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  1. K

    Jewelry makers

    Thank you so much! I will definitely check out those options. Kelly
  2. K

    Which resistance bands to buy and where?

    Check out I just bought a couple of things from them. I got a versa cuff which is a tube in the shape of a ring with velcro ankle straps attached to it for leg work. Pretty challenging. They have a lot of great stuff on this site. Kelly
  3. K

    Jewelry makers

    Hi, I am wondering if anyone knows where to get plain ring bands to solder things onto. I've looked at the Fire Mountain catalog and they don't have them. Looked on-line too, but haven't found anything yet. Thanks! Kelly
  4. K

    Battling depression and maintaining healthy lifestyle

    Hi Clare, Yes it is Lexapro. I started about 1 1/2 weeks ago on the full 10 mg. dose but I was kind of nauseous and had a bit of heart palpitations and was kind of sleepy. 2 days later, my doctor recommended splitting the pill in half and taking it at night so that the drowsiness wouldn't be...
  5. K

    Battling depression and maintaining healthy lifestyle

    Please add me to the list as well - [email protected]. I was diagnosed 1 1/2 weeks ago and went on a new antidepressant that works quicker than the others supposedly. I am completely unmotivated to workout (or do anything else for that matter) and can completely relate to the issues that...
  6. K


    Thanks everyone! I'm going to check a couple of these out - I'll report back if anything is really great. Kelly
  7. K

    Food Diaries

    I have done this as well - beat myself up for not being 'strict' enough. What I try to do is add any daily 'successes' that I've had - like when someone brings a birthday cake, a box of candy or dessert into work and I managed to avoid it or only had a teeny piece when I wanted to eat whole...
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    Can anyone recommend some challenging intermediate/advanced stability ball workout videos? I had the Balance Ball series but, boy, too easy - and too short! I'd like more of a challenge. Thanks.
  9. K

    Body For LIfe

    I loosely followed this program for a bit - here are a couple of comments: I was skeptical about the cardio at first, but found it to be suprisingly intense. I still follow his guidelines while running on the treadmill (when pressed for time) as a supplement to my spinning and kickboxing. I...
  10. K

    Oh, Honeybunch!

    This is a terrific idea! I am constantly reading cooking magazines and cookbooks in search of delicious yet healthy recipes. Usually I don't tell people that they are low fat or whatever until after they taste them and tell me that they like them. People are too predisposed to think that...
  11. K

    attn: Steppingup aka Kelly

    Hi Kelly, As I am addicted to sweet potatoes, I would love to have this recipe! Thanks a bunch! Kelly
  12. K

    Body Rx?

    Thanks, Mindi, I will look at the MSN board. I think that I got the new Carb Control bar at Wal-Mart. I only bought one because you never know! I love the Designer Whey Protein shakes but the bars are repulsive!!!!
  13. K

    burgers bad?

    Well, it's hard to say since you never know how they're prepared. I have a feeling it's on a grill with oil! And, the size of the burger is usually gigantic - 2 or 3 servings of protein per patty probably. As an aside, have you ever tried Bison/Buffalo burgers? They are delicious - very...
  14. K

    Body Rx?

    I also tried this program thinking that I could start at cycle 3 as I currently eat a ton (1 g per lb. of body weight) of protein anyway, and am as strong and sculpted (with the exception of a little butt work that I need to do!) as I want to be. Well, it didn't work and I gave up. Also, in...
  15. K


    Hi everyone, Just wondering if anyone has tried this plan and if so, what were your thoughts/results. I think it sounds good but I have several unanswered questions after reading the book. Any information would be appreciated. Thanks! Kelly
  16. K

    Shopping for jeans

    I have had trouble my entire life with jeans - way worse than bathing suits in my opinion. I finally found the perfect jeans and if they are ever discontinued I will just kill myself! They are sold at Nordstrom's, the brand is Halogen. They are boot cut, not too low a rise, button fly and...
  17. K


    I have a question... I am right handed so my right arm is stronger and a bit more developed - especially the outer head of my deltoid - than my left. This is only noticeable to myself unless I point it out. I would like to develop my left deltoid to match the right. Lateral raises work this...
  18. K

    'square butt' syndrome

    It's where the top of your hip/butt in the back gets overdeveloped and sticks out a little on each side. Instead of your butt being smaller at the top and then gradually getting a little wider at the bottom (the widest part of your hips) it is wide at the top and bottom. There are definitely a...
  19. K

    'square butt' syndrome

    Hi Cathe, In the Open Discussion there was mention of this high hip protrusion thing that results in the butt looking kind of square. Most people thought it had to do with tall box work. Are there other exercises that could be responsible for this? How about standing (with moderate/heavy...
  20. K

    not eating enough?

    Jen, is that you? Kidding - you sound like a friend of mine! Once in a blue moon I take a complete rest day, but honestly unless I do some kind of exercise I feel that I am going to backslide. Silly, maybe, but it's taken me a long time to get to this place. I have struggled with my weight...