What's your Occupation?

I am a Professor of English at Williams College. I have been here since 1972--the first woman hired in the English dept. when the college went co-ed.
I am a math specialist in a private school. I have spent most of my years teaching jr. high math, but a few years ago I made a switch. I now work with kids from 1st through 8th who need extra help or the ones who need to skip a grade.
I'm a Paralegal who specializes in criminal defense and appellate law. I work in a private firm and also am involved in some work w/juveniles who need assistance or CINA, as its called here.

My BF and I also raise Chow Chows and Shih Tzu dogs so as they say, my life has generally gone to the dogs. *S*
I'm a Paralegal who specializes in criminal defense and appellate law. I also work with juveniles who need assistance..CINA, they call it here.

My BF and I raise Chow Chow and Shih Tzu dogs too, its our 'hobby' that we hope to make into a full time business..so that our life can really go to the dogs. :D
Great Thread !!
I am an office manager for a Tree Service in Georgia. I work part-time and mother to three !! Love my Jobs !!!!
It must have been rough being the first female professor at Williams College! Kudos to you! I assume there are a lot more now? :)
Great Thread!!

I'm a Medical Laboratory Technologist specializing in Microbiology and Serology. I only work part time these days. I have a two year old and nine year old. I love being able to stay home with my two year old.

I am a admin assistant for Lamar Advertising in Lexington, KY. We do outdoor advertising (billboards) and are a nationwide company. I've worked there for 6 1/2 years so my title does not include everything I do around here. My other title is charting manager. I decide where advertisements will be put up.
Project Assistant for a commercial construction company. I like my boss and most of co-workers, dislike the chauvinist environment (and the endless supply of donuts!)
Hi everyone...this is so interesting.
I work as a supply school secretary in Toronto, Canada. I quit my full time job so that I could spend more time with my daughter and this job works out perfectly. I can make up my own schedule and have summers off including numerous other holidays and PA days.

CRNA - Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist; I put patients to sleep (and wake them up!) for surgery, also epidurals for laboring mamas. Love, Love , Love my job!:)

I got my B.S. in mechanical engineering back in 1995. I was naive and didn't really know what I was getting into. I was good at science and math so was encouraged to go into engineering. It took me six years to get my degree, but that's because I didn't always go full time. I did some part time work in HVAC which I did not like. If I had to do it all over again, I would've chosen another major such as computer or software engineering. Although I really like the industry I'm in (it's pretty neat building flight simulators and trying to fly them), there are too many ups and downs. I was layed off about a year ago and had a real hard time finding anything in my field that I qualified for. Fortunately my old company got some more work and hired me back, but they are running out of work again...

Anyway, you may live in a more industrial area where finding a mechanical engineering job might not be as hard. But from my experience, the software and computer engineers have more opportunities in today's world. I don't know what other type of engineering you might be interested in, but there will always be a need for civil engineers too.

Not really sure if I answered your question, but if you have any more questions, let me know.


What a fascinating variety of careers!

I'm a former jack-of-all trades Air Force broadcaster. I write radio news right now. I'd like to get back into voice work and video production eventually. I also write fiction and hope to get some of my novels published someday.

However, right now, my ultimate job would be stay at home mom for my 14 yo and 7 yo DSs. I work 4:30am-noon, so I'm lucky to be home with them in the afternoons.

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