Your favorite Cathe phrases.....

Yesterday as I was doing IMax 2 I heard this and thought, gotta be sure to add this to the thread. ;-)

Interval #2 she says "I don't hear any breathing back there - that's a good thing, right!?"

I get such a kick out of that!
I'm reading this and just loving it. You missed one of my favorites, though. I was sure someone would have already mentioned it. If it's not in PUB, it's another weightlifting video...Cathe says "Make sure you have dumbbells around you" and Rhonda gets this slightly offended look on her face. I always think to myself "I ALWAYS have plenty of dumbbells around me." It just cracks me up.
I can't remember which IS or BB workouts have it, but I giggle every time Cathe tells us to "go get our balls". }( }(
I did IMAX 2 last night, and last night during the warm-up as she does L-steps off the side, she says, "Just let your hips go loosey-goosey." I always get a kick out of those words!:D
Fab Thread!!!

I like the outer body experience and the "i can't hear you breathing back there ... thats a good thing right?"

Plus ME on the biceps curl, Cathe's and Brenda face just make me laugh, Brenda looks like she's in such pain, and i know what she feels like ... ouch that set hurts!
I can't remember any of the videos these are from but..
I always love it when Cathe says "put it right back on for a repeater..." and "Boom, boom, boom..." (when doing the pump repeater) and something like "left leg on the board, grapevine, go.." it sounds really sing songy and I don't know why, but I love that!
>Fab Thread!!!
>I like the outer body experience and the "i can't hear you
>breathing back there ... thats a good thing right?"
Actually, I think thát's "I CAN hear you breathing back there"! LOL
CurlyQ - Just in case your going nutty trying to figure out what vid that is in its PUB, I just did it today, I liked that saying too about the ball.

Another one I like is in PLB when your doing the calf work on the step and she says ok ready.... well just get up there & do it ( something like that ) by then my calves are fried. Or when she says the barbell is only for balance not like this - when she bends over & leans on it. She is just so great!

Laura =)
Here is a link to my before & after photo's
I love it in Cardio and Weights when Buttercup comes on and it's such a catchy tune and she says, "You'll be singing this one all day."
Jumping on this topic kind of late.:) Anyhow, in IMAX 2 I think on the 6th or 7th interval, Cathe says " So what do you want, answer the question and get busy". I just love that phrase

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