
Jann what a gorgeous shot of your location. I just love it. So pretty. Love the lake and little beach.

Susan what a great birthday for Abby! I absolutely LOVE Trisha Yearwood. I so admire how much you guys travel. So lucky.

Lisa glad you enjoyed Vegas.

Yes, I did live in Hawaii, for 3.5 years from early '79 to late '82. I was only supposed to stay with my brother for his remaining six months in that tour of duty, but ended up with my own circle of local friends, and a job, got my own apartment, and took it from there. So many sleepless nights I ponder what my life would have been like if I had stayed rather than coming back home. So many questions I will never have answers to.

I love flying and would go anywhere. If you think Hawaii is far you should try New Zealand and Australia. We flew from Buffalo to LA to Wellington New Zealand and stayed there a week before going on to Australia. When we flew home we went from Sydney Australia to Honolulu to LA then home. You lose a complete day with the travel then there is the time difference.

And if I could have any single thing in the world, anything at all including money, fame, power, position - I would choose only one thing. That would be to go back to Sydney, board a train and travel across the Outback to Perth on the Indian Ocean. There is no trip in the world that I would rather do. I did make it to the Outback and actually climbed Ayers Rock with a girl I met from England. The Outback was fascinating except for one point when an Aborigine woman tried pushing me into the water. But I have such a fervent dream to see Perth in Western Australia. I am signed into the site on Facebook and the photos take my breath away.

My birthday was great - a wine tour all day with family and we actually all got along. Then we ate at NY Beer Project. Then Saturday and Sunday Gerry and I went to Turning Stone Casino mid-state NY to meet up with friends. It was so refreshing even though it was a short quick trip.

I am continuing in my fascination with Cathe Live. I so wish I had started this when she first offered it. I just love it.

I don't know how to change the name of our group here to just plain XTrainers.
Hi all!
Susan, no I didn't take the picture. Patrick the guy who flies the balloon posts a lot of pictures over Pinehurst because he lives here too. Mark won't go up in the balloon so I don't think that I will either. For some reason it sounds like a couple sorta thing. :0) Patrick posted that he has several marriage proposals a year when he takes people up.
Wow that was a great trip! Happy belated birthday Abby!

Shelley -- How was your birthday weekend away??? Your pictures were great. Looks like a nice place.

Lisa welcome home. I wish I could catch your addiction -- LOL --- I have to kick myself in the butt to exercise anymore. I loved it when I couldn't wait to work out in the morning. Once I broke that habit it's never returned. :-( Keep up the great work!

I am hoping to get my live edge furniture delivered this week!! So excited!
Hi all!
Susan~ It was not warm enough for a tan. 80 there is not 80 here :) The weather is just amazing and I so hope we can move West one day.

Shelley ~ I am glad you had a good birthday. If your husband won't go with you, can you take that trip with a friend? The older I get the more I want to do all the things I want to so I have no regrets. I do have to admit that I am very blessed in that I love my life. There really isn't anything I would change.

Jann ~ How far are you from Baltimore? I have no clue about Maryland south of there.

Checking in with Xtrain Bis and Tris.
Shelley -- I didn't see your post. I am so happy you had a good birthday! Australia sounds like a great place to see. I love the accent so I would just walk around listening to people talk!
That is the smaller beach, there are 2 other beaches that are bigger. Plus there are 3 pools. This is a really nice area.
I will let you know after this winter how I feel about moving here - :)

Lisa, I am west of Baltimore, in clear traffic it's only 45 minutes to the heart of Baltimore.
Shelley---Austrailia has always been my dream vacation but the older I get the less anxious I am to travel that far in an airplane. LOL How cool to have climbed Ayers Rock!! What other continents have you been to?

Lisa----When we were out west, I was talking with some locals about how the weather works on the west coast and by the desert, but never thought of Vegas as being cool. LOL

Jann----How exciting!!!!! The furniture is going to be so beautiful! Pictures, please??

Toady was Rythmic Step and Core Max.
Susan - I am with you with the plane rides. 6 hours is it for me and that's even a stretch.

