Sarah..(Imafitnessfreak)..Good Luck on your 1st Half Ma...

RE: Sarah..(Imafitnessfreak)..Good Luck on your 1st Hal...[/img] Sarah!!! I knew you could do it after all that hard work!! Thanks for posting and letting us know....We do want more details later...:)...I am soooooooooooo happy for you....:7 :+ ...Carole
RE: Sarah..(Imafitnessfreak)..Good Luck on your 1st Hal...

Sorry I didn't notice this thread sooner, Sarah! Glad it went well! You work sooo hard! You deserve it! :)
Thanks you so much guys! You really are the greatest!

Carole, There is nothing more I'd rather do than dish the details so fire away at the questions! I don't know where to start!:7 :7 :7
Okay Sarah....since you had such an awesome time doing your first and not last half...when is your next race!!

Did you do the pace you wanted?

Did you still have energy at the finish?

Did you meet some fun people along the way?

And of course last but not are you feeling today???...:)...Carole
Next 1/2 is the weekend before Thanksgiving (Nov. 19th or 20th). I have 5k's, 10k's to keep me busy until then!!

Pace? YES!!! My goal was to be UNDER 2 hours and my time was 1:50:56!!! That is good for me!!!

Energy at the finish? YES...I think...sort of! I gunned it at the end passing the guy in front of me. DH has it on video!! I'll see if I can get a clip attached to my siggy.

Meet WONDERFUL people, as always! Runners are the most awesome, polite, friendly and warmest people! Tons of support for's what attracts me to the sport!!

FEELING AWESOME today!! I always feel my absolute best after a long run! That is what I refer to as "good tired" or "happy tired";) ;) ;) I KNOW it's not just me!!!
Wow....the next few races sound soon...5k's and 10k's are great training for the half! You did an 8:28 pace....awesome Sarah!!! And I happen to be very happy when I pass a guy...}( ...way to go....:)...Carole
Hey sister!!!

Congrats on your 1st race!!! YEAH!!! I am so proud of you, you really are an inspiration to everyone!! You go GIRL!!!


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