Search results

  1. N

    How do you fight the winter blahs...

    Mine is made by Northern Light Technologies and the model is the BOXelite. I don't know how to post a link, but you can find it at Mine sells for $195 and is totally worth it. Good luck. Shayne
  2. N

    BOSU Balance Trainer

    I am feeling rather uninformed, who are Amy and Tracey? My BOSU is underutilized and I could really use some good videos. Thanks, Shayne
  3. N

    How do you fight the winter blahs...

    I got my lightbox from a local medical supply store, they pretty much all carry them. You can search the internet on either lightbox or light therapy and find a ton of them. Mine is a desktop model that produces 10,000 lux (which is a rating of the amount of light the box produces). Depending...
  4. N

    How do you fight the winter blahs...

    I have had a problem with this for years. Every fall I "fall" into a funk. I lose interest in everything and sleep constantly. I gain weight and isolate myself from everyone. Every fall I end up on anti-depressants and in therapy. It had become rather debilitating. Finally last year I was...
  5. N

    I just got my dream job!

    I have a BS in Kinesiology, NASM-CPT and ACE-GFI. When training I specialize in clients with chronic health conditions. I teach all group formats other than step which I know is ironic since I love Cathe. My first class for NETA is No Equipment Needed, which is all exercises you can do with...
  6. N

    I just got my dream job!

    Thanks for all of your support. Now the adrenaline has worn off and I am nervous for my first class which is November 11. I know it will be fine, it is just doing something for the first time in front of an audience. cakebaker, sorry, not Amy Bento, just Shayne.
  7. N

    I just got my dream job!

    Just like the cliches I was in the right place at the right time and knew the right people. I got hired as a presenter for NETA (National Exercise Trainers Association). I will be traveling around the country training fitness instructors and personal trainers. Doesn't that sound cool. :o So...
  8. N

    Naked Drinks

    I love both the green machine and the red machine. I normally don't drink juice because it spikes my blood sugar so much, but if I do it is Naked juice.
  9. N

    Aerobic instructors

    I have a degree in Kinesiology, NASM-CPT and ACE-GFI. I can teach every format except for step (ironic since I love Cathe) and I gross about $22 a class. Good luck, Shayne
  10. N

    I Am Trying A New Approach To Working Out!! Eeeek!! (kinda long)

    RE: I Am Trying A New Approach To Working Out!! Eeeek!!... I also bulk up very fast and am looking for a way to lean out my muscles. I love all of your suggestions, but my question is what is "squeeze"?
  11. N

    I received Barry's Bootcamp from HSN...

    I got mine yesterday too. I haven't previewed them, but I have to say they did a great job of packaging the videos. The nice wrapping made them even more exciting to open if that is possible with DVD's. Anyway I will get to preview them tonight, yeah:D
  12. N

    In the hour it takes me to drive to Cathe's health club...

    I would make the hour drive to see Cathe in a heartbeat. In fact I have seriously considered more than once flying to see her from MN and not even during the roadtrip. I have nothing else drawing me to that area, but I would still fly out there just to be in a live class.
  13. N

    anyone ever try HIP HOP ABS by Shaun T. at Beachbody ?

    Thanks for asking this, I am also curious.
  14. N

    How do you fit in yoga?

    If you have Fittv Namaste Yoga is on several times a day and is a flow series (in fact I am watching it as I type). It ends up being about 20 minutes when you fast forward through the commercials. It is not my favorite program, but it is really accessible if you have Fittv. One big downside...
  15. N


    And sometimes one minute or even one breath at a time.
  16. N

    Happy Friday! Dont' you love it when . . .

    I am with you all. I have a CT scan at noon that I have been anticipating all week. I will be relieved when it was over (I hate drinking barium), but also anxiously awaiting the results so maybe I can get some relief. Shayne
  17. N


    Roselyn, Don't be too hard on yourself. Remember that recovery is not a straight path, but a crooked one with lots of detours. The good thing is that if you are ready you can learn from all of these detours. Another way to think of recovery is sort of like when we get a new Cathe video...
  18. N

    Barry's Boot Camp on Major Clearance

    You guys really are a collective bad influence. Videos seem to be like shoes, you truly can never have enough of them.
  19. N

    Rate of Weight loss on shows like The Biggest Loser

    Have you all noticed that near the end of their time on the ranch a lot of them have injuries. In the season where the challenge was to run up the stairs in the building I remember watching in horror as they explained the challenge to the contestants and several of them on one team were quite...
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    I was hospitalized for my eating disorder 3 years ago (binging restricter with compulsive exercise). I went in with the attitude that I couldn't do live like this anymore (had been sick for 21 years) and would do whatever they told me to get better. It was so hard I can not tell you, but it is...