Mambo Cha Cha's ... WHY?


As I ponder what cardio workout to do today, I realize I really despise mambo cha chas. Cathe, Christi, Mindy and other CIA instructors use them regularly. For some reason they ruin the flow of my workout. Why do these instructors like them so much? Am I the only one? It messes up my foot work. If they just made one video without mambos I would be so happy. Though I usually find a substitute move, I really wish at least one video could be made without them.
LOL...I don't know what to tell ya, I personally like them. Too many of them, however, can get old though but I guess that's the way it is with any move, ey?

I am not a fan of jumping on and off the step. I am afraid. In fact, I never do it. I have yet to even TRY it! I just jump on the floor.

I am also not a fan of the "rebound back"-this one does not flow for me very well.

For the longest time fast foot repeaters had me TOTALLY confused but I recently figured that one out and now they are fun! :)
I don't mind mambos, but I hate pivots (which I usually turn into mambos). I don't see why THEY have to be in so many workouts. They use up more space than I want to use, and aren't that great on my knees at times.

Give me mambos over pivots any day!
Oh, I am the great mombo cha cha hater. I do not do the stepping workouts. I do fast forward thru low max on a few moves that are similiar. I like structure. The fast stepping moves are too hard for me to follow. Cathe moves too fast for my uncoordinated body so I just stick with running or KPC unless I want to hurt myself by spraining my ankle...something I would do. Love the KPC moves though.

They mess up me flow too! I'm concentrating so hard on my feet it is hard to relax and let my hips move. I'm spastic and this just makes it even more obvious...I would like a video without them too!
I also like mambo cha cha's -- even with the pivots on my bad knees -- as long as there aren't too many of them. Some days I skip the pivots and just do the mambo cha cha's. It's the triples around the step that I'm not so fond of. They're easier now that I work out on puzzle mats. They are not that easy to do on carpet.

I love mambo cha cha's:) I love all the dancey moves. Especially the ones where I can make my hips go all loosey goosey:)
I love them!! I always wanted to be a dancer though and my mom made me play the piano instead - so doing Mambo ChaCha's is the closest thing I get to dancing like the girls on FAME!!! :)
I was mambo cha cha'ing my little cha cha off with IMAX2 today!! I love them!!! Much nicer than those nasty pylo jacks, air jacks, and freeze squats stradding the board (whatever the heck you call that move - blast 9). But I did them all, YAY, just much prefer the mambo cha cha's!!
If you don't like these, stay FAR, far away from Rob Glick's workouts! He makes Cathe and Christi seem like they never use mambos cha-chas!!

Wendy :)

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