For Trevor and other Body Max "Newbies"

Daphne M

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jan-25-00 AT 02:42PM (EST)</font></center>

Trevor -- and anyone else out there who is new to Body Max -- I know you just ordered Body Max, but I'm curious to know if it's arrived yet and if so, what you think of it. This is one of those tapes that I love to hate. Or maybe that's supposed to be "hate to love?"

Whatever. The point is that by the time Cathe is near the end of the workout and I am gasping my way through the biceps work (knowing full well that triceps and abs "we still haven't hit yet") I just don't feel the same way about Cathe. At the start of BOdy Max, notice how she looks so pretty, so concerned for our safety and form, so energetic and sprightly. By the end, she looks like she ought to be holding a pistol in that dainty manicured hand and shooting bullets at my feet while she's screaming at me, "Dance! Dance!"

Just my opinion, take it or leave it.

Cathe -- if you're reading this, don't go and get any ideas for your next video, okay? Suddenly I can imagine Cathe coming out with, "Silverado Max." A cowgirl theme workout with bucking broncos, whips and lots of those "lasso" arm moves that you did in your Power Max cooldown. Hmmm. Maybe I should make this my suggestion for your next video?


P.S. to Trevor -- Yes, I love my trail running and even tried to do one in the snow the other day. It didn't work too well, but you never know until you try.
Body Max

Hi Daphne,
I just did Bodymax this morning - definitely one of my favorite videos. Love that completely worked out feeling when it is over. Even though I have had it for a while, today was the first time I noticed how much I like the music in the video. I usually don't pay any attention to the music at all, but I love it in this video. Anyone else really like it? It puts me in a really good mood.
Hope Trevor and anyone else new to Bodymax loves the workout!

I doubt very much that Daphne even heard the music--She was too busy spitting nails at Cathe!! Hee-Hee!
I can HARDLY wait. I just got BodyMax and I am planning on trying it this afternoon. Just thought I'd warn you all in case I'm in a REALLY bad mood next time I post. Just kidding. I am so anxious to try it. I love a good workout. Have a great afternoon everyone--Debbie

Daphne, you crack me up! I usually feel exactly the same way by the time we get to biceps. I'm near tears or seriously fowl language and I just feel like jello. It's definitely a love/hate one.
Body Max

Too funny Daphne!
Oh, I just love to do Body Max. Especially toward the end when I can barely lift my arms above my armpits. And of course I never feel the slightest bit of anger toward Cathe she's only trying to help us attain our goals. Why she's the sweetest most...OK OK so I wake up the neighbors screaming curse words at my TV at the end of Body Max, but I mean it in a nice way

snowed under and no bodymax

Hi Daphne!
We're getting killed with snow here, as you may be also(12 to 20 inches) so now is where I have to get creative with workouts. Bodymax has not shown up yet but your description is absolutely hilarious. I can't wait for this!!
Can I count snow shovelling as a workout? I took our 8 month old yellow lab "Jack" trail running on Sunday in about 4 inches of snow. He got scared when I hopped a downed tree next to a stream and he stopped cold, leaving me to continue running with an empty harness attached to a leash. Spent 10 mins. running Jack down. Swore I saw him laughing at me!! Anyway, we did get an exhausting half hour in regardless.
P.S. -- the cowgirl theme sounds VERY interesting!!
What did you think?

Hi Debbie,
How did BodyMax go for you? Hope you had "fun"!
By the way, I didn't realize how many "pig-out" foods I listed when I posted on that thread - oops! I guess I got a little carried away!
LOL Daphne!

Oh, those crazy eights - oh do I hate them. I love Cathe but I'm cursing a blue streak during those crazy eights! Loved your post - Silverado Max, indeed! Glad I have no beverages with me tonight!

Off to bed soon so I can get up early and slide my way to the railroad station (icey roads out there tonight
I'm with you Judy!!

Those Crazy 8's have to be the hardest thing I've ever done weight-wise with my arms--other then those fun toe push-ups!!
Be careful out there tomorrow morning! Have a safe trip. Debbie
Daphne, I'll think of you when I'm doing biceps

BodyMax, can never be done in the same light again after reading that review. But it's gotta be easier to do biceps with such imagery running through your mind. I love to hate and love to love Cathe's tape. It's such an accomplishment surviving one. Do you do motivational speaking? You should!
Hi Erica!

I already posted an answer to you, but don't know where it went. I must not have pushed Post Message!! Anyways, AGAIN, I LOVE BodyMax. It will definitely be up there with my VERY favorites! I wasn't able to do it that day as my friend fell on the ice and broke her leg. I did it yesterday for the 1st. time and I am dying to do it again tomorrow on my day off. I don't think you are suppose to do the Interval tapes more then once per week though, right? Do you have BodyMax? Consider it, if not. Boy, people on this thread sure like to eat! (including me!!
Daphne!! (And a note for Trevor too)

You are too funny--Yes, I just got BodyMax and LOVE it. It is so fun. I like the way it just keeps moving. I did it on Wed. and I really want to do it again tomorrow on my day off(Friday). We are suppose to do the Interval tapes only 1x/week though, right? I may cheat this week. I was just so happy
with myself that I actually got almost all the steps the 1st. time!! (Trevor--I hope your tape comes soon. It's awesome!)
"fowl" language??

Gosh Brenda, I can just imagine you "cheep-cheep"-ing and "cluck-cluck"-ing and "cock-a-doodle-doo!"-ing all over your living room during BodyMax. . . I guess sometimes endorphins have a strange effect on people. . .


I'm too "chicken" to even TRY BodyMax, so don't mind me!!
-susan p

You're funny. Don't be afraid to try BodyMax. It is soo much fun and very do-able! If I can do it, YOU can
and you'll be very glad you did. Let me know when you try it and tell me if I was right.
Too much BodyMax talk for me!

OK guys, I have to take a break from this forum. I had a dream the other night that BodyMax was actually much harder and longer, but I had the shorter, easier version! The next night I had a dream that I was kickboxing and started punching in my sleep! Fortunately, I did not punch my husband who was sick with the flu - ouch!
bodymax is here---ready to suffer!

Hi ladies---the tape arrived today. I already did my weight lifting day today so tomorrow is it. Wish me luck....your postings have got me psyched for this! I'll let you know how it goes.....
Hope everyone's week is going well.
YEAH Trevor!!

Glad the mailman FINALLY made it thru all that snow!
I know you won't be disappointed by the tape. It is awesome!! Let us know. (That is if you can still type after Cathe is done with you!!)
Just kidding-it is not that bad, but you will know YOU WORKED. Take your "sweat towel" with you.
bodymax rules!

Well, I'm no longer a virgin as I've had my first Bodymax experience. I feel really relaxed like you feel after getting a hard workout that puts the whole body to the test. I love the entire tape, especially the second section with the step/weight combination. And of course, the abs section always is challenging for me. I'll need a little more practice for some of the "easy" step moves as I have two left feet. I also modified a little and used exclusively dumbbells as I always worry about sticking the barbell through my drywall as I start to tire! Anyway...super suggestion girls!

Starting to get nervous!! Did you make it thru??? Didn't I tell you it was awesome? No hurry-I'm just anxious to see what you thought!
Go Trevor!

Glad to hear you're now a member of the Bodymax club. Now, go have some peanut butter cups and celebrate


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