BFFM week of 9/18

Hi Lady Burners,

Well, I will be nearing two full weeks on Sunday. Yesterday I had some time and re-read chapter 12, all about low carb eating and in addition to "zig zagging" calories, learning to taper carbs after meal #3 and to also zig zag with carbs similar to calories; 3 days low carb, 1 day higher carb.

So, today not only is my rest day (have done cardio and weights since Sun.) but my higher cal/carb day! That worked out well.

I have to sat that I have not cheated at all on my meal plans. But, I have a long, long way to go and I keep thinking that one little cheat is going to set me back a day. It's not that I don't believe in cheats, it's just that I am so determined.

I feel different. Like a little fat has started to evaporate.

Anyone else doing a lower carb approach? It's not easy.

I love and look forward to hearing from all of you. Continued success each day.

Hey tasty burners!!
Sorry I didn't post yesterday- crazy day, but my eating was OK. I kept it at a low cal day, but at the end of the day, my husband toasted a rosemary sourdough loaf of bread to go with the chicken and spinach salad I made for dinner. I had to eat some - it was toooooooooooo good!!!!

J - Ezekial bread ia in your frozen section. It's a very healthy sprouted bread - no flour in it at all!!

Krisztina - thanks for the insight on your 20/40/40 meals - I will try that. I also ordered all the DVD's on presale. Can't wait to get them!!! Hope I can do them when I get them!!!LOL!!!

Tonight is date night with hubby - and a TDEE day - so I am eating well - no nasty stuff - and drinking a few glasses of vino!!!!

Hope everyone is having a blessed day!!!!!

Hey guys -
For some reason my last two posts are not up here!!ARGH!!!

J - Ezekila bread is made without any flour at all.

Tonight is date night with hubby - and it's a TDEE day - YIPEE!!! VINO!!!LOL!!!

I did the first 3 intervals in LowMax yesterday. I was pretty sore already though from Low Intensity Step and Hi-Step the day before. Today I did a Jam Party Cardio. I need to focus more on cardio right now, my weight is not budging, but my body fat is going down. I just need my weight to go down too!!!!

Hope all is well -
I love to hear when hubbies and wives still do the date night thing. We both look forward to this, in fact tonight is our date night too.

I am choosing Thai food, I will probably have a spicy shrimpy/brothy soup and a chicken curry (half portion, of course) and some brown rice.

Don't you find now that you plan your date night around your TDEE day?I love it! It really works for me.

Since I work 5 days a week I stick to my cardio plan of 6am run, followed by walking lunges and 2-3 Lo Max intervals. I could be better with the weight training....I have been splitting GS Chest/Tris at the beginning of the week and GS Back/Shoulders/Bi's towards the end.

Truthfully, I'm favoring cardio for fat burning...and will ramp up with weight training when I've made some fat loss progress.

Hey Burners! Can I join in? I just came back from a two week vacation with the plan to start BFFM. Monday was my first day. Vacation was wonderful except for the 10 pounds I gained (yikes!). That happened last year and seemed like it took forever to take it off. Hopefully with BFFM it will be easier this time. So far I did peek at my weight yesterday morning and already I'm down 3 pounds, which I'm sure is water weight. Funny thing is that on Monday I wore size 10 pants to work, by Wednesday I could wear and 8, and today I'm in a snug 6. Doncha just love water weight? LOL.

Eating 5 meals a day hasn't been hard because I had been eating that way for a while, but increasing my protein has been difficult. I've been sticking to a 40-40-20 combo. Has anyone else noticed any change in their energy level after a few days lowering their carb intake? This morning Stepworks just kicked my butt like it never has before. My HRM registered 403 calories burned when it would usually be in the area of 250-300 and I was really wiped afterward. Can my glycogen (sp?) be depleting that much on 40% carb intake? Seems to me that going from roughly 60% to 40% wouldn't make that much of a difference. Tomorrow is higher carb day so hopefully on Saturday I'll see an increase in energy. Any thoughts you guys might have on that would be appreciated.
Welcome TK!

