Body Rx?


New Member
I recently learned about the book entitled "The Body Rx." I have explored the website, which provides a basic introduction to Dr. Connolly's plan. It seems that he recommends eating many calories a day (divided in 6 meals, with emphasis on protein), that will ultimately build lean muscle and burn fat. Has anyone tried this plan? Do you think it works as well for women as men?
Hi Amy. YES it WORKS! I'm doing it now and I couldn't be more pleased! After trying so many other 'plans,' including Body for Life, I was skeptical but no more! I'm so excited about it that I joined an MSN BRX Community Board and took on Mgnt responsibilities! Tons of excellent help and info there, if you'd like to come take a peek, let me know. I've never eaten so much in my life, yet in the past 2wks, I've lost 6 pounds! HOORAY! :)
I've been trying to get my protein intake up as suggested in the book but don't want to use supplements--the cost is astronomical! However, I have seen more results by cutting down on my "bad" carbs--breads & chips & stuff. I still have these foods occassionally as Dr. Connelly suggests, but not in the volume I used to. I have replaced baked potatoes with sweet potatoes & enjoy them much more.

As for the workouts, I have been doing the tank top rotation--lifting heavy as Dr. Connelly suggests & only doing cardio 2 or 3 times a week depending on my schedule. I am getting better results than I could have ever imagined! I do the cardio because I enjoy it not because I feel I need it. I can tell you the fat is just melting away. I haven't seen the scale move yet, I think that's because I'm gaining muscle in place of the fat. I'm trying to concentrate on the way my body looks & feels rather than the scale & I'm EXTREMELY happy with the results I'm achieving.

Mindi, can you point me to the website for the community you mention. I'd love to take a look. Thanks.

Holly, hope you give it a try & see for yourself!
I've also had success with Connelly's plan. I didnt however follow the workout regime, just continued to do my usual Cathe routines. I did follow his eating plan which I feel is very sound advice. In general, most days I fell slightly short of the total number of protein grams and a day or two during the week I ate too many "red" carbs, but I lost 10 lbs in 4 months and felt the leanest and healthiest I have in my life. I have also tried numerous other plans including Protein Power, Atkins, etc. but felt they were too strict and any plan that says eating bacon is ok, but avoid carrots just didnt seem too sound. I think if I hadnt had so many "cheat" days I may have lost the weight a bit quicker, but slow weight loss is healthier anyway, right?? And, I was only 15 lbs from goal weight to start with so I believe that had something to do with it. I have gained back 6 lbs b/c of a stressful period in my life during which I succumbed to too many potato chip binges, but just in the last two weeks I've slowly been getting back into my Rx habits and it feels great!

Yes he did train those two!

Here's the MSN website, come by and join us!

Glad to see other BRX'ers here! I'm VERY happy w/the results and how I feel so far and what's best? I sure don't miss feeling hungry all the time or tired or cranky! :)
PS: I too use Cathe for my BRX workouts, I find the DVD chapters of S&H work great! And I do Taebo still too, just because I love it.
I have had this book for awhile but never read it. But since seeing your posts, I have checked out that AWESOME website(not as good as this one though), and am going to try the food plan with my Tank Top Rotation starting Sunday. I have been following BFL food plan, and just am not getting the results I would like to see. I am a BIG fruit eater, and on BFL, I don't get near enough in in one day. I like on this you can eat as much fruit and veggies as you want. I am excited to start!!!
Lori S.
Thanks to everyone for their replies.

I got the book and had time to go through it this afternoon. I have not tried BFL, yet I think I will give this plan a try. It does not seem very complicated, although it does involve the consumption of many calories! Since the protein requirement is so high, I think I will investigate protein powder/bars to make shakes. Any recommendations? I will have such a hectic work schedule starting Monday, so I need to get some "convenient" foods...
You know alot more than i do about this, and I should definetily start with Cycle 1??? The only reason I ask that is beacuse I have been eating fairly healthy, a.k.a. BFL.
Guys I tried to skip Cycle 1 and go right to Cycle 3 and got NO I fessed up on the board and they cussed me a little but not much. LOL You MUST FOLLOW THE CYCLES! :) Initially you'll fear how much food you get to eat and you MUST EAT! You don't have to eat all the YELLOW carbs he's listed, Dr. Scott lists the limit tho for your body weight and cycle.

