help!...flu relapsing.. i'm in workout 'angst' :o



<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jan-28-00 AT 00:26AM (EST)</font></center>

LAST EDITED ON Jan-28-00 AT 00:22 AM (EST)

hi all!

gosh, i hope i don't get 'too whiney'..(but i'd better put the 'disclaimer'
in, just in case.. :p)

welp...i've been sick 'over and over again'.. :( it keeps going through the house, and coming back to me...boohoo.

i feel so gross and bummed...waahh..

i had just 'reached' my goal
happy.gif terms of weight, muscle, fat etc...and was thrilled...and then..dadadaaaaa.... this last month and a half of the flu...

i feel so yucky...and can just 'feel' myself..'expanding'... :O... w/o working out..i think my metabolism comes to somewhat of a "standstill".. without workouts...really!

i kept getting sick...and when i felt better..would try a light workout...and then get sick again...even yoga or me out..

it's like i'm "grounded" from my workouts.. :eek:..yikes!

i haven't worked out..and am trying to wait patiently..but in the interim...i'm just gaining...(not just in my ...'mind'
..)...hehe..either! ):-O

how do you all deal with "not obsessing" and fretting over not being able to workout??

i'd appreciate your thoughts and suggestions..


and sorry this was so long..and yep..pretty whiney... :p sorry!

have a good nite!

"in workout angst"
Hi Wendy!!

I am sooo sorry for you. You can whine all you want! I know how I feel if I get sidelined just for a day or two w/o my workouts
All I can think is for you to really take it easy for some time & get your strength back before you attempt anything very physical. I know that's easy for me to say because I would feel just like you. Drink LOTS of liquids and maybe you could do just floor work (outer, inner-thigh work, some abs & also biceps, triceps) mainly things that don't bring your heartrate up high. You will probably bounce back quick once you are better, cardio & strength-wise. Congrats on reaching your goals!!
What could you share w/us all on what really worked for you to reach your goals!! Hang In There!! We are thinking of you and I'll say a prayer you recover real soon. Debbie
THANKS debbie! (sniff-sniff..)


hi!! gee..thank you sooo much for that sweet response..
got me kinda teary! (and gee..i'm "post" pms, too! hehe

it helps to know, that i'm not alone in kinda 'freakin'
when i can't workout...(not to mention my poor body! yikes! :-O hehe)

i tried to do a little workout tonite, but it gets a bit discouraging when i can 'see':-o that my body's sort "changed" and my strength is 'nil'..

it's like i just wanna go "cardio crazy", ya know?.. but my body says, "NO!"... rats!

thank you so much for your prayers..
..that's the 'best thing'
i could ask for!

btw..on my reaching my goal..i did it in a different sorta way...i used to do alot of cathe's ps tapes..and found myself getting 'bigger' (the whole 'muscle w/ fat' syndrome..ugh..)..

and then i 'changed' my workout (like cathe always says!
) and started doing more 'pilates, mat work' type of exercises and more kickboxing.. for strength and ab stability...instead of lifting the heavier weights...and it's made a tremendous difference for me! my muscles were 'leaner' and longer looking, less bulky..i think alot of the extra 'stretching' that is required in those exercises helped, as well...

but i made sure to still do the cardio,

but now..w/ this flu..i've taken on more body fat...(lack of cardio.. boo hiss! hehe)..

being 35...i think my metabolism comes to a screeching 'halt'..when i stop working out..

oh well...trying to be 'good'..and 'wait to get better'.... :-O sigh.. it's pretty bad when my 6 year old says, "mommy, don't overdo it!! you're gonna get sick again!!!"...yup..out of the 'mouths of babes'..

anyhow..thank you so much for your response, encouraging words, and most importantly.. prayers...thank you!

and oh..sorry, for the 'response w/ whine'.. hehe..back...
i just can't seem to 'shake the whine part', along w/ the flu! hehe

thanks again, debbie!!

hope your workouts are going well!

have a great friday!

Definitely Not Alone!

I think there are a lot of us out here that are just like you-Freakin" out when you can't workout!! Keep hangin' in there.
I am rather nervous about bulking up too as I am only 5'4" and I battle with 10 pounds. I hope I don't get bigger, but I am soo hooked on Cathe Tapes. My metabloism is probably a bit slower then yours as I am 47!!!
No actually, I'll change that to
I feel good and I'm in super healthy condition. I just have a few body-parts I would like to change and I am REALLY working on them. It makes me nervous not to continue what I am doing and switch to a lot of stretching because of time. I am hoping because I am doing something new that it will shock my system. I know we all are different. I am thinking of doing A Firm Rotation eventually (when I can afford to buy MORE tapes!!)because I have been reading lots of posts of the gals here doing it & getting results. Well, Wendy, I'm still thinking of you. GET WELL SOON!
Walking and Eating

Even though you can't do any strenuous exericse do you think you could maybe do some walking? If it isn't too much for you it would be better than nothing. Just a suggestion. I know when Iam sick I hate that I can't exercise but I just focus on getting better and then giving it my all when I can get back. Also if you say you are gaining are you watching what you eat?

Just some thoughts. Hope you get better soon.
working out when sick

Hi Wendy,
I actually have alot of experience with this because I've had a chronic "flu" for 15 years and I struggle with this daily. First I would suggest you go to the doctor if you haven't already done so. I kept getting sick also, so you want to make sure there's no underlying problem making you vulnerable to getting sick. And susan's suggestion of walking and making sure you're eating right is a good one. I know it's hard to eat right when you feel so crappy and all the bad stuff tastes so good and is so easy to grab and eat. But it is important to make sure you're getting the right stuff also. I would say if you don't have a fever and don't want to go for a walk (or if that's not possible) what I started out doing was just putting on some music I really loved and made me feel like moving. Then I would just do some floor work, maybe abs or legs, whatever you feel you can do, for about 10 minutes. If that goes well, the next day try some more or if you feel up to it, try some light cardio. I would even just put on music and march in place for 10 minutes if that's all you can do.You'd be surprised at how much better that makes you feel. The most important thing is to go slowly and start very simply. Don't try to go 20 minutes right away, start at 10 or even 5 if that's all you can do. I know it sounds like so little, but believe it or not, that's how I had to start 15 years ago and now I can do all the Cathe tapes I have and my physical health has actually declined.
Sorry this is kind of long, but I kind of see myself in what you're going through and I just want to try and give you some encouragement and let you know it's not hopeless. It will get better.
Take care of yourself Wendy.
thank you! debbie, susan & laura! :)

debbie, susan & laura..


i so appreciate your encouragement..and wonderful suggestions!!

just the fact, that you took the time to respond to my post...i really appreciate..

indeed, this forum...'does have'..the nicest, most supportive people..

i guess when they say, "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.."... 'in this case'...i think it' true...CATHE IS WONDERFUL

thank you, thank you!!!

i've been doing a little mat work...and am planning on marching in place...(thanks for the great ideas and suggestions..i'm gonna try 'em today!

re: my diet..i'm a vegetarian, and usually eat pretty healthy...although, those 'ever present carbs'..aaaahh!! :-O are always 'lurking' around every corner... ta dum...ta dum ta dum...(the 'jaws' theme...hmm..somehow seems 'to fit' me and my food situation..hehehe)

susan..i appreciate you sharing your situation with me...thank you....i'm glad to hear your workouts are going well...please take care of yourself, too!!

thanks again...

anyhow...for now...i'm just "avoiding the mirror" like the plague!! :-O hehe

you made me smile! thank you!

have a great weekend...


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