New "Boy" Story...attn: Cathe & Daphne!



<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Feb-18-00 AT 05:51PM (EST)</font></center>

LAST EDITED ON Feb-18-00 AT 05:50 PM (EST)

Okay, so your remember the story about how my son calls Cathe "my friend" and thought "my friend Cathe" was on the radio?? That was a cute story alright but now I got a real funny one.

Keep in mind my son is FOUR and redheaded and FULL of mischief!! We just finished remodeling out kitchen. We were at Home Depot looking a cabinet knobs and my son was being very uh.."busy". They had a cabinet on display on the floor. You could open the bottom cabinet and slide out the top drawer. Well, my son discovered he actually fit very nicely inside the cabinet. It did not have a lock on it and we were standing a few yards away looking at knobs so I figured....whatever. Anyhow, he is in this cabinet and you can not see him but apparently he can see out a bit. This young couple approached the cabinet and my darling son slides the drawer out....very slowly. The look on their face was priceless. So, the girl pushes it back in, my son pushes it back out. This goes on for like three minutes and she says to her boyfriend, "that thing must be on an electric track or have a sensor on it". Meanwhile, my husband is laughing so hard he is not making any sound and I thought I was going to have to whack him on the back to get him to breathe!

After another 2 minutes of this I started to consider he might stand up inside the cabinet and get hit with the drawer. So, I walked over, said
"Excuse me" stepped between them and opened the cabinet. My son poked his little head out and went "Hi ya Mommy!". This couple about died!! If only I had it on tape!! They had NO CLUE he was inside the cabinet and they just started cracking up! It was sooooo funny and of course, my husband was still laughing so hard his face was beat red.

So, Cathe, lookout!! Those little boys are very entertaining!! Hee-hee!!

Tammy Churchman
Oh Tammy!!

I am rollin' on the floor in Indiana!!! -susan p
That is too funny!!!

Those boys! Full of mischief, but always seem to make themselves look adorable!

Kid's do the cutest things

I got quite a chuckle out of this here in Penticton, B.C. When I was young, a cousin of mine was just like that!! He used to do and say the craziest things. Too bad you didn't have a video camera at that time, you could have entered it in one of those shows.
Kid Story

What a funny story! I can't imagine the look on those people's faces.

Here's my totally unrelated funny kid story. Last weekend I was babysitting the (nearly) eight-year old daughter of a friend. I brought my little dog with me, but neglected to fill his water bowl for him. Sure enough -- as dogs do -- he decides to refresh himself out of their toilet as the little girl is preparing to take a shower. After I pry his head out of the bowl and chastise him, she looks at me very seriously and says, "You know, I think I'd better flush that. My parents probably won't want to pee in there after he's been drinking out of it!" Glad she had her priorities straight!

OK, not as funny as yours, but she's a real pistol and it cracked me up.

Have a good weekend,
Well Audrey....

I think you story was pretty funny myself! I have a dog and a eight year old daughter so I can just imagine her saying such a thing!! LOL!!

Love it

Yep, that is a typical "boy" story, Tammy. I LOVED it. LOL

Warning: when they become 16 and 14...the stories change to "HORROR" stories. HA HA

Call me in a few years.

Too funny Tammy!

I haven't had such a great week and this story just made me laugh so hard. Thanks for the uplift.
Incase you missed this Cathe...

I am just moving it up! I know you are SOOOOOO busy right now!

Tammy : )
Hi Tammy!

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Feb-23-00 AT 11:20PM (EST)</font></center>

Thanks so much for that adorable story. It made my night. I just shared it with my husband. We have practically spent our life at home depot this last year and we could just totally picture this funny incident happening. I'm so looking forward to all of these fun days ahead of me.

Thanks too for moving this to the top. I have only been able to hit a few questions at work lately and remember seeing your post title a few days ago. I remember telling myself that I would save reading that funny story for the end of the day and then I never got back to it. So thanks again!
You're welcome Cathe!!

I am glad you had the chance to read my post. I moved it up because I know you're a busy little bee and I also knew you'd find it amusing once you got the chance to read it!!

We will all be looking forward to your "mischievious little boy stories" in the future!!

Take care!!!

Tammy Churchman

P.S. I might as well let you know now, a trip to Home Depot with a boy turns into a BATH night for sure!! You can't imagine how dirty they get in that place!! LOL!!

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