So my first week back at the beginning of Cycle 1, I lost 3.5lbs, my second week, I lost 1.5lbs only but did lose an additional inch over all. The people on the MSN board were amazed cause rarely does one lose weight in Cycle 1, its a time to get strong. but I'm so happy! I can see my body changing and I'm only into wk 3!!! hooray!

And yes we eat bars and drink protein shakes w/added fiber. You'll get all kinds of advice over there, myself I use Designer Whey Protein and get a fiber supplement that I add to my shakes along w/fruit. I also like EAS Avant Carb Control bars, in Cookies and Cream. YUMMY!

You have to forget about calories and its HARD! But the results are becoming clear to me and it makes sense. I eat well, I eat plenty but I'm eating low fat and my calories aren't extreme but they're being well used by my body. Dr. Scott is all about building strength and metabolism.

I find that Slow and Heavy works great w/the exercise plan! Keep in touch guys, I'm hoping you love this!
I also tried this program thinking that I could start at cycle 3 as I currently eat a ton (1 g per lb. of body weight) of protein anyway, and am as strong and sculpted (with the exception of a little butt work that I need to do!) as I want to be. Well, it didn't work and I gave up. Also, in cycle 3 I had to eat 185-190 grams of protein which I found difficult. I only want to lose 5 lbs. of fat so I'm not sure if this lengthy a plan is going to be something that I will stick with. I wonder if you can shorten the cycles? Probably not.
Anyway, Mindi, EAS Carb Control bars just added another flavor that is really good - chocolate chip brownie or something like that. I, too, am a huge fan of the Cookies and Cream flavor but find the other Carb Control flavors not very tasty. This new one may rival it as my new favorite! Definitely try it!
Thanks Kelly for the tip. I can't stand any of the flavors except cookies and cream! LOL I'll look for the new one!

Kelly as for your questions on shortening the cycles, I can't answer that but if you get a chance, you may want to visit the MSN board and ask. There are some really qualified people there who maybe CAN answer it. If nothing else, write to Dr. Connelly himself, he'll answer! He's very helpful in that respect!
Thanks, Mindi, I will look at the MSN board. I think that I got the new Carb Control bar at Wal-Mart. I only bought one because you never know! I love the Designer Whey Protein shakes but the bars are repulsive!!!!
I have one more question. I do not have the S&H series. I used to but I sold it on e-bay. Currently, I am doing the Tank Top Rotation. Do you think I can continue this, or should I do one bodypart per day like he says??? I could do a section of chest from PS, then chest from CTX, then chest from MIS, and then chest from PH. What do you recommend???

Thanks for all your help!!!!
Ok Kelly I'll check w/Walmart! Yes SO many of the bars are AWFUL! Just not worth the calories OR the cost! LOL

Dsaxton, I think that would work great! Just remember Dr. Scott said in the book to do the exercises in order. You can take it to a 3 day split if you like but do try to do them in order. At first I didn't think it would matter what order I did em in but the experts explained to me about working body parts in order for a reason of strengthening them properly. So now I do it like the book, but I use Cathe, either MIS, PS or S&H.
Yes, I will do it in order, I just used the chest as an example. I will start at Cycle 1, but I am glad to know you do not have to use all the yellow carbs. Do you do cardio?? I think I will, some. Not much. Also, can you use yogort?? UI can not find it on the food lists. I saw frozen on the red carb list, but can not find regular, sugar-free, low fat yogurt. How about flax seed?? I looked up EFA's, and he basically says not to use them, get you get enough fat from your food. And also eat fish. One more thing, then I promise I will leave you alone! Pumkin seeds?? I buy the raw kind and add them to my cereal. I don't seem to find them in the book either. If I use an MRP, do I count the carbs, or only the protein?? That is it, no more, THANKS for all your help!!
Lori S.

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