burgers bad?


I love to get a plain burger and fries when I eat out at places like TGIFridays, Applebees and Chilis. Obviously, fries aren't healthy at all, but are burgers really super bad?

There's so much news on what's good and bad that it's hard to keep up! I thought getting a burger was better than my fried chicken fingers but now I'm not sure if they're equally bad.
Well, it's hard to say since you never know how they're prepared. I have a feeling it's on a grill with oil! And, the size of the burger is usually gigantic - 2 or 3 servings of protein per patty probably.

As an aside, have you ever tried Bison/Buffalo burgers? They are delicious - very lean - just be sure not to cook/have them cooked too well done since they can become dry. They taste like a light version of regular beef. French Fries were created by the devil I think, but boy are they yummy! Sometimes, at home, when I feel like having a healthful, yet super satisfying burger/fry substitute meal, I'll fry a bison burger in Pam (you can get them in the frozen section of better supermarkets or health food markets) with a slice of fat free cheese, lettuce, tomato and spicy ketchup on top of a toasted whole wheat english muffin and bake some sweet potato slices coated with a bit of olive oil and spices in the oven - just as satisfying to me as a decadent cheeseburger and fries at a restaurant. Super delicious meal! Try it sometime.
Wow, Kelly, that sounds great. Another reason to shop at those few stores around here (Andronico's, Trader Joe's, Lunardi's Markets) that might have Bison burgers.

While on a trip to Colorado I had Bison and Elk flautas and they were Soooo good. Probably high fat but I was on vacation! The meat itself was very delicious.
If you're willing to try them, both Boca burgers and Morningstar Grillers are very very tasty and have more protein and way less fat than beef or even bison. I find once I put the pickles, ketchup, mustard, even mayo, tomato, lettuce, etc. on there, they are just as good as beef. I am not kidding.

My teenage daughter now prefers them also since they are better for "butt management", one of her extracurricular activities. And no worries about E. coli or Mad Cow disease.

There's no substitute for steak, but I have found this is great for burgers.
Maybe, but I never feel bad when I eat real meat. I figure it is protein and it does have some nutrients. I just can't lament over a steak or a pork chop when it takes all of my will power to not eat foods that can't even boast that much contribution.
RE: burgers good!

I eat red meat about twice a week. You don't have to eat the whole burger if the portion is large. I never eat fries with a burger, opting instead for pasta or something lighter. For a while I cut out red meat altogether, but as I get older, I realize that moderation is the key. No food if forbidden. Choose lean cuts and there's definitely a place for any food you enjoy in your diet.

Bobbi http://www.plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif Chick's Rule!

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