Translation Please!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
This work out leaned me out so fast. I saw visible results in a week and so did everyone around me --- enough to comment.

20 min treadmill run
20 min ellipitical trainer
20 min recumbant bike
20 min stairmaster

3 sets 20 pushups
3 sets planks (supposed to be one long 10 min plank but I just can't do it yet --- I'll get there)

The objective here was to burn 1000 calories per workout. I had to up everything to 30 mins to burn 1100-1150 calories. I'm older and still heavy.

Intense total body weight lifting workouts

Please convert that cardio portion of the workout into Cathe stuff for me. I have all of her work. 2 hours is not too long for me to workout. Im working 2-16 hour shifts and 3-12 hour shifts per week. That travel time to the gym was killing me.

Any suggestions you have would be greatly appreciated. I need them and I need them fast.

My suggestions would be to mostly utilize the CTX cardios with a few other options:

3x/week: Choose any CTX cardio, just make sure to alter which ones so as to avoid overuse injuries. If you want to combine them or do them back to back skip the warm up and you've pretty much got 20 minute cardio segments. You could also try:
Hi/Lo from SJP
Hi/Lo from MIC
Two?Three cardio only sections (depending on length) from HSTA, HSC, Bootcamp,Cardio and Weights, Circuit Max and/or Powercircuit.
You could also split one of the Imax routines in half and only do 5 step/interval blasts
Or try one (preferably whichever you find the most fun and/or hardest) of the Kick/Punch combos from KPC with the Blast Challenge portion of Kickmax.
The hi/lo drills from KPC with a couple of the kick/punch combos
Hope this helps, let me know if it wasn't what you were looking for.
Yep, this is exactly what I was looking for! I thanks you so very much for taking the time to respond. I will be utitlizing your answer!

I just have one additional question for you.

I'm mostly concerned with the amount of calorie burn vs. time. Do you think I need to do Cathe's interval workout combined with one of her straight cardio workouts to approach the 1000 calorie burn in a workout???

I know that there are lots of variables involved in how many calories are burned, I'm just asking for opinions here.
You're right, without knowing a lot of other variables it's hard to say for sure (I would suggest you invest in a heart rate moniter that also measures your calories burned, then you can get a more accurate picture of your calorie expenditure for each Cathe workout. and are both bargain places for HRM's.)
However, interval workouts can really blast calories both during and after the workouts b/c they do great things for the metabolism. I would suggest that you try to combine some higher intensity (at least) with intervaling at least two out the three days you do cardio each week.

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