Vitamin E oil


Just wanted to share this with you guys--about 2 weeks ago I bought a bottle of pure vitamin e oil & started using it as my nightly skin moisturizer. Well, the difference even within a day or two has been absolutely amazing. Obviously it hasn't made my wrinkles disappear, but what it has done is made that kind of "parchment" look pretty much disappear. My skin literally looks 10 years younger & is practically glowing.

Warning--it will make your skin break out. If you're prone to clogged pores or zits, this'll make it worse. I did break out the first couple of days I used it but I have some pretty powerful zit meds that took care of it.

Anyway, thought those of you with more "mature" looking skin like I have would be interested...........
I've never used it on my face, but I after my surgery (for herniated disc) I was instructed to apply vit E to my incision after they removed the staples. I think it helped.

Awww you're so sweet. I miss you too! Although I have had the benefit of your hostility......errr I mean hospitality........via email.........

I'm doing OK. I've been working out like crazy which always helps.

Of course, the s'mores cookies do NOT help so I guess it all evens out in the end. :p
Here's a mixture for those with oily/break-out prone skin:

mix 16 ounces pure aloe-vera with one ounce VitE - Rub solution all over your skin every day.

I clipped this out of a mag one time from a woman who was Native-American. Her grandfather passed it to her and she has never had to wear foundation, skin looks healthy, never broke out, and never had stretch marks. I wish I had known about it before kids!!LOL!!

Since when is 'Smores on Atkins? ;)

By the way, did you try the E oil on your hands? Just curious because this is where I'm seeing age take it's toll.
Is it just plain old oil or do you have to break open the capsules? I used to have the capsules but it is all I can do at night to do the USUAL nightly routine without complications. ;-)

I am wondering this too. Candi, I am glad you brought up the hands...didn't connect the two here, but I would sure love something to make my hands look and feel better.
Candi--s'mores are not on Atkins & the scale has not been kind to me during the last few weeks. x( I've managed to stay below 115 but just barely, & I think it's b/c I've been doing cardio every freakin day. I skipped Sunday but otherwise I've been stepping my poor little feet off trying to undo the effects of my sliding off my diet........

Anyway, back to the E. I got a bottle of pure oil, it's not capsules. It was less than $10--certainly the cheapest night treatment I've ever bought LOL. I haven't tried it on my hands but judging by the effects I'm already seeing on my face, I have no doubt it'll help. I won't promise miracles but I've tried a heck of a lot of stuff, ranging from $50-$300, & this little $10 bottle has been the most effective so far.
Thanks, Laura. I swear my hands have really gone downhill this year and nothing seems to help!
I find it really helps to use a good #30 sun block on my hands and arms. I think the sun does more damage than anything else.


You know, I never thought about sunblock on my hands but I do live in Florida where we do see a lot of sun. I have a feeling my dry hands are attributable to my age more than anything. In my younger years I used to suffer from very oily skin. I never thought I would be complaining of dryness :)
I used it when I was pregnant with all three kids and never got a stretch mark on my stomach! I wish I would have thought to put it on my a$$! :+ I love it and put it on my face before bed every night and my whole body in the winter since it is so dry. It is like a miracle oil, isn't it??? To think that some people try potions made with sheep foreskin, for over $100, before they try this.

Okay Missy--Now I have to check out all my lotions and potions to see if they contain the foreskin of sheep. EEEEWWWWW LOL!!!

If you use it as a body lotion, wouldn't it make your clothes/sheets oily?
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Just wanted to jump in and say that I've recently become a believer in antioxidants for the face, too! I haven't tried straight Vitamin E, but I'm using an antioxidant serum (Super Antioxidant Concentrate)by Paula Begoun ( that I feel is making a great difference in my skin. It might be a good option for someone who would have breakouts with Vitamin E oil. Paula is the no-nonsense author of Don't Go To The Cosmetics Counter Without Me, and I really like her approach and all of the products of hers that I've tried. Check her out!

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