Happy Hour Hi/Lo


I have not tried any of Christi's tapes, but I'm thinking of asking for this one for my birthday because of all the good reviews. I would like to do more hi/lo for cross-training purposes, but my problem is that I have very limited space to work out (about 5' x 8' minus a file cabinet). The most "roomy" tape I have is probably Kari Anderson's Sweat Express, but I have to modify it a lot. (I keep having to switch direction and watch my fingers/toes on the "attitudes". Fortunately my arms and legs are short!) Can someone give me an idea about how much space is required to do this tape as compared to, say, one of Kari's tapes? I'm also interested in the same information on the hi/lo portion of Franny Benedetto's CIA 9905.

Thanks a lot!
Happy Hour HI LO

I think with modifications you can do this in a small space. I work on a 9x 12 area.. and that is not a lot of room and sometimes it is a bit less. I go UP rather than for distance sometimes to increase the intensity.
Christi is a fun instructor.. she keeps you moving and grooving
PS email me for more info
I think you would have enough space

or close at least. I do not have a big space in my living room and I manage to fit it in alright. It really is a fun tape to do and I would recommend it. I also bought it for the cross training thing and I really have a lot of fun with it.

happy hour

Hi Audrey,
I agree with the others about happy hour. I have a fairly small space and manage just fine. It's a very fun workout with a good ab section at the end. Christi Taylor is a wonderful instructor and I find her very motivating. I also have the CIA 9905 tape. I would say the same about that one as far as space. There are some kickboxing moves in this one but they are easily modified (I can't do them otherwise). It's alot of fun also and a great workout.

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