Your favorite Cathe phrases.....


Hey folks!! I think it would be a great idea to dedicate a special post for all of the fans of Cathes funny comments, words of encouragement, and grunts here for all of us to enjoy. We all love working out with Cathe, and we especially love how she makes us laugh at times, and just comes up with great things to say to keep us working hard. So, everyone rack there brain for a funny saying that always puts a smile to your face, or an encouragement that keeps ya going. Our little thank you to Cathe (and crew) for doing what they do best!!

My personal favorite-"Im shakin' like a chihuahua"

A few others (thanks to balletgrrl)

Funny comments-
Circuit Max: "Leave out the monkey sound effects"
PUB: When Cathe and crew are doing bicep curls with 15 lb dumbells she says, laughing, "I think I'm having an out of body experience."That always cracks me up because I think I am too!

Motivational comments-
IMAX2 - "Hang on to your hats, folks!" "Double knot your laces!" "I need your energy, commitment, strength, etc, and I need it now!"
Bootcamp - during abs she says something like "Pull! Twist! Crunch! (grunt) Get in there!"

Signature Cathe-
"What you do to one side, you do to the other!"
"Take in the air! Suck it up! It's free!"

Thanks All!!!
From CMax during balancing exercises, Cathe tells us to find a spot on the wall to stare at, to concentrate I think, then she says:

"Quit staring at me." Or something like that.

Hey, how did she know I was staring at her?;-)

I always enjoy the comments Cathe makes. I feel as though I have a personal trainer in the room with me. But I must say my favorite is
PUB: When Cathe and crew are doing bicep curls with 15 lb dumbells she says, laughing, "I think I'm having an out of body experience." Those bicep curls are rough stuff.
I also love when she says an excercise is "not very nice"

I'm always partial to "one more" and "you are done."

Edited to add that I love little things she says in each of her workouts:

KP&C: “Get your game face on!”
Cardio Kicks: “You got it, you got it, you go!”
Push Pull: (during one arm rows) “Oh look at you guys!”
Leaner Legs: “That one nearly took my breath away”

But my all time favorite is from Step Fit: “Was that a sheep?” I almost fall of my step I laugh so hard at that one.
I enjoy a lot of Cathe's comments (even when she misspeaks and says soemthing like "outer body experience"!), but I find that she ALWAYS seems to say "Yes you can!" at just the right time. I'd love to see that on a t-shirt (with a photo of that bicep curl from the cover of the Intensity Series video set).
Adding on to the IMAX2 comments:
-- Even the step routine has a ricochet!

During some endless leg workout (referring to low-ends I think)
-- Did I say they were my favorite? No, I said they were *your* favorite :)

During some kickboxing (maybe CTX?)
-- Show me teeth. I don't know if it's a smile(or something like that).

During some abs:
-- Not that you were cheating, but it's a good reminder.

There are just so many endearing comments that she makes!

I am having so much fun reading this thread!

Some of my favs have already been listed so I'll skip them. But some others I like are

-(interval #10)- "We still have to do the the WHOLE thing on the other side, oh YES you can!"
- "We are going to stretch and call it a wonderful day!"
- Genie Hops - "You're jumping!"
- (interval #2) "Over we go!"
- during the pump repeater, "Aw ya look so good doing that!"

Bootcamp, at the end "Don't you feel so accomplished?" And the answer is YES!

KPC - after the first set of squat/side kicks in the high int. drills she says "We still have to do the other side. Are ya winded? Let's go!"

My boyfriend gets the hugest kick out of it when I'm working out because I occasionally speak (more like gasping really) right along with Cathe since I know exactly what she's going to say. He says "you can barely breathe but you can still recite Cathe lines!"
Just thought of a few more:

CTX Kickbox: referring to a grueling front and side kick combination, "These really kick butt! Or should I say WORK butt??!!"

BodyBlast: when Mariah Carey's 'I Can't Live' is playing, "I know you're singing along! Now stop singing and engage your muscles!"

In one of her old-school videos (can't remember which one): Cathe is getting hyped up in her routine and she yells, "Yeah!!" It sounds kind of funny, though and she then says, "Was that a sheep?" That one is hysterical.
When I was new to Cathe and discovering PowerMax, I chuckled out loud and rewound the tape just to be sure I was hearing her properly and that she was indeed saying "c'mon don't poop out on me.", I hadn't heard that expression since I was a kid lagging behind my big brother as we ran home. I always smile and dig in when I get to the part, warm fuzzy.:) :)

My two new faves are "whatever floats your boat" SP&J (I think)and "straighten up, fly right!" from StepBlast.

She's got the knack for saying just the right thing at the right time.:7

Take Care
>Haaaa Haaaaa: in L&G doing inner thigh lifts.
>Susan C.M.

I love that one! It was such an "evil" little laugh!!! I noticed that the last time I did that one!

What a great idea for a thread!!

My all-time favorite Cathe phrase is "It's getting toasty in there!" Because right about the time she says it, I am FRIED!! LOL!!

This is a fun thread! Makes me want to do them all just to hear the phrases...but I won't! Other than the ones already posted (just did L&G yesterday and noticed the evil laugh), I find myself saying, "Boom, boom, boom," during the pump repeaters in IMAX2...but only when Cathe says it. Also, the little dance after interval 9, although not a phrase, is a fave and I do it every time. I got together with 3 other girlfriends and we did IMAX 2 and I HAD to quote Cathe and do the just wouldn't have felt right without it! I'm really not a freak. It's a compliment, Cathe...really it is:)

I like it in BootCamp when she says, "...You can do anything for a minute." I find myself thinking/saying, "I'm not sure I can, Cathe," but it is encouraging just the same.
I love Cardio Kicks when she says "Are yoooouuuuu Ready?" I always reply "Yeah Baby."

Don't remember which workout when she says "Don't Lose Me Now."

In Pure Strength - "Cedie's counting cause she doesn't want to do any extra"

Muscle Endurance - "Who in their right mind is that happy doing leg presses."

I now love but used to hate when she said before the drills in Cardio Kicks - "You guys were so incredible, but we are not finished yet."
The first time I did that workout, I said to her "Are you nuts, I'm wiped out"

She's such a cutie!!

In a couple of different work outs I love when she says:

There's no time for down time. I'd love that on a t-shirt.

My favorites would be:

IMAX 2: "Like I always say, air is free, so suck it up!" She says it in I think it's Step and Intervals too.
And my all time favorite is: I'm having an Outer body experience here! That one the first time I heard it made me stop and laugh. Yes, I rewound and did the reps I was supposed to, but I either stopped or dropped the wieghts. It was just too much for me at the time. I thought my bicepts were completely fried, but it really helped to hear that Cathe was having trouble then too. So, I finished the reps.

My most favorite phrase she says that always makes me laugh and seems to give me a quick pep of energy when laughing is "whatever floats your boat"!! that gets me everytime I do that workout!!

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