3/Prot 16g

Krisz- good job staying the course w/ company, and I too eat way to little veggies...real veggies. But I LOVE,LOVE, South Beach surprise caulifower mashed potatoes. They are killer yummy.

GetStr- write your goals and affirmations, sounds kind of corny put they really are powerful.

Lizzy- no dumn questions...DOMS is "delayed onset muscle soreness", you'll see it all over this forum and in fitness jargon, and I'm sure you know what it is!!!

Hubby takes pre picture tonight. Talk about real courage!

Best until next time,
Sounds like everyone is doing great! I weighed and measured myself this morning and was very disappointed. No weight loss and acutally gained .75 of fat and lost lean muscle tissue. However, I am hoping that I'm just not that good at using the calipers yet and that I really didn't change from last week. x(

I thought I was doing so good this week too! :( I did have a cheat day on Saturday which I think I will cut out. A friend let me borrow her copy of BFL and I loved the idea of a whole cheat day. Obviously my body can't handle that. I think Tom's book makes a lot more sense in the regard that not everyone's body is the same. I just wish I was one of those people who could eat anything and barely exercise and still look great. ;-) Oh well.

I'm going to go read my goals again and try not to go eat a pound of chocolate to help make me feel better. :p

Keep up the good work everyone!
Marsha, I'm right there with you about the cheat day! I think rather than a cheat day, I will try a cheat meal, maybe something fried or a yummy dessert that I get at a restaurant. Just remember that you learned something really valuable this week that will help you tweak what you're doing in your own favor.

This week is more intense than last for me - 6 cardio days and 4 weight days. I will alternate high impact Cathe with the elliptical trainer at my apartment complex. I gotta get one of these machines when I get my first house. They are perfect for alternating with Cathe so you can save your knees!

Have a great day!
I did 1738 calories today - 23% fat, 46% carbs, 31% protein. I was trying to add in more protein but it also added extra calories. Will drop back down to 1500 tomorrow. Will see how it goes. Workout today - 10 minutes on elliptical and WP Power Sculpt.

Lizzy - I printed your recipe. I will give it a try when it's starts getting cold.

Hope you had a great day!
Hello Burners,

I had a great day yesterday. I stepped on the scale because I just wanted to see the result. I lost 1.8lbs and I’m happy with that. I don’t have the caliper yet but my clothes are not that tight anymore. Hopefully that’s because of the fat loss.

Yesterday was my high cal. day. I had 5 meals but I wasn’t able to eat enough cal.
1647 cal, 21%F,25%P,55%C.
I was supposed to eat around 1900-2000 but I just couldn’t.
How do you increase your calorie? You eat more frequently or you eat more high cal. food?

Marsha- don’t worry sometimes those equipments just not accurate. There were days when I felt that I lost at least 2 lbs and the scale showed the opposite. Did you drink enough water? Sometimes I don’t drink enough and my body keeps the fluid back.
Reading my goals helped me lot. I thought first that is stupid but than it worked for me.

Hi Burners,

Lizzy you're so right in encouraging Marsha, because I, too, snuck a peek at my weight yesterday and was completely surprised to see that I was down 2 lbs from out of nowhere! In fact, the day before was my frist week check in and I couldn't help but be a little disappionted despite all that T.V. says about 1-2 lbs/week.

So stay the course comes together with continous work. I also believe, as I've stated before, that it takes 21 days for your body to realize that you mean business!

"Nothing worth having ever comes without effort-don't ever forget that it takes hard work and consistent action every single day. You have to do something every day to move closer to your goal".

Yes, Lizzy, it's difficult to meet the higher calorie day, so I just tweak it a little, making sure I eat a little more, and even add a glass of wine.

Hi everyone,
Doing OK here on my sixth week. This weekend I struggled due to not having planned ahead for meals. The timing was off and the food wasn't always clean. I did have cravings for chocolate too that I indulged but I am back on track as of Monday. I have been faithful in my cardio 5 days a week and weights 2 days a week. I am looking to purchase heavier weights since things are getting easier. I haven't noticed a huge change in the scale but my clothes are looser. It is getting close to TTOM and I know I am retaining water. I did my measurements this morning and I lost an inch in my thighs and arms but gained in my waist, TTOM??? Go figure, I want to loose the waist and hips. Oh well, slow and steady!