Glad to have another Burner to join this support/learning thread. Have you read BFFM?

My, my, look at your picture! You're looking mighty fit at 46. Nice to have another forty something gal who's working at being the fittest yet.

Isn't that remarkable how easily 10 lbs. can pile on after a vacation?

As for me, yesterday was my rest/TDEE/higher carb day and I have to admit that after the first glass of wine I lost some of my focus and probably ate above my TDEE of 1800ish.Lesson learned: better for me to avoid alcohol at this point.

Next three days....back to the basics, 5 meals, low carb taper, cardio, cardio and visualization. I'll be away for the w/e so I'll see all you Burners on Monday am with my stats to date.

Good luck...keep on Burning!

Hello Burners,

It was a great week for me and as I read the posts for all of us. I don’t know why but I’m so determined this time.
X- for me the cardio made the trick for fat loss. As soon as I started with weight lifting, I gained weight. For me that was very frustrating.
I was considering tapering calories and don’t eat carb after 3pm. Than I thought I will do this when I hit the plateau.

Welcome TK! I don’t have any change in my energy level yet but this is only the second week for me with BFFM.
I think I need to increase my vitamin intake.

FutureFitness Dynamo – I think I will make an order as well. The price is very good and the workouts sounds great.

Yesterday was low cal day: 1457 cal, 17%F,47%C,36%P

Today is high cal I will try to consume 1800 cal.
I will go out tonight and will try to plan my meal before I leave. Many restaurants have the menu available online so I will check it out.
Do you have Chilli’s in your area? They have healthy meals and the nutrition info is written down in the menu.

Have a nice Friday evening!


Hi everyone!!!

Welcome TK!!!!

Been having phone line problems the last couple of days. Eating is still going well. Yesterday I did 1702 calories - 22% fat, 50% carbs, 28% protein. Still doing recovery workouts until Oct. 1 and then I start Cathe's June rotation.

Lizzy - Thanks for the Ezekial bread info. I'll have to try and find some.

I'm now into the chapter on zig zagging. It looks like I need at least 2152 calories on the low end and about 2400 on the high end. How are you guys breaking this up? That's a lot of food to eat. I think I will have to try 6 meals a day and space them every 2-3 hours to get it all in. Right now I eat 5 but I'm up early enough during the week to maybe accomplish 6. I'll see what happens.

Looks like everyone is doing really great. I will wait until Oct. 1 to weigh and measure and really get into the program. I should have the book finished by then.

Have a great day!!! :)
Hey X and other burners. X, to answer your question yes I have read BFFM. I purchased it before vacation to get myself acquainted with it. This week is the first to put it into action. So far so good. Today was weigh in and so far 5 of the dreaded vacation pounds are gone. I'm sure next week it will be a lot less! Tomorrow morning pre-workout I'll take my body fat measurement. I should have done that earlier in the week but forgot.

Today is my higher carb day and I guess maybe I should stay away from the wine LOL. I'm curious to see if my energy comes back after more carbs today. It was all I could do to roll out of bed to do my cardio this morning. Tomorrow Terminator is on the agenda so wish me luck.

Happy burning everyone.
Good Morning Burners,

Well, I didn’t go out yesterday because I had a terrible headache. I stayed at home and tried to watch the Alexander movie. That is a long movie!!!.
My cal intake was about 1800-1900 cal. I don’t know exactly because I ate a package instant Cream of Wheat and I couldn’t find the nutrition info for that.
Today is low cal and actually I like the low days better.
Truton- You look fantastic.
Jamarba- Are you sure about that numbers? I’m not an expert but 2100 cal on the low days and 2400 on the high days seem a little bit too much for me. Did you subtract the 500 cal for fat burning?
I wish I could wait till October 1st with weigh in. You will be really happy with the result by that time.

Monday is a weigh in for me and I’m very anxious about that. I hope my little lion will move forward on the line.

Have a nice weekend to everybody!


