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  1. S

    Translation Please!!!!!!!!!

    Yep, this is exactly what I was looking for! I thanks you so very much for taking the time to respond. I will be utitlizing your answer! I just have one additional question for you. I'm mostly concerned with the amount of calorie burn vs. time. Do you think I need to do Cathe's interval...
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    Translation Please!!!!!!!!!

    This work out leaned me out so fast. I saw visible results in a week and so did everyone around me --- enough to comment. 3x/week: 20 min treadmill run 20 min ellipitical trainer 20 min recumbant bike 20 min stairmaster 3 sets 20 pushups 3 sets planks (supposed to be one long 10 min...
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    Travel workout

    I was miserable on my last vacation. I listened to my family who told me I was spoiled and selfish and I didn't rent a car. They all promised me that they would have someplace for me to work out all scoped out and ready to go. Needeless to say.... I have thought about taping the no equipment...
  4. S

    I need suggestions for....

    I have been doing Cardio Kicks weekly for about 6 weeks now and I can make it through the workout comfortably --not that I've totally mastered it but I'm not dying either. I'm trying to work through my Cathe collection 1 workout at a time. I have all of her workouts. Right now, I'm looking...
  5. S

    Cardio or weights? What's the best for getting lean?

    RE: Cardio or weights? What's the best for getting lea... I'm concerned about the same thing. I've been reading alot about it and the conclusion I have come to is to burn it off you need both components you mentioned AND add some running to those. I did this a coupla months ago with a 45...
  6. S

    Cathe, I don't understand what you mean...

    Thanks you guys for the help---I needed it
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    Cathe, I don't understand what you mean...

    Im new to your workouts. I was previewing Power Max. In the explanation on how to protect the knees you said something like "When jumping be sure to unload on the lead leg". I know there must be some trick to protecting your knees -- you have been doing this for a number of years and it...
  8. S

    Left side weaker...should the right side WAIT for it???

    RE: Left side weaker...should the right side WAIT for i... Jackie, I have that problem in my lower body. My right side is "dead" so I can't feel too much of anything, so, I can lift(press) really heavy on that side. My left side was sooo wobbly and weak--I was getting nowhere--then I had a...
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    One leg stronger and bigger

    Hi Amy, I was working when I saw this post. I am just getting a chance to respond. I'm so glad you asked this question. Hopefully we can get some insight into what to do. My right leg is what I call "dead" I have very poor nerve innervation because of some dead/ severely damaged nerve...
  10. S

    Video Classifications and listing of videos

    Thanks you guys for helping me. I have colleced alot . Mostly on VHS for now. I am still looking for Ab Hits and Terminator on DVD and I will pretty much have them all. Now getting up the nerve to attempt to do them YIKES!!!!!!! Sassy
  11. S

    Pure Strength BBA - T-Bar Rows

    Yep on the unrely end. I lift up the whole bar during the exercise or it slips down between my legs. Do you think if I load the light end a bit it will help??? Sassy
  12. S

    To all you Ex Firmies

    Hey you guys, I need Ballroom Aerobics. If you have outgrown it and want to make a Firmie (progressing to be a Catheite)happy, please sell me The FIRM Ballroom Aerobics ASAP. SassySean
  13. S

    Adjustable barbell

    Thanks a bunch for your help. Sassy
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    Adjustable barbell

    Where can I buy the barbell that adjust from 4 to 5 feet that is used in the CTX Upper Body video --- and what is it called. If someone could provide a link it would be much appreciated. Sassy
  15. S

    Which step to buy???

    Is "The Super Step System" the next generation step?? It goes from 5" to 10" to 15 1/2" tall. At the 15 1/2" height it can be used as a weight lifting bench. It appears to be more stable at inclines than "The Original Step". However, if I bought "The High Step" with the 4 risers and "The...
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    Videos listed and classifications

    Thanks for your reply to my question. What do you think I should buy after the CTX series??? Sassy
  17. S

    Videos listed and classifications

    Hi, Im new to Cathe. Please help me get my collection going. I have asked for a catalog to be sent. Im looking for a list of all of her videos that are classified acording to type. I bought the CXT (?? correct letters) series and Im wondering where do I go next. Im interested in...
  18. S

    Video Classifications and listing of videos

    Hi, Im new to Cathe. Please help me get my collection going. I have asked for a catalog to be sent. Im looking for a list of all of her videos that are classified acording to type. I bought the CXT (?? correct letters) series and Im wondering where do I go next. Im interested in incorporating...