Announcing "The Intensity Series"

I am so jazzed! I will buy anything you decide to do because it will be the best! I can't wait to tell my workout buddies (we added a new one today and initiated her with Power Hour...she's coming back for more!). CinDee
Hi Cathe! Like I've said many, many times in the past over the years you never to cease to amaze me!! This is quite a line up of tapes and let's not forget the apparel too!! You go girl! Love Ya, Kathy
Hi Cathe,
This is so wonderful!!! Thank you SO's much more than I expected right now. You are Wonder Woman!
The workouts sound fabulous & I just can't wait to see them...also it gives me an excellent reason to ask for that raise! ;-)
Thanks again Cathe, you're the best!!!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-18-02 AT 08:56PM (Est)[/font][p]Yahoo....just this past Friday, I did Imax "mind you for the second time this week" <G> and after interval #6. I paused my Vcr and said to you hm..... girlie you are simply, incredible and amazing. I love you ;o) I simply loveeeeeeee Imax, and now Imax 2, YOU GO GIRLFRIEND! can't wait, can't wait, can't wait.....

Just a brief question; will we be able to purchase these tapes individually? I am partial to certain type of workouts but not others so I, personally, would like the option of choosing the tape I want.

Upper and Lower Body Split! with pyramid system! This is exactly what I need! Keep it slow, please, so we can go super heavy.

Thanks Cathe!!


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