Videos listed and classifications


Active Member
Im new to Cathe. Please help me get my collection going. I
have asked for a catalog to be sent. Im looking for a list of
all of her videos that are classified acording to type. I
bought the CXT (?? correct letters) series and Im wondering
where do I go next. Im interested in incorporating Cathe with
I would greatly appreciate it if anyone could/would help.
Also Im interested in any old rotations you might have or can
direct me to.
I am hoping to build my collection quickly.
I know this question has probably been asked 100 times
before-- so any guidance would be helpful. I have been
looknig at the web site. I think a defintion of terms(meaning
of letters and video titles) is definitely in order.
CTX = Cross Train Express (cardio and strength routines)
I-Max = Interval Max (original) (cardio)
I-Max 2 = Interval Max 2 (cardio)
MIC = Maximum Intensity Cardio
MIC = Maximum Intensity Strength
S&H = Slow and Heavy Series (strength)
PH = Power Hour (muscle endurance)
PUB = Pyramid Upper Body (strength)
PLB = Pyramid Lower Body
PS = Pure Strength (BBA=BackBicepsAbs; can't remember the other two)
RS = Rhythmic Step (cardio)
CK = Cardio Kicks (cardio)
CM or C-Max = Circuit Max (cardio with minor muscle endurance)
B-Max = Body Max (cardio and muscle endurance / strength) (BM didn't go over too well)
BC = Boot Camp (cardio and muscle endurance)
CW = Cardio Weights (cardio and muscle endurance)
ME = Muscle Endurance

That's all I can remember for now.

The other two tapes in the PS Series (Pure Strength)are:

CST=Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
SL&A=Strong Legs & ABS

The new BodyBlast Series:

K,P&C=Kick, Punch & Crunch (Kickbox punching & kicking combos & Abs)
S,P&J=Step, Pump & Jump (Step cardio, Hi/Lo Circuit with Strength)
L&G=Legs & Glutes (Legs & Glutes :7)
SB=Step Blast (Step-Cardio)
PP=Push & Pull (Strength)
SS=Super Sets (Strength)

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
How about any of the IS Series or the BB Series. You can preview them before you even buy them. They are just putting the Body Blast preview up but not all of the are up yet. If you like kickboxing the KP&C is awsome. If you like dancy step then either step blast from the Body Blast or RS from her older videos. For Interval the Imax 2 is a calorie burner}( or Imax 1. For just plain stepping any of her older videos are good.

For Strength I like ME or the Pyramid from the IS. Alot of people here like the PS series. Another one would be PH or Bodymax. And also lets not forget the P&P and Superset from the Bodyblast. I don't know if you have a dvd but the this series has alot more options with so many premixes they are over 20 workout with each dvd.
Sassy~I think the BB Series would be great and then The Intensity Series. I feel the Intensities are just a BIT more intense so maybe building up to them would be a good idea??? Let us know what you decide. Have FUN!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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