Morning burners!!!

Krisztina - where did you get your little weight mover? I want one of those too!!!

Today I am very excited - the scale was down 1.7 lbs and 4% body fat!!! I hear those scales are not very good, but it was at 30% and now it's at 26% and I'm going to take it!! I did get callipers, I need to break down and have hubby start pinching. I am traveling for a few days to Dallas - where my famliy is. I am very excited to see all the little stinkers that have popped out over the last few years!!

TK - you look great!!! Welcome to the thread

J - I need to finish the book too. I have it packed in my carry-on to read, but I had to pick up the US Weekly to read about Kenny and Renee's split! I'm such a dork when it comes to celebraty gossip - LOVE IT!!!LOL!!!

X -I'm going to try what you do - my cardio (Turbo Jam or TaeBo) with a few segements of one of the MAX workouts - and work my way up to a whole one.

Hope everyone has a great Sat/Sun - I will not be able to check in again till Monday.....

Cheers -
Hi all,

Krisztina I saw your little lion in your signature line and was inspired to go to and get a slider too. I now have my own little pet pig. Hope you don't mind! Once I deal with these 10 pounds, then maybe I'll continue on for a personal goal. We'll see...

This morning I did Terminator Gauntlet. Yesterday was a higher carb day which I think helped my energy somewhat. Did 50% carbs, 30% protein, 20% fat and 1900 calories. It just seemed like I was eating all day yesterday. Today's I'll go back to 40/40/20.

The BFFM book wants us to eat protein and complex carbs together so I thought I'd try a scoop of protein powder in my oatmeal. The first two spoonfuls weren't so bad then I had to throw it away (and I never throw food away!). Sorry, that was just as bad as my experiment with cottage cheese in oatmeal. Yuck! I'll just have to try eggs in it next. That actually sounds a little bit more palatable to me. I've put peanut butter and also crushed pecans in oatmeal and that tastes okay.

Later all!
Hi All,

TK- your piggy is so sweet!
It is soo hard to eat protein with carbs. I'm just like you, don't like to throw food away but I had to do it today. The same happend to me with tomato soup. I put 2 tbsp protein powder in it and could'n eat it. The only way I can eat protein is with yogurt and milk.
Liz- go to the and I think you can find this under "features"

Talk to you soon!

Hi everyone!!!

Kris - Guess I need to clarify on the calories. Low end of 2152 is for moderate activity and 2400 for very active. Very active is probably what I will be with the rotation for Oct. - working out 6 days a week. Do you think that is correct? So after I deduct the 500 for fat loss, I should be ok, right? I like your lion too.

Liz - I know what you mean about keeping up with celebrity gossip. I have to watch ET every day. Congratulations on the numbers going down!!

TK - Like your pig. Protein powder does take getting use to. Chocolate is my favorite. I can only use vanilla in yogurt and smoothies.

Eating is going good for the weekend so far. Just got telephone service so I haven't been able to log anything yet. I did a 35 minute run this morning. I'm working on my endurance. I also did a YZ workout.

Hope you're having a great weekend.
Hi ladies!

Haven't written in awhile, but its so awesome to see everyone hanging in there. I have a confession to make (I've been hiding): I have not been eating fully clean everyday. I have found that around my 3rd meal of the day, I go straight for something unhealthy - I keep the calories abour right, but it is not clean at all. There! I feel better!

I've decided to make a little game for myself to eat 50 calories less of unclean each day until I get from 300 down to zero. So, tomorrow, if I cave to uncleanliness, I can't do more than 250.

On a positive note, I've been really proud of my workouts. By tomorrow's end I'll have done 6 days of cardio and 4 days of weights, 2 body parts per session. If I can just keep pushing myself around eating, I know I'll really see results!

Keep on me about the junk ladies! I need some extra reinforcement!
Hi Burners!

Interesting subject about protein powder and oatmeal. I, too, spit out my oatmeal after adding protein powder. Grosssssss!