Checking in with Afterburn
Susan I went to France with the school club when I was a sophomore in high school. Other than that, Hawaii, Mexico, and some states but not nearly as many as I would like.

I hope more traveling is in my future. We may be going to Hawaii for my 60th, think I already mentioned that, and I would also like to hit Alaska before the ice is gone for good. My friends went there and it was 95 degrees. I would like to do cruises and all-inclusives when I semi-retire. And my "unrealistic" dream is a trip like I saw on National Geographic where you leave from the southern tip of Chile and go to Antarctica. I would love to say I stood on Antarctic ice before I die. I saw some wonderful trips online. Europe and Asia have no hold on me, and you could not give me an all expense paid trip to the Orient. I'll stick with the places of my dreams.

Checking in with Cathe Live Metabolic Circuit Blast even though I was very sleep-deprived this morning from trying to stay up to watch the election returns.

I guess we have to start a new thread titled Xtrainers, as there doesn't seem to be a way to change this one and it drives me crazy that it says October. Having OCD is not fun.
Shelley~ I changed the name to just Xtrainers. You are preaching to the choir on the OCD. I fell so bad that Margaret has it as well.

Cardio Leg Blast today
Shelley---What a dream trip!! How do you travel to the Antartica? Boat or plane? I would love to travel to western Europe and see all the old architecture. My paternal grandparents came to America from Czechcoslavkia and some of my cousins have gone to there to visit remaining family.

That was some night, Tuesday night!! I cannot believe that people are rioting because their candidate didn't win.

Lisa---I am the only one that is OCD in our house. Chris and Abby have a blast with challenging me on it. LOL

Forgot my workouts for Tuesday...Legs, SH & abs
Today---Tris, core and TM/spin
Lisa thank you for changing the name. I am glad it was possible to do without losing our history for the short time we've had this thread. Lisa I momentarily forgot that you are my sister from another mother!

Susan you take a boat to Antarctica. I've seen several shows but cannot recall the names of the ships. I'd have to look them up but then it would be like rubbing salt into my wounds, just like when I see photos of Western Australia. The more I see of these places, the more I want to go. My brother in law wants to take my sister to Italy as he wants to see where his parents came from but she won't go so he is bitter. I believe you will get to Europe. Look how many wonderful trips you have been taking already.

I am disgusted by all the discord and discontent over the election, and all the protesting. Those people should all be mandated to live in an oppressive third-world country for one month each, then let's see what they have to say. And those who want to leave the country - well let me help them pack!
I am with you both on the protesting over the election. Get over it - especially today a day we should be honoring all the men and woman who have fought and still fight to keep this country free and GREAT. If you don't like it - move. *off soapbox*

Shelley~ My parents went to Italy to see where their parent came from. They loved it.

Checking in with RWH LI Hiit mixed 1 and 2 and core.
Happy Friday!!! I am so ready for the weekend and for now we don't have any plans....yay!!

Shelley---please don't look up the boat names!! I didn't mean to make you feel bad about the excursion. *hugs*

Checking in with BB Lucky 7 this morning. It's a circuit total body weight workout.
Hey all

I made it here. Thank you for starting this. I doubt this is a private thread ?
Halloween was a blast. Rhea was Katniss everdeen and Neel was a pumpkin. They got a lot of candy. It is all being donated minus 10 candies each.

Last weekend we went to Maryland to visit the cousins.
Previous weekend I was on call and we received 6 phone calls. The bright side was we did not have to go out. But took a toll on us.
This week has been roller coaster here.
I was a poll clerk at our precinct. I left home at 6am and returned at 11pm. I was so tired by the end of it. It was a great way to see democracy in action. Learning first hand how hard it is to cheat. We had 90% voting and everyone of them passionate. I am so very glad to be living here.
This week has been sporadic workouts. I am heading to Hawaii next friday.

Rhea is in a running group called Girls on the run as a part of it there is community service. We are collecting stuffed animals to be sent to refugees in Syria.
I will workout later. It is good to "see" you all.
Happy Belated Birthday Shelley.

