What's your Occupation?

I'm a wife, Mom and Grandma! I also teach Hi/Lo aerobic & strength endurance classes four times a week. I LOVE my job and have met sooo many lifelong friends. The side benefits of this job are priceless. I incorporate Cathe tapes here & there whenever I can. FUN thread!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I am a lawyer--commercial litigation and construction law mainly, but sometimes other kinds of law too. I work in Binghamton, NY.
Senior accounting manager\Projects manager in a snowmobile\ATV manufacturing company. We finally have some snow here in Northern MN.!!!
I'm a freelance court reporter. It's taken me a long time to realize that I really do love my job...I only work two days outside my home and pretty much can pick and choose the days I work, depending on what's going on at home. The pay is great and the work is usually interesting!

I have always regretted, though, not going to college and plan to start taking classes when both my kids (5 and 2) are in school.
I am a stay at home mom and proffesional vocalist. Anyone else live in the San Juaquin Valley of California?

Deb D.:)
I've been working 19 years for a partnership as bookkeeper, payroll and taxes, cash flow projectionist, filing and spokesperson for the team.
I have loved/hated this job. When I have to do and updated machinery list while I am doing Cathe, is when the hate factor comes in. LOL
90% of the time, I can pretty well choose my hours, and I get loads of perks as my husband is one of the partners.:p
I'm a RN currently working in ICU/CCU in Conroe,TX. (north of Houston)My husband is also a RN. I love nursing!! I've been working out for 19 years. Started with the Firm and evolved to Cathe. It's interesting to see the great diversity in careers represented on this site.
Hey guys! Cool thread!

I have my BS in microbiology and my BA in psychology, and I'm interning at a middle school while I work toward a credential to teach high school biology. After a year of hating medical school (no offense to all of our wonderful doctors), I can finally say that I've found my niche! Now if I could only fit into the jeans I wore in high school...


This is such a great thread!
I was a dental hygienist, (retired) now I am a stay at home Mom with four beautiful, terrific kids (ages 5 to 12).

I am special education teacher in southern California. I teach learning disabled,autistic and developmentally delayed kids in grades K-3. It's the greatest job! I started doing this 18 years ago.I took about 6 years off in the middle to be a stay at home mom. I like being around for my children and doing what I love as well!:)
Yes!! Another court reporter Catheite!! I'm an official reporter in Supreme Court on Long Island.
I work in a marketing department of a pulp & paper company as the number cruncher/forecaster and manager of customer service. We are a small group, and the VP is very busy, so I basically take care of anything he doesn't have time for. Lots of variety on the job. I work with a great set of people as well.

My dream, though, would be to work at home so I could have an African Grey parrot buddy that hung with me 24/7.

What a great thread!
It was so fascinating to see what everyone here does - I am super impressed!

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