But then I realized that you don't have to "literally" mix protein and carbs, that it's equally fine to eat your oatmeal and accompany it with a protein drink. So now every am my first breakfast after cardio is oatmeal with a yummy srawberry protein shake.

Then I'll scramble up some egg whites and just eat them before, during or after my second oatmeal or 2nd breakfast. It doesn't mean you have to mix them -just eat them in the same session.

Today was 5 mile run and 200 walking lunges, 2 Lo Max intervals. Unfortunately I haven't been as disciplined with eating tonight. But I'll wake up to new day and re-focus.

So cool to hear from you.

Hey, futurefitnessdynamo, your not alone. I am going through a rough time and have some personal problems and have not kept up the program this week. No all out binging or anything but not taking the time to plan my meals etc. The good news is I dropped a pound anyway.

I have a question for all of you. I re read chapt. 1-3 today and see the goal-affirmation section is going to be very important for me if I am going to be able to rise above my problems (which at this time seem unresolvable) and focus on achieving success in at least this area of my life. I am a little confused though. He wants us to write out several time frames (12 mos etc) and then goes into the affirmation/visualization section. He then gives some examples of some others affirmations. He also says the 90 day goal is very important and should be a focus. So, am I suppose to have affirmations/goal cards for all my goals, or mostly the 90 day goal? The examples he gives seem like final goals which I will need more than 90 days to reach. Maybe you are suppose to read affirmations and visualize your final goal in the a.m. and carry your 90 goal with you through the day? What are you doing? I appreciate your input and suggestions since this is going to be important for me! My 90 day goal would be to lose 18 pounds and ?% bodyfat (have to get the calipers yet). But my long term goal would be to be at 18% bodyfat and wearing a size 4/6. \ Hope you get what I'm saying - seems like I'm rambling....

Sounds like all of you are doing well. I have been keeping up with your posts while I have been bogged down with this depressed feelings.
I'm ready to kick myself in the pants and get back to work!:) Marnie :)
Good Morning Girls,

I missed you Future Fitness Dynamo,
Good job with your workouts. I think as long as you keep the calories right and loosing weight you are ok.
The plans sounds really good and remember: no more than 250 today!

Gettingstrong- I’m sorry, to hear that you have to deal with some personal problems. I hope you can resolve it in the near future.

About the goals: I have my 90 days goals written down. I know my one-year goals but right now it is too far and cannot visualize it yet. I have my goal card with me in my car, in my purse and beside my bed. So I read them many times everyday.

X- thanks for your input regarding the protein powder you are right.

Jamarba- Sorry, I misunderstood your previous post. You are right with the calories.

The second week is almost over. Tomorrow is weigh in for me and I’m so excited about it.

Happy Burning!


Hi all!!!

Future - Keep working at it and you'll get there. At least you're giving yourself a point to work from.

Gettingstrong - I read the goals as setting one for your ultimate goal, a 12 month goal and a 90 day goal. If you can accomplish your 90 day goal, then you should be able to accomplish any other. What do you think?

x - Thanks for ways on getting that protein powder down with oatmeal.

Kris - Good luck with your weigh in tomorrow.

I had a hard time getting 5 meals in today because of church. I was a little later eating the last one than I wanted to be. I didn't want to skip it though. I think I will aim for 6 meals per day. It does make it easier when the meals are planned out. I ate more fat than I really wanted to today but it was still under 30%. The book is just so informative.

Have a good night ladies and a good day tomorrow.
Thanks for all the encouragement, Burners! Because of it, I had a great day - only 150 unclean calories (sugar free pudding with Lite Cool Whip on top is unclean, right? Cmon, someone tell me these are listed as A grade foods!) and low calories - around 1450. I also did the floor part of GS legs and Core Max #2, as well as StepBlast to complete my 10 workouts this week. Now I get 4 days off!!! YIPPPEE!!!

And, thanks again to you ladies, I will NEVER put protein powder with anything except milk! YUCKKK!!!

:p :p

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