Recent content by Lakeside

  1. L

    Compilation for extended stretches DVD

    Thank you for the listings. Yesterday, I was looking for extra stretches and reviewing various bonuses from my Cathe's dvds, especially time consuming to find are those from before her manuals and guides. I will continue my search today.
  2. L

    Fit Tower Boot Camp

    I have a power rack, so it would be useful for myself to know the distance from the floor to the first hole and the distance between each hole (assuming they are symmetrical). For those of you with the Fit Tower, could you help us without it with those 2 measurements? Garance, I have used...
  3. L

    Wish for Chaptering/Programmability for the STS Shock Cardio series

    I recently bought a Sony DVP-NC 800 five disk player with the programmable feature at Vanns. Like yourself I got it as a "just in case my Sony DVP-615 dies". The new one is considerably cheaper than what I paid for the older one years ago (at least a half cheaper or better). It also has...
  4. L

    ? on order of STS workouts

    I have done two weeks. My schedule has been: Monday - chest, shoulders, biceps, Wednesday - legs, and Friday - back and chest. My shoulders in particular need the longer rests in between.
  5. L

    ? For everyone doing STS by-the-book now...

    SusanDean, the woody bands sound good. :D I was halfway through my second X rotation when I did a chinup for the first time in my life. My power rack is in my basement along with the washer and dryer. Every time I would do a wash, I would go to the rack and do a chinup to see if it was real...
  6. L

    Barbell bar length question

    If you have a power or squat rack, you should also take into consideration its width. My 5 foot barbell did not leave much room for plates. I subsequently bought a 6 foot one which works great for my power rack.
  7. L

    ? For everyone doing STS by-the-book now...

    I can relate to that, SusanDean, except my body says 67. :D I am doing the 3 1/2 month rotation and have finished the first six disks. I did the 1RMS for most of the exercises. I have had slight DOMs. SusanDean, I am also a P90X grad, 3 times. I did a lot of subbing though for its...
  8. L

    Introducing the New Workout Manager (beta 2.0)

    I initially missed seeing the arrow to get to the block which allows one to delete a workout on the calendar. The arrow was so light I could hardly spot it. Is there any way to darken it up? Other than that, I had no trouble with the Workout Manager. It looks like a great program.:D...
  9. L


    Hi Elaine, From your zipcode I noticed we are neighbors. Mine is one digit more than yours. Good luck getting through. I will probably be getting my STS next week which isn't that bad given we are expecting a big snowstorm tomorrow and maybe one this weekend. Bea
  10. L

    Body Max 2 - feedback

    I refer to them as the "Fab Four Series" on my excel spreadsheet, Fab being short for fabulous. Can you tell I like them?
  11. L

    When will the STS 1RM Calculator be on your website?

    By the term, "registered member of our forums" are you referring to the present forum(s)? I understand you are planning forums with new software and server. Will there be a fee for membership to the new or updated forums?
  12. L

    Daylight Savings Patch on

    I was pleased to learn this morning that my new hp computer with Vista had automatically switched to this new time change. After months of struggling with updates and upgrades to no avail on my old computer with Windows 98, what a welcome blessing. Bea
  13. L

    cathe- premixes

    I would like to see at least as many premixes as there are in the Intensity Series, but would not necessarily care if there were less than in the Blast Series. I do not care at all about the Blender. I really liked the way PUB and PLB were on one DVD, same goes for C&W with BootCamp, ME with...
  14. L

    We're Filming Again!

    You are ambitious! Congratulations on turning 40 and being so successful with all your goals. Are your Heavy Splits and Total Body Weight Training workouts going to be focused more on strength/few reps rather than on endurance/many reps? Like so many of your fans, I have way more strength...
  15. L

    FIT TV wants your input

    Hi Cathe, Thank you for this opportunity to make suggestions for Fit TV. Here are my responses to your questions. 1. I work out mornings between 7AM - 9AM or late afternoons 4PM - 5:30 PM. 2. I work out six days a week which may include any day of the week. 3. I do not get Fit TV...