It's a boy!


Having been told at the 3 month scan that our little one was 60% likely to be a girl, we were told today at the 5 month scan that "she" is a boy! DH and I were absolutely stunned!!! We'd given our little girl a name and everything - it's like finding out I'm pregnant all over again! Now we need to think of boy's names - unbelievable.

On a sadder note, I would really appreciate all your prayers for my marriage. My husband and I are going through a rough time right now, a direct fall out from the whole SIL saga. It is a very painful time. I am praying that the arrival of the baby will change both our priorities and help us to focus on what's important. Please pray for us as I still believe we still basically love each other but are just afraid of any future serious conflicts.

Your friend in fitness, Fitnik

You are in my prayers. I hope everything will go well for your marriage and your pregnancy. I feel bad that the SIL situation is causing so many problems. I hope everything will turn out positive for you.

Take care!
Congrats on your boy! Maybe coming up with boy names, etc. will help you and your husband reconnect. I'll definitely keep you in my thoughts in what I know must be a really difficult time for you. I've thought about you a lot since your last post and am really wishing the best for you and your DH.

Take care,
Congratulations on the new gender info and good luck with names!

As far as your marriage, please try not to make any huge decisions during your pregnancy or the first year after your baby is born. Your hormones and the emotions involved with pregnancy and a new baby will be turning your life around and you don't want to do something that you will regret later.

Hope everything works out for you and your husband and, of course, wishing you a happy, healthy rest of your pregnancy!

Congrats on the boy! I am sitting here with my 19 day old son in my arms. (he is my second boy and I have a daughter also).

I'm sorry to hear about your marriage. Is your DH willing to go to counseling? I agree that pregancy and first year is not a time to make a permanent decision regarding your marriage. My DH and I seemed to fight constantly while I was pregnant this time and it was awful. Since Michael was born we are getting along better as my hormone levels return to normal. I know with your SIL situation things got really tense and it sounds like some outside help from a neutral third party could hopefully help.

My thoughts are with you. Either way though, you have a wonderful new baby and motherhood to look forward to.
WOW! what a surprise!!Now imagine if you had given birth to him thinking it was a girl for the entire nine months. You would have passed out from the shock!

Best wishes with regard to your marriage. Have faith. Everything is going to be just fine, you've just hit one of those bumpy patches.
Congratulations on your little boy! Scans can be deceptive; errors are so common that the place where I go for ultrasound testing, as a matter of policy, will not give out opinions on the sex of the baby. Even experts can make mistakes! Now, with any luck, "he" won't turn out to be a "she"!!

I really do hope things work out with your marriage, but I agree with the others who have said not to make any big decisions at this time. You have said something really important - "I still believe we still basically love each other". That's key.

I know that every marriage is different, but I would like to tell you my story just to show that serious conflicts can be worked through. My husband and I went through a HUGE conflict that came to the surface 4 years ago. I had told him right at the beginning, when we were first going out in our early twenties, that I didn't want any children and was not likely to change my mind. He was fine with this and we went ahead with our relationship, got married, and embarked on what seemed like a pretty fun life. Well, as time went on, he was no longer so fine with things anymore, but we didn't talk about it. We started growing apart, probably just 2 years into our marriage, but I wasn't aware of it at the time. I naively thought I was happy, and ignored the insecurities I sometimes felt (I used to have a lot of dreams about my whole life falling apart without warning). I had my own issues that I didn't discuss with him (including the fact that I had almost had an affair). Anyway, 4 years ago in August, he had seemed really ill (stomach problems, couldn't eat) for about a week, and I asked him what was wrong. After many minutes of saying "nothing", he finally confessed that ... (a) he wanted kids; (b) he wanted kids more than he wanted to stay with me; (c) he thought he was in love with someone else (who, incidentally, did want kids). This was devastating for me, and a complete shock -- not to mention right out of the blue. He said he wasn't going to pack up and leave right away, but we would have to begin to sort things through. I asked him to go to counselling with me. It took awhile, but in December 1998 we started seeing a marriage counsellor. We spent the next 2 years visiting this psychologist 1, 2 or 3 times a week (depending on our crisis levels) and we both spent a lot of time crying our eyes out. It was frightening and it really did feel hopeless a lot of the time. We talked about all kinds of things I would rather have kept buried, such as why I didn't want children and why I was not comfortable being honest with my husband. I had to hear him say a lot of things I didn't want to hear either (you know, like hearing him say he wanted someone else). As horrible as the experience was for the first few months, we both learned a lot about ourselves and each other, gained new respect for each other's strength, and we remembered why we had fallen in love in the first place. And, yes, I changed my mind about the kids thing. I came to realize that if I didn't try to have a baby, I would come to regret it for the rest of my life. So here I am, 36 1/2 weeks pregnant with my first child at 41 years old, and I have to tell you that I have never been happier in my life. This was the right decision for me (the whole thing: staying with my DH, learning to be open with him again, agreeing to try for a kid). My DH is my best friend again, and I can't even tell you how excited he is about our baby -- it is so wonderful to see. So, I guess the moral of that story, long winded though it is, is that I was in a conflict that seemed to be unresolvable, but it did get resolved. I am a different person from what I was four years ago; I'm much more confident, and less likely to cover up my own needs in favour of someone else's. I pray that you will be able to heal your marriage too.
Hi Fitnik! Congrat's on the news of your ultrasound. A boy, how nice! My thoughts are with you as your work through your difficult time with your husband.