I am glad to see that we are all similar. I guess I just assumed that everyone could loose weight easily but me. It is so nice to have all of you to talk with and compare. I have been "dieting" all my life and exercising for three years. I know that to loose the last 20 lbs it will take focus and a permanant change in my eating, no more dieting. At least with BFFM I now recognize calories and portions so even if I eat the wrong things it isn't as bad as it used to be. I also recognize that I won't loose 20 lbs in a week, no quick fixes and for some reason this makes it easier to be patient and get excited about the one lb loss a week.

Have a great day everyone! Vicky
Have you guys ever seen the movie Notting Hill with Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant? There is a scene where she says she is 27, so she has been on a diet for about 20 years. It's something to that effect - I just laughed my a** off - it's so true!!!

Today was a good day so far - I have my cals under control and did 45 mins with Cathe High-Step Circuit. I love that video!! I do need to jack up my workouts though and join the advanced crowd - but I'm scared!!! Cathe workouts are soooooooo tough!! I know they are worth it - I just need to put on my big girl workout shorts and DO IT! ;-)

I am trying to hit the 20/40/40 ratio. Man -it's tough! Everything has a ton of carbs in it - unless I'm munching on veggies. I had my Ezekial bread in the morning (which I love),but then I had a banana too and that was 28 grams of carbs!! WOW!! I guess all these years of low carb being pounded into my head, I am just freaking out a bit at how fast the carbs add up. I will have to get over this.

Darn - between the carb thing and jumping up to the next level on Cathe, this is going to be a big week for me!

Hope everyone is having a good day!! YOU GO BURNERS!!!!

Kris, X, & Vicky - Great going on seeing results already.

Kris - Sometimes in order to eat more calories, I may have 2 snacks between breakfast and lunch. Yesterday I ate more calorie dense good for you food.

Lizzy - What is Ezekial bread? Don't let the carbs get next to you. Just work on getting the ration that you want. Don't be afraid to take your workouts to another level, you'll be amazed at what you can do.

Today's calories - 1493 - 23% fat, 41% carbs, 34% protein. I did 30 minutes on the treadmill and a 20 minute yoga.

Talk to you tomorrow!:)
Hi everyone,
I got up today and got on the treadmill. 3 miles and 350 calories according to the machine. I also measured my body fat using the accumeasure and it says I am down 2% but the scale doesn't register a change in body fat. Is my scale not working? My clothes do seem to fit better.

Anyway, staying on track with calories even though I don't do ratios exactly yet, but I am sticking to my goal of 1700 or less a day. Does a honey raisin bran muffin that is fat free and 210 calories count as a cheat meal? We had them at work today and I ate that instead of my yougurt and whole wheat crackers. It was yummy but I think I missed out on enough protein. Still, I don't feel guilty about it.

I am considering getting new Cathe videos to mix things up a bit. The IMAX's are even getting easier?! I am looking at the Terminator and MIC. I want more challanging workouts! Hope everyone is seeing results! Vicky
Hi Burners,

Vicky- 2% down with bf. That is great. I think the muffin is not a cheat meal if you eat it with some source of protein.

Jamarba- you are doing great!
Lizzy- Last week I had more tome for planning and I really tried to keep the 20-40-40 ratio. I had to eat egg whites for breakfast, tuna for lunch, chicken for dinner and protein powder and cottage cheese for the “snacks” I reduced my rice for half cup and bread for one slice /meal.
This week I have hard time with this ratio and almost everyday I had 20-50-30.
I will see the result next Monday.

X- How are you doing with your workout?

Today I had 1550 cal, 26%F,44C,30P. I think I had too much fat today so I will try to keep it lower from tomorrow.

Have you ordered something from the presale workouts?

We Burners are kickin' butt!!!

Krisztina, I just put in my order for all 4 presale workouts. I just got Slow and Heavy today, too, so I'm pumped!

I've been excelling as far as working out - my week starts Monday and I've done cardio everyday, and did 2 GS workouts so far. I have 3 more cardio days and 2 more weight days left this week. I think I am starting to notice some differences now - just a wee bit more definition and shape than before.

The BFFM plan is going pretty well too (yeah, just pretty well). Yesterday was great as well as today (ok, except for a few Peanut M&M's, but I factored in the calories.) My big mistake was Monday - stressful phone call from my mom. I was tempted to suggest that my fiancee and I go out for drinks, but I did an excellent job of telling myself it would feel better to pump some iron. Well, I go to pick him up, and he suggests Mexican. It had been so long since a margarita that I caved. But, I learned that I'm super vulnerable when stressed, so I need to be super strong at these times!

Have a great Thursday!

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