I've been driving a ways to/from work since my 1st "real" job. Nothing in town pays decent. I'm currently about 30-35 miles from work, normally its a 45 min to an hour drive. Saturdays are a consistent 40 mins, during the week it varies. Tack on another 15-30 mins if it rain, and about 2 1/2 - 3 hours each way if it snows. People can't drive if there is any kind of weather.
Prior to that, I was about the same. Before that I was about 60 miles (office transfer w/ in same company) and that was about an hour and 15 or hour and 30, depending on what time I got out the door. An extra half hour for rain, and about 4 hours if it snowed (more often than not called in on those days) and a steady hour on Sat. And $4 in tolls each way. Before that I was at the same company, in another location, about 30 miles from home, and that was an easy 45 min ride, pretty consistent, unless the weather was way nasty, then it would push 2 hours.
That whole last paragraph was all the same company, but they were opening/closing offices and I moved offices 3 times in 5 years to help straighten people out - I really don't job hop that much.
And my 1st "real" job was also about 30 miles from home, there was less traffic then, and I had to be at work early, and left early, so that was about 30-45 mins each way.
So yeah, I've always driven a ways to work. It is only annoying when the weather is bad and you're stuck forever. Just make sure you have gas

DH is lucky - he about 15 miles away and it takes him a little less than half an hour to get to work. He goes thru towns, whereas I have to take the interstate which doesn't move all that quickly in the morning.
What you really need to do is consider the extra gas money, travel time (my time is worth money) and wear/tear on your car. When I moved to the office where I was paying the big bucks in tolls, I negotiated a sizeable raise to cover my increased mileage, time, tolls, and car wear/tear.
So I'm used to driving, I always say I'm going to look for a job in town, but I have a hard time getting motivated to look when I already have a job I like.