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    Big Calves!

    My good friend is a personal trainer. She is a petite thing and has a lot of muscle. She has the same complaint about her calves. She is a long distance runner too which is supposed to help slim them down, but they are the same size. She realizes it is purely genetics. I met her father...
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    Flax Seed..Can someone help me???

    You can grind a couple of days worth of flax seed, but you have to keep it in the refrigerator. I just grind as I want, but many grind 3 days worth and keep it in the fridge. It will be safe that way.
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    Flax Seed..Can someone help me???

    Hi there, I actually ground flax seeds myself and it is so easy. I purchased an electric coffee grinder for about $10.00 and it grounds flax seeds in seconds. There are so many benefits to flax seed. One thing is the good fats that you get plus all the fiber that you get out of it. It...
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    Suggestions? - Boot Camp Circuit

    I love Boot Camp style workouts! I say go for the 60 minutes!
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    Suggestions? - Upper Body Split

    I would also like to see a lower rep speed. I vote for a 60 minute tape, but wouldn't be disappointed with 45 min.
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    Announcing "The Intensity Series"

    OMG! I am so excited. These future tapes are going to be great. I can't wait! Thanks Cathe!
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    Cathe PLease Please tell us ...

    I also avoided replying to this, but I am so glad Cathe did. I must say that I was shocked at some of the responses some gave. Veggiegirl is new here and she has every right to ask Cathe a question, and Cathe is always gracious with her answers. Welcome veggiegirl! Once you go Cathe you...
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    Thanks Maribeth! First thing tomorrow morning I will drink some juice like you suggested and go from there. Maybe I can make myself eat a banana. It does make sense that you need to have fuel. I have been working out for around 3 years without eating anything before hand since I switched...
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    Maribeth I personally prefer to workout first thing in the morning with nothing in my stomach. I feel my workouts are very strong too. I just make sure I eat well at dinner time. Not going over board, but making sure I have fuel for the next mornings workout. I am at a very good weight...
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    Workout Temperature

    Actually, I believe you burn more calories in much colder temperatures. I know if I run outside in the winter, I look leaner. I read somewhere, can't remember where that your body is fighting hard to warm itself and therefore burns more calories. I am certainly no expert but it makes sense...
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    It's a boy!

    Fitnik, You are in my prayers. I hope everything will go well for your marriage and your pregnancy. I feel bad that the SIL situation is causing so many problems. I hope everything will turn out positive for you. Take care!
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    Hi there! I got my first tatoo last May. I got it on my lower back and I don't regrett it for a minute. It wasn't a spontaneous decision. I have wanted one since I was 18 and finally got around to it at 25. It really does hurt because it is a bony area, and it has a lot of black detail...
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    Running in Warm Weather

    Actually, in Runner's World I read that if you put your treamill on a 1-2% incline, it is pretty much the same as running outside. I run on a 2-3% incline, sometimes higher if I am doing a hill repeat and I find I lost no fitness when I ran outside.
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    For The Firm devotees...

    Hi Robin, I certainly agree that they are more endurance tapes, at least for me they are. There is a big difference in the weights I use for Cathe and the Firm. That is just how they are for me though. I know from other forums that some women can lift some serious poundage with the...
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    Running in Warm Weather

    I can't stand running outside in the summer. Too hot and humid, even if I go out at 6am. So, I just don't do it. Plus, I sweat a lot and even though I bring a bottle of water with me, it just isn't enough. I need at least 3 full ones to feel comfortable. I just use Cathe's tapes and...
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    Cathe recommendation

    Hi there, I recommend Cardio Kicks. It is a fun, but tough workout, but not as tough as MIC (which I think is her hardest video). Plus it is easy to modify and the moves are really simple. Congrats on getting through 2/3 of the hi/lo. Trust me, this is a tape you need to build up to...
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    'square butt' syndrome

    Hi Kelly I used to Spin at least 3 times a week for about 2 years. It leaned me out at first, but the more advanced I got, the more resistance I had to put on the bike to get my heart rate up. So as I upped the resistance, my hips and thighs got bigger. It was muscle, not fat, but it...
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    I've mailed Rotations Volume 4

    Thank you Kathy! The rotations look great. Thanks again for doing this! Take care, Christine
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    RE: Woo hoo...... Hi Susan, Yeah, you should be so proud of yourself! This is still the toughest workout video I own. Keep up the good work. Pretty soon you can make it without modifications. I have been doing it faithfully for 2 years, and it still kicks my butt! Give yourself a big...
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    Which one??

    Hi there! You say you want to work out hard, then I wouldn't get the Wedding Tape. It really isn't all that intense in my opinion, but it is a great way to start off with Cathe. Body Max was my first Cathe tape and it took me 3 times to learn it. I had to force myself to do it after the...