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    New "Boy" Story...attn: Cathe & Daphne!

    Too funny Tammy! I haven't had such a great week and this story just made me laugh so hard. Thanks for the uplift. Laura
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    A great week!

    welcome Jessica Nice to have you here. Laura
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    Great Weighted workout for legs...Good?

    I forgot... to say I agree with Kristin's comments about the tape also. She gives an excellent description. Laura
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    Great Weighted workout for legs...Good?

    I really like this tape Especially for my legs. I think it's a great leg workout. I noticed results almost immediately. And the nice thing is, you can do it with ankle weights or without. I don't have PS legs so I can't compare. But I do have MIS and Body Max so I think I have an idea what...
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    Toning and Shaping Legs

    Hi Dawn Thanks for the info on the T-squats. I have trouble with my knees also and this sounds like a great idea. Laura
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    Hi Amy I agree with Maria. I often have to turn a fan on myself even when it's cold or I get overheated and have the same problems you experienced. I also have to drink alot during my workout--a few sips every 5 minutes or so. I also agree with the others. Sometimes you just have an off day...
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    muscle mass and body weight

    Hi Ranae Please don't be discouraged. You work to improve your fitness and health as best you can and you are doing it for yourself. I am naturally small. Would anyone expect me to be able to exercise myself from a size 6 into a size 12? Of course not. And there's no reason for you to expect...
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    How about a Eric update?

    I just want... to pinch his cute little cheeks! No, I'd never actually do that, but Eric is just so adorable. Thanks so much for the update. I remember when my daughter (now 8) was that little, I just loved her chubby little legs and feet. I would just look at her in amazement for hours a...
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    Hi Cathe and Welcome back!!

    Hi Debbie Thanks for clueing us in on the picture. I always forget to look on the mom's forum. I don't know why, I am a mom after all. Good luck with the move. We just moved last May so I know what a hassle it can be. And don't worry, if you can't workout, you can always come here to keep...
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    Postpartum Update

    adorable Hi Cathe, Everyone else pretty much said it all, I just have one question...where is your bed head? Your hair even looks good! I am so happy for you and your family. Best wishes for you all. Laura
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    The stork arrived!

    Ditto... what a great way to start the year. I'm getting weepy with all this new baby talk Have a great time with your new little one. Laura
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    to everyone trying to lose weight

    thank you Wow, do I have egg on my face now! I didn't mean it that way at all. I absolutely agree with everything you said and by no means do I think anyone is obsessed with their fitness. I come to this forum because I enjoy it so much. I have just read several posts from women seemingly...
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    to everyone trying to lose weight

    It makes me sad to see so many women struggling with their weight and I wanted to put a different perspective on it. I, too, had to watch my weight when I was younger--about 10 pounds worth. I went through all the fad diets and worried constantly about losing those 10 pounds. Then when I was...
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    Toning and Shaping Legs

    Hi Teresa I'm not Cathe, but I noticed your question hasn't been answered yet and I have some advice that might help you. I started doing Karen Voight's Great Weighted Workout and noticed a change in the definition of my legs in a week. I also have bad knees and her leg section is all floor...
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    With Deepest Gratitude

    thank you... for having the courage to share your story with us. I hope you'll find this forum as comforting and entertaining as I have. Welcome to the Cathe club! Laura
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    For Trevor and other Body Max "Newbies"

    Go Trevor! Glad to hear you're now a member of the Bodymax club. Now, go have some peanut butter cups and celebrate Laura
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    help!...flu relapsing.. i'm in workout 'angst' :o

    working out when sick Hi Wendy, I actually have alot of experience with this because I've had a chronic "flu" for 15 years and I struggle with this daily. First I would suggest you go to the doctor if you haven't already done so. I kept getting sick also, so you want to make sure there's no...
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    Favorite pig out food

    Hi Susan I was on a Hershey with almonds binge about 2 years ago. I got so addicted to them I finally had to just stop buying them cold turkey. What a week that was! Luckily, I haven't had such an attachment to any chocolate since. Anything I eat now I have no problem putting down...
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    Happy Hour Hi/Lo

    happy hour Hi Audrey, I agree with the others about happy hour. I have a fairly small space and manage just fine. It's a very fun workout with a good ab section at the end. Christi Taylor is a wonderful instructor and I find her very motivating. I also have the CIA 9905 tape. I would say...
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    YAHOOOO!!! :-) :-) :-)

    Body Max Way to go Debbie! I'm a little off my normal exercise schedule so it's great to hear of others accomplishments. I find it very encouraging. Laura