In the hour it takes me to drive to Cathe's health club...


Some people think I'm crazy to drive that far just for a workout..fortunately there's this forum so I can post this to people who can relate.

So as I was attempting to peel myself off the couch last night while waiting for the wife to come home from work.. (ohh, the pain...:))I came up with this list of other things I could have done in that hour it took to make the drive.

Ironed clothes
Cleaned bathtub
wrote out bills
went to a happy hour..and ate like a pig.
watched Oprah (not on a dare)
googled Rosie O'Donnell (see above)

Yep, it sure does seem like I threw away an hour of my life for no good reason...

When someone asks me why I make the trip...I put it in these terms..take your favorite thing in the world, regardless of what it is..reading a good book, cooking a good meal..whatever. Now imagine that Steven King or Emeril LaGasse lived an hour away from you, and you had free time enough to visit them can't tell me you wouldn't make the trip...I've yet to get a no answer to that one.

See, I'm not so crazy..or maybe I am, and just lucky enough to have a forum to discuss this with people just as crazy as me...and I mean that in a good way!!

RE: In the hour it takes me to drive to Cathe's health ...


I think it's great that you take the time to do something you love and it's good for you! No need to explain yourself to anyone. Enjoy the class and telling all us crazies about it. lol

A friend in fitness,
I would make that trip, too! It's fun and it's so good for you! I would love to go to one of her high step classes...I LOVE my high step, I think it's my favorite piece of equipment.
I would make the hour drive to see Cathe in a heartbeat. In fact I have seriously considered more than once flying to see her from MN and not even during the roadtrip. I have nothing else drawing me to that area, but I would still fly out there just to be in a live class.
I have to laugh because I had several people ask me why I flew from Pensacola, FL just to workout with her!
That's one way of looking at it, Jerry. On the other hand, think of the times when you wasted an hour:

Watching old Columbo reruns
Solving Sudoku puzzles
Cleaning obscure spots in your house that no one ever notices but you like the tray in your water cooler

Oh, wait, that's me! :+ I could go on and on I'm sure.

I am grateful that you drive to workout with Cathe...Jerry- I live through your posts and can't wait to hear how it went. If she were that close to me I would do it once a week. I drove my daughter to therapy once a week 1 1/2 hr away so for my health I would not hesitate to do it for me.

I live in Connecticut and after what you did I thinking about driving down this winter and taking a class. I think what you are doing is fantastic. I'm sure everybody on this forum would love a chance to take a class!
Jerry, since I don't really know you I can't agree or disagree with you as to whether you are crazy, but I can tell you this. You are not crazy for driving an hour to workout with Cathe. People all over drive long distances to do something they enjoy, like go to the city, eat at a favorite restaurant, see a sporting event. Working out with Cathe sounds like a great reason to drive an hour and is much more enjoyable than your list of things you could have done. I love what you tell people when they ask you about it. What a great comeback.

I don't think it's unreasonable to attend a class an hour away, especially if it's not something you do regularly (which really would be a time drain).

I drove 2 hours both ways (4 hours total) to attend a kettlebell workshop, and I think it was worth it.
Anything more than once every two weeks, I'd have to reconsider. Like you said, time drain, cost of gas, it just wouldn't be feasible to do.

This is an ideal thing for me to do by myself, as DW works a long day every other Wednesday, it gives me something to look forward to. I usually reward myself after class with lunch out, usually at Applebee's....mmmmmmmm.

Doing it this way, from a workout standpoint, is a great way to vary my routine. In the two weeks I have taken live Cathe classes, we worked different body parts each time, it's always fresh, unlike the DVD's, where you always know what you're getting when you pres play.

Jerry - I am from the Phila. area and I have been trying to figure out how to combine the workout with a trip back to Philly. Unfortunately I usually go on the weekends when Cathe doesn't teach. I have a some comp time due to me because of the crazy hours I have been working so maybe I will try to get there for a Friday morning class. It will have to wait until the winter. I don't see my schedule letting up until then.
My wife is just getting started with an exercise regime..she's a newbie, I don't want her anywhere near Cathe for a while, save for possibly leg conditioning drills from Kick Max.

I have her using Leslie Sansone walking tapes to start out with.

RE: In the hour it takes me to drive to Cathe's health ...

Hi Jerry,

Glad you were able to take a Cathe class! She's great!

I don't think an hour is a long commute considering it's in a highly congested area. Cathe's gym is about an hour and a half away from my house depending on traffic. You never know what to expect with Philadelphia traffic! It can take me up to an hour to drive to my power heated yoga class if it's during rush hour. I don't mind. I can listen to books on tape, music, or talk on the phone with my friends. Normally, it takes me about 35 minutes if there's not much traffic.


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