Sydney is an amazing place I went for work and stayed a week and a half. It is so beautiful.

Lisa, How was Vegas ?

Protesters are like petulant children. Use the energy to make sure that policies coming out of WH is for the good of the country. We need to give a him a chance. Ridiculous they are rioting.
Susan, I went back to previous posts and I am truly heartbroken for Abby. I am furious that the school is not doing much. How is Abby dealing with this at school ? I am so glad she said that she wants to wait for you to come before the talk started.
What tools does she have to deal with the bully if the school thinks that they have to apply the same rules to both of them. Why are they victimizing the victim again? Is the other girl going to the guidance counsellor and getting some form of counseling due to her circumstances.
So many questions I am sure you have already asked and found no answers. I am going to do some research on federal rules. I know the feeling that every evening you are hoping and praying that Abby had a good day at school.
Happy Monday!
K ~ It's so good to see you here. Vegas was great. Margaret did Girls on the Run when she was younger and it was a great experience. She ran a few 5K's at a fairly young age.

It was a fairly busy weekend. We had a baby naming on Saturday and yesterday we met Jacob for breakfast. It was a beautiful day at the shore.

Sunday was Tabatacize plus Core #1 and today Burn Sets Chest Back and Shoulders.
Lisa you are a paisano to me!?!?! I don't remember knowing you were Italian. Who is having a baby, did I miss something? Glad to know you agree with all the protesting. Here I am trying to honor my dad and his friends for his part in the D-Day landing on Omaha Beach in WWII, and all around my posts are people protesting and wanting to move because Trump won. Pathetic. Let them move, and see how much they like living elsewhere.

Susan you didn't upset me! Actually I already looked up the Antarctica flights and posted you a link on FB. How is Abby? My thoughts and love are with her. You could never upset me. Your heart and soul are too kind. I wish I was more like you.

Kiran so glad you are here. So nice to hear you like living here. You shed a very refreshing and encouraging spin to all the craziness going on. My friend of 55 years is making an ass out of herself on FB. I can barely stand to read her posts. Unfortunately this is not a private thread or else I would ask you to post photos of those gorgeous children of yours dressed up for Halloween. Gerry's granddaughter did Girls on the Run. It was a fantastic program and really propelled her into athleticism.

Jann I keep entertaining the thought of someday calling you from your area and saying "Guess what", "I am nearby"! Your area is so beautiful. Love the photos of your home.

I am continuing with Cathe Live until the spirit leaves me and I move back to the DVD's. Right now I enjoy the feel of being in a real class at a real gym. Wish I had done this back when it began.
Shelley~ Yes I am Italian. You would never know by my Irish last name :).

I could not agree more that these protestors should move to another country and see how they like it. It's been almost a week. Get over it and give the man a chance. Don't these people have jobs??!
Happy Belated Birthday Shelley.

Hi ladies.
Been held up these past couple of weeks.
I did something wicked to my outer thigh.
Barely been able to walk some days.

I think it was a combo of running a 10K and moving right in my Michelle Dozois Fit challenge workouts without a break.
Anyway I am hoping I am back on the mend as it feels a little bit better today than it did over the weekend.
If it gets any worse, I am going to go and see a doctor.

Jann, and Lisa, I used the WEN products in the past. I was hoping that it would help my hair from falling out but I didn't really see a change. However, I never tried the oil. At least I don't think I did. I did have a lot of his products at one time. I do take a Biotin supplement that is suppose to support Healthy Hair, Skin and Nails.

Jann, that truly is a gorgeous picture. My favorite time a year is fall. and that picture really captures why.

Lisa so agree with you about the museams in NY. Time Square seems to always be crowded as well. When I was younger, I always wanted to live there too. Then I was there for about 4 weeks for work and decided that I did not needed to go there. But I still like going at least once a year.

Shelley and Susan Australia sounds awesome. I actually had plans to go early this year for the Australian Open Tennis tournament. But one friend bailed out and then my Dad health started seriously deteriorating. I still want to go though.

Susan, so sorry to hear about what has been happening to Abby. It is absolutely outrageous and I echo K's sentiment.

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