Thanks for sharing your story - that is truly incredible.
I'm so glad that both you and your husband were willing to work so hard on your marriage - sounds like it was definitely worth it!!
Hi Fitnik! Well what a surprise, but I'm sure a wonderful one! Congratulations on your little boy.

My prayers and thoughts are with you as you and DH try to resolve your situation. How sad that an outside party could bring so much pain in your lives at a time that should be so exciting. Please take care.


You and your DH are definitely in my prayers. I truly believe that one of the hardest things for us to do is leave it to Him. Remember, God won't have you climb a ladder only to pull the rung's out from under you. I can only encourage you to pray and when you're too hurt or angry too...pray again. Take time in the day to remember all that you have been blessed with and are too be blessed with. I know this is hard. I'm 33 weeks and have no idea where income and insurance coverage is coming from post-baby. My DH has been more diligent in his efforts to find a "real" job and yet...It does sound as though your hubby is a good man who is not sure how to balance his "loyalties" and responsibilities. You have each other, soon another and only God knows what lies ahead.

On another note...WOW!! a boy - not a girl! Congratulations!

Please keep us posted! jeni
Congrats on your new news! I have 3 s and 2 boys and with each of my s they've told me they weren't sure and with my boys they were definitely sure, so I bet this boy scan is the right one -- no more switching back.

I'm sorry that you're going through a rough spot with your marriage. The best advice I've ever heeded in marriage is to love and look at the other one as if he were just who you know he has the potential for being. It can probably apply in all situations, but it sure helped my perspective and helped my dh to flourish and become that (well, we're all still a work in progress, right?) I wish you the best and will include you in my prayers. -- Renee
Thank you all so much for your kind words and prayers. Yes, it is very hard to trust Him right now but trust I must. I am praying constantly that the situation will be resolved and that we are stronger for it. Things are very very difficult as DH is intent upon us separating after the baby’s born! He said this before yesterday’s scan though, at which he was so overwhelmed with emotion he had to leave the scan room. I am praying that he is re-thinking things and will feel differently soon. He will not, for now, agree to counselling yet I know it would really help us.

I will keep you posted of any significant progress but was really touched by your words.

Your friend in fitness, Fitnik
Congratulations on your little boy :0)... I always thought that I'd have girls, but now that I have two precious little boys, I have to say that I am really enjoying it!

My prayers are with you and your husband... keep your communication open and remember why you love each other... get through this and your relationship may be stronger for getting through the challenge!

Hang in there!
Congradulations on your boy, I am having a boy as well!

Hope all goes well with you and DH, maybe the miracle of a
child will also remind him of how precious life is!

I am following your story. I heard a quote from Zig Zigler (?): "Love them in advance." That's sort of the same thing Loving Life said (Hi Renee!) My heart goes out to both you and your DH. Whether you go to counseling or not, I hope and pray that this difficult time will become part of a solid bedrock of character building that makes your marriage stronger in the future.

Do not lose faith and do your best to stay calm. Whatever happens, my prayers are with you.

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