Announcing "The Intensity Series"

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-16-02 AT 07:32AM (Est)[/font][p]Thank you so much, Cathe!

You are one organized woman. I want to be just like you when I grow up.



I had a lousy day yesterday which included NOT being able to do my beloved Cardio Kicks because of a truly dreadful townhome association meeting, only to come in and read this announcement . . . you made the whole thing worthwhile!

I'm droooling!


Annette Q. Aquajock
The Cathe Monogamist
I like the pyramid up only approach ... i would be ready to buy that video... i like that approach best!!!

have u had any thoughts about lower IMPACT workouts??? as i age i find that HIGH IMPACT IS DEFINITELY not the way to go??


IMAX 2!!!! You go Cathe! You're completely amazing!!
Trevor :) :-jumpy
Hi Cathe! Your outline to this series is UNREAL!Thank you for listening to us and keeping us challenged! No One does it better!I totally love the idea of the "series" especially 6 days!A different approach to a new series (annually?sorry just drifted off to dream land-I'm back now)is a brilliant way to keep our muscles confused and working at their peak!I second the hour workouts as intense as you make them-showing modifications once and if certain persons have to they can stay there while others kick it up to advanced levels!Atleast having the hour option we can listen to our bodies and cut it down accordingly! It's better than having a shorter workout and having to pop in another tape to feel totally worked out!Sometimes this causes overtraining not realizing we're doing too much because we feel like we missed a certain bodypart or just wanted to add on!I printed out your outline and I'm taking it to work so I can sink it all in!I had a couple of suggestions and I have to figur out what # to put it under!If you do the hour workouts I was wondering if you could incorporate some standing ab routines,weighted side bends,weighted ab work and some side planks to work the abs differently! I also was wondering if you could consider doing the abs first(maybe standing)just to shake up the sequence and order for variety!I know you came out with ab hits but I'm hoping you bring us new stuff that doesn't have to be long but effective maybe 3 to 4 mins to maybe even lengthen the time of your tapes!I'm sorry to babble but you have that effect on me that gets me going--soo looking forward to your tapes--thanks for listening and I know whatever you do it will top the rest(no pressure right?) Love you and your dedication! Your friend in fitness~~Francine
Just put me on the bandwagon! I have been longing for some new tapes that push me to the limit. Thanks, Cathe!! I am headed over to the video commentary place, because I don't think I really understand the Boot Camp idea/concept, and I am sure it will become lucid if I read others' comments, ideas. (Hey--hope you didn't get scared off a yoga tape!?)
Ohhhhh, Cathe, you're scaring me!!! (Picture Patricia running shrieking through the woods). Haven't I always been a loyal fan? Haven't I suffered enough? Ain't I workin' hard enough already?

Just kiddin' (NOT!). Bring it on Cathe!

Patricia (who's never properly introduced herself to you)

P.S. How DO you DO?
Cathe, you have made a lot of people happy, including ME!! To celebrate the new videos, I just went out and bought some new workout clothes!

THANK YOU :7 :7 :7
:-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy

Donna M
Oooohhhh my!!!!!!! Can you hear me shrieking with delight all the way in New Jersey (from MA)?

Cathe, you make it, I'm buyin'! Love, love, LOVE the Boot Camp idea! As well as all the others. Patience will be nonexistent from now until then. Thank you for everything, and especially for makin' my day!


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-16-02 AT 10:25PM (Est)[/font][p]Wow! You're gonna be busy and we're gonna get fit! I'd better save up $ (and energy) now!
Dearest Cathe,
I am so overjoyed----a trillion thank-yous!!! Your suggestions sound so perfect, I really don't think that I could offer any better suggestions!! And the new upper body split from CTX seems just dandy for the Tank Top rotation! Wow... cannot wait for preorder day!! YIPPEE- my inner child rejoices!!: )
Dearest Cathe,
I am so overjoyed----a trillion thank-yous!!! Your suggestions sound so perfect, I really don't think that I could offer any better suggestions!! And the new upper body split from CTX seems just dandy for the Tank Top rotation! Wow... cannot wait for preorder day!! YIPPEE- my inner child rejoices!!: )

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