BFFM Crowd


Well, I picked up a ream of 28# high quality lazer printer paper, 200 heavyweight sheet protectors and a 3" binder that zips around three sides (just for added protection). That's $37 invested into the printing and binding of the BFFM "bible". The only thing left to do is buy it, download it and print it (and then, of course, read it and put it into practice.)

BUT....I'm still "on the fence"...even after reading all the accolades. Someone please help me off the fence one way or the other. Should I invest another $40 for the e-book or just return all the printing/binding supplies to Staples and order another workout DVD?

~ Kim

"Welcome the challenge...Embrace it...Don't fear it." -Cathe Friedrich
Get the book Kim. It's the best "diet" information I've read. I was on a year long plateau trying to lose that last 10 pounds. Since implementing the proper eating mechanisms presented in the book, I've lost 5 of those pounds. I'm never hungry, and feel great. The book is a good investment and great reference manual.
I feel like I invest a TON of time into my food, etc. Does BFFM end up making you spend more time thinking about everything, and preparing food? I expect that it does.

Just curious. LOL, I bought a $300 laser printer so I could get the book and print it out!! But I don't have a fancy binder or anything- yet. ;)
"Just curious. LOL, I bought a $300 laser printer so I could get the book and print it out!! But I don't have a fancy binder or anything- yet. ;)"

LOL, Amy!

Man, and I thought I had a lot already invested!!

~ Kim

"Welcome the challenge...Embrace it...Don't fear it." -Cathe Friedrich

Don't think of it as just a workout book or an eating plan. It's so much more than that.

Think of it as a text book or a Body Bible. Once you have the information contained in this Bible, you need nothing else for the rest of your life. It's that perfect!
I've been teetering on the edge of that fence myself. I was going to buy the book a few weeks ago but I got side tracked and then forgot about it. But like you guys--I've had to invest a fortune to get started here--4 DVDs, the Troy Lite Barbell System, a DVD player (can you believe I didn't have a DVD player!?), etc and so on. I still need some more weight training DVDs, a few more hand weights, a medicine ball, and some dura bands. On top of these things, I had to get a new heat pump and AC, and we just had the exterior of our house painted. In a word...I am BROKE!!;(

Okay, so it was really just an excuse to get the printer I wanted. :D(Which, BTW, I found on eBay for $265 and it retails for $499!!!! I love that!)

And, I begged/convinced/fenagled DH into preordering for me last night!! And I just got the Body Blast series. And oh yeah a new stability ball. And oh yeah I need a 15 and 20 lb set of dumbbells. And what about Core Max. And I really think Muscle Max will help me out, not to mention the Gym Styles! But first I need to see a chiropractor. And... And... And... }(

So BFFM might have to wait a bit. ;(
Hey Kim,
I haven't officially joined in with the BFFM crowd on the boards, but I've downloaded book and man what an eye-opener it is. I was skeptical at first too. I mean 40 bucks for a book I couldn't flip through first to see if I'd actually read way. I've had enough crap around here that I don't read.

But something in one of the threads caught my attention. it was about this book teaching you how to interpert what the scale can't tell you. I am an anti-scale person, because I've always weighed far more than I look. And scales, those dang evil tools of the devil, tear down my body self image so bad. And no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get the scale reflect what the standard charts indicated I should be. This book is helping me to understand that body composition (lean body mass vs body fat) is where my focus should be. (I still haven't bought a new scale, but it is on my list of things to buy along with calipers.)

This book had taken a lot of what you find scattered and buried in the masses of other health/fitness media and condensed it in a simple to understand format. While it should not be the only reference manual on your shelf, it definitely should be there. should see my book. It's high-lighted, notes in the margin, sticky notes hanging out. You would think I'm studying for final exams....
I'll add one more comment. If you are not willing to devote some time to really putting what the book says into action, then you might be wasting your time. Tom Venuto says this too - there is nothing easy about what he proposes in the book, but what he offers is solid information (and LOTS OF IT - I have found that nothing else I read adds anything to what is contained in this book). But, you do have to be willing to put in some effort, to calculating things, taking various measurements and evaluating your progress, modifying when needed.

I consider this book a steal for $40 and would have paid a lot more now that I know what information is contained in there! If you are willing to put the time and effort into something that will work, then go for it!!
Kim - I also agree it is sooooooooo worth the money!! There is always more DVD's to buy, more weights, etc. But if you don't get your eating down, all of that will be in vain. You MUST get your eating where it needs to be for all of the other stuff to have the effect that you want it to have. It's a slow & steady journey - it's not a quick and easy road. However, I think I tried all of those and none of them worked.!

I vote for getting the book!! I read that some folks split the costs between the two of them to lesson the blow - you might be able to find someone to do that with you. And then come join us on our weekly thread - we would love to have you!!!

If you think about it, since eating properly is 80% of the equation, you'd be better off getting the book and no workout tapes.
This is the first fitness book I've bought, and I only have a few more chapters to go. I am highlighting like crazy! I've had to borrow a highlighter from a neighbor, just so I could keep reading and not miss a beat.

I've always wondered what combo of foods I should be eating, especially after all the sweat invested in a Cathe workout. This information makes sense, is concise, interesting, and I can't wait to get to the end so I can start implementing some changes.

Incidentally, my doctor gave me a 2-3 hour lesson on nutrition and digestion earlier this year. Now, it wasn't from a fitness point of view, but it's like I'm reading her notes all over again. This info isn't a new fad, it's science. (Although I start glazing over when reading/hearing about amino acids, etc.;